Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 355 Ancestral God, Please Take Action [Please Order In Full]

A war that lasted for decades changed the situation with the Chaos Demon God's divine ability.

The strong men of the Weird Clan can be said to be dead and injured, but only the Eighth Layer Origin Realm is still fine.

When people in the Eighth Layer origin state were thinking, suddenly.


A piercing clang resounded across the sky. In the universe and in the Myriad Worlds, a brilliant river of time kept rolling and appeared in everyone's eyes.

On that dazzling river of time, there is a breath of swordsmanship that reaches the sky.

Extremely sharp and vigorous, the breath of the Great Dao advanced and became the source of all light in the world.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on each other, with shock and excitement written in each other's eyes.

In an instant, everyone saw a figure in the Galaxy like a master, standing in the river of time, holding a big sword and looking down at the world.

In the rolling vision, the figure of Ba Dao is so majestic.

However, what excited everyone was not the strange vision displayed by Ba Dao at this time, but the fluctuation of aura exuding from Ba Dao's body, which had already entered the origin realm.


Ba Dao suddenly raised the long knife in his hand.


The space shattered, and the vision surged at once, rushing into various universes, triggering the resonance of the Great Dao.

Ba Dao also jumped directly to the level of the Third Layer's origin state.

At this time, Ba Dao became the focus of the strange sights all over the sky. His eyes flashed and locked directly on the strange powerful man from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm below.

After the breakthrough, Ba Dao's strength increased by leaps and bounds, and he couldn't help but want to take action.

The tyrant sword who became the master of the sword once again made the strongest person in the strange clan stunned.

Looking at the situation in front of him, all his clan members were seriously injured, as well as the sword master who became the master of the sword.

Although the Tyrant Sword is only in the Third Layer's origin realm, it is the sword of the sword, the supreme sword of the Holy Sword!

Not daring to be underestimated, he looked up to the sky and shouted loudly.

"Ancestral God, please take action!"

The words rang out, causing the expressions of countless people to change instantly.

When they were on the chaotic battlefield before, they clearly saw the power of the strange ancestral god.

Could it be that the other party is going to take action again?

The voice of Eighth Layer's origin realm sounded, causing the powerful men in the sky to stare blankly.

Feng Chen looked at the distance and shouted, "Ba Dao, stand back!"

Although the current Ba Dao had just broken through and wanted to find someone to fight, the moment he heard Feng Chen's words, he still rushed back quickly.

He knew that Feng Chen could not harm him.

At this time, Feng Chen was staring into the distance. If the strange ancestral god really revives, who can resist him today?

At the same time, the power of the Chaos Demon God and the Killing Heavenly Venerable Great Dao was activated crazily, staring into the distance.


In front of everyone's eyes, the sound of morning bells and evening drums resounded through the sky, and high in the sky, billowing dark clouds came over.

A boundless and ominous breath continued to flow down, shaking everyone's mind.

Even under the influx of this ominous aura, countless powerful men in the sky could not help but worship in their hearts, and each other frantically mobilized their own strength to resist the influx of this aura.

However, their resistance seemed so pale, and this breath was too terrifying.

Under the pressure of the aura that filled the sky, the dark sky and earth were rolling, and the entire chaotic battlefield was constantly shaking, as if it was the end of the world.

In an instant, under the gaze of countless eyes, the sky in the distance trembled, and the strange shadow of the ancestor god appeared again.

The strange ancestor god at this time was obviously much more powerful than the last time he appeared, and even his illusory body became somewhat solid.

"Fortunately, it's not a complete recovery."

Seeing the appearance of the strange ancestor god, the Lord of Samsara let out a sigh of relief.

He was very aware of how terrifying the power of the resurrected strange ancestral god was. If the other party really resurrected, today would be the end of the world.

The strange ancestral god has not fully recovered, which also allows the Chaos Demon God and the Killing Heavenly Venerable to take a breath.

However, they were also staring at the strange ancestor god with some solemn eyes.

The sound of morning bells and evening drums rang out from around the strange ancestral god, crushing the ages and shaking the world to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a dark universe appearing in the sky above the strange ancestral god.

In the universe, what is suspended is not the bright stars, but the stars as black as ink. What these stars contain is an unknown force that can destroy the heaven and the earth.

In a blink of an eye.


The universe roared, and these billions of stars were heard one after another, falling from the universe overwhelmingly. Such a scene was as terrifying as if it was going to destroy the entire chaotic battlefield.

When billions of dark stars arrived in the sky, they directly enlarged and turned into huge meteorites.

Looking at the stars in the sky, everyone was silent.

Such an attack made them feel a strong threat of death. They couldn't imagine who could bear it if those huge meteorites were allowed to fall.

"Haha! God's mighty ones, go to hell!"

"It's over! It's all over."

"If the Ancestral God takes action, you will all die!"

"Hmph! So what if you break through the sword master? Can you still resist the attack of the ancestor god?"

"Go to hell."

All the sentient beings in the sky were silent, but the Weird clan was laughing loudly.

In their laughter, the figures of Killing Heavenly Venerable and Chaos Demon God moved at the same time.

The hands of the Chaos Demon God changed rapidly, and wisps of immortal ripples spread crazily around.

At this time, the Chaos Demon God activated the Great Dao power throughout his body, constantly instilling it in the immortal ripples.

In the blink of an eye, these radiant immortal ripples turned into a huge barrier.

The huge barrier seemed to encompass the heaven and earth, so huge and vast.

Buzz. (Yeah)

The barrier wave was turbulent, and there was an aura of eternal isolation. In an instant, the barrier spread rapidly towards the surroundings, isolating the people of heaven.

At the same time, Killing Heavenly Venerable's bloody eyes blinked, and the power of Killing Great Dao rose up from all over his body. Under the rolling, drops of blood flew out from his hands.

As the blood dispersed, it condensed directly in mid-air and transformed into a bloody long sword.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Yang turned into a bloody sword in mid-air.

In this bloody Wang Yang, there is an aura that slaughters all the Myriad Worlds and continues to surge, causing the creatures in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to tremble when they feel this aura.

At this moment, dark meteorites fell from the sky, and competing with them was a sea of ​​bloody swords.

Powered by the overwhelming killing power of the Great Dao, the bloody sea of ​​swords blasted directly towards the behemoth meteorites above.


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