Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 353: Seal The Heavens [Please Order]

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The world shook, and with one against two, Ba Dao took the lead in attacking. Two sword shadows hundreds of millions of feet in size overwhelmingly blasted towards Dao Yang and the strong men of the strange clan.

The strong men of the strange clan condensed a dark divine rainbow and roared away through the void.

Daoyang also transformed the big knife in his hand, stimulating the Great Dao power in his whole body. With a loud shout, it transformed into a sea of ​​​​knives in the sky.

The sea of ​​knives roared, and a powerful aura wave emanated from it, pointing directly at the huge knife shadow.

next moment.



A harsh clang and a loud collision sounded at the same time, and in the center of the collision, a scene like a catastrophe appeared.

The billion-foot-long sword shadow cast by the Tyrant Sword, with an unstoppable force, directly smashed the black divine rainbow into pieces at the moment it collided with it.

Turning around, the sea of ​​​​swords that filled the sky with "187" was also unable to withstand this terrifying knife shadow offensive. As the clang sounded, the sea of ​​​​knives that filled the sky was violently shattered.

Immediately afterwards, two huge sword shadows blasted towards the strong men of the Weird Clan and Daoyang.

The strong man of the weird clan waved his hand and shot out a Divine Ability to dissolve the sword shadow.

After all, this blow was a one-on-two blow from the Ba Dao. In addition, the previous collision had offset a considerable amount of power, so it was resolved so easily.

He was so relaxed, but Dao Yang was not.

He is not a strong person in the Origin Realm.

Facing the huge knife shadow, he kept waving the long knife in his hand, hitting a series of Divine Ability, and after a violent collision, he barely resisted the blow of the Tyrant Sword.

After a collision, Ba Dao's aura surged throughout his body, he locked onto the two of them, and headed straight towards them with his big sword in hand.

At the same time, the strong men of the weird clan and Daoyang looked at each other and also killed Ba Dao.

At this point, a war has completely begun.

At the same time, the battle continued throughout the Chaos battlefield.

This unprecedented battle continuously erupted with deafening roars in the chaotic battlefield.

This battle was fought in a situation where the sky was dark and the earth was dark, everything was in ruins, visions were appearing everywhere, and the entire chaotic battlefield was about to turn into a catastrophe.

And in this battle, because there are so many powerful people, they are unable to kill each other, and they are all in a crazy battle with each other.

One year, two years, ten years, decades passed in the blink of an eye, and the entire world had long been turned into ruins. This chaotic war still did not stop at all.

However, decades of wars have left some strong men in the Half-Step Origin Realm unable to bear it, and they have already gone back to adjust their breath.

This war that has been going on for decades still shows no sign of ending, and instead intensifies.

The people watching around have been staring at the battle in front of them for decades.

As for the battle caused by the Samsara Pearl, the Samsara Pearl had already been born, but no one cared about the Samsara Pearl because the battle was too fierce and could not even tolerate their Spirit Partitioning.

In this destructive battle, the battlefield between the Chaos Demon God and the strange clan of Eighth Layer Origin Realm powerhouses is now located.


The two's Divine Abilities collided, and each other was directly knocked back.

The eyes of each other were locked on each other. At this time, the Chaos Demon God's face was actually indifferent. On the other hand, the strong man in the Eighth Layer Origin Realm was already stained with glory.

It is true that after decades of war, he fell into a disadvantage.

After the brief collision, the Chaos Demon God's eyes flickered and he glanced at the battle between heaven and earth. There was no sign of it ending.

Immediately, the hands began to change.


While his hands were changing, ripples continued to appear in the space around the Chaos Demon God, and in an instant, a powerful sealing breath spread from the rippled void.

The ripples rippled and condensed into wisps of immortal runes in mid-air.

The moment he saw these wisps of immortal runes, the eyes of the strange Eighth Layer Origin Realm expert suddenly froze.

He thought that when the Chaos Demon God used this attack before, it was the Great Dao that sealed the strong men of his clan, and it had a wide range.

At this moment, without any hesitation, he directly shouted from Yang Tian.

"Quickly retreat!"

The two words rang out, shaking the sky, and fell into everyone's ears, causing those who were fighting to watch.

When they saw the ripples wrapped in immortal runes starting to spread around, their expressions changed drastically.

Similarly, the powerful men in heaven also saw this scene, and they naturally knew what would happen next.

At this moment, facing the strong men of the strange clan who were retreating rapidly, the strong men of God directly used their killing moves. How could they let the other party escape...

Although the strange clan strongman from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm reminded him quickly, how could they surpass the speed of sealing the Great Dao.


In the mid-air of the chaotic battlefield, a wisp of rippling immortal runes spread out and fell directly on the powerful men of the strange clan who wanted to retreat.

In an instant, the originally roaring battlefield suddenly became quiet for a short time, as if the war had ended.

Looking at the powerful men of the strange clan in the air, the body of the Eighth Layer Origin Realm powerhouse in front of the Chaos Demon God was shaken, and the Great Dao power in his body could not be activated, and he was imprisoned in mid-air.

The same is true for the two Seventh Layer origin realm powerhouses who fought against the Killing Heavenly Venerable.

There are also the opponents of the Chaos Sword Master, the strong man from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm, and the Lord of Space.

In the blink of an eye, the Great Dao's power was unable to be activated and was directly sealed.

Although for them, the seal can only last for a moment, but for the battle between the strong, a moment is enough.

They were so powerful that they could only seal it for an instant, but Dao Yang, who was fighting with Ba Dao, and the strong man from the Third Layer Origin Realm, were all suspended in mid-air with pale faces, staring at Ba Dao with fear written in their eyes. .

And of course it’s the battlefield where Feng Chen is.

As the sealing power spread, it fell on the Fourth Layer's origin state, causing the other party to be sealed by the Great Dao, sealing off the power of the whole body.

At this moment, the enemies belonging to God in the entire world of 4.0, those origin realms, half-step origin realms, are all sealed in mid-air.

Moreover, it is the sealing power exerted by the Chaos Demon God of the Seventh Layer Origin Realm. For those of them who are half-step to the Origin Realm and whose cultivation level is lower, it completely puts them at the Cui Banchen.

These people directly became fish on the sticky board.

After a short period of silence between heaven and earth, no one missed this opportunity and launched their killing moves one after another.


Sonic booms continued to sound, there was a roar in the sky, billowing visions swept across the world, and waves of extremely terrifying offensives quickly condensed in the hands of the strong men in the sky, and then blasted towards the opponents.

Next, all that could be heard in the entire chaotic battlefield were the constant roaring and collision sounds, and the sound of those strange clan members being blown away [figures spraying blood]

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