
There was a roar between heaven and earth, and continuous sonic booms were heard in the chaotic battlefield. A doomsday-like scene appeared in front of all living beings.

The sky in the sky has already turned into a catastrophe.

The dark stars in the sky, driven by the strange ancestral god's body, fell one after another, and collided with the blood swords condensed by the killing Heavenly Venerable.

At this moment, the catastrophe is approaching, and the void between heaven and earth has already been shattered into pieces by this collision.

In mid-air, fireworks are constantly blooming everywhere, and the shock wave generated by the collision is even more chilling.

I don't know how long this collision lasted, and countless creatures could only hear the roaring sound that kept ringing in their ears.

Fireworks kept rising in the air.


After a long time, the sound of collisions in the sky weakened a lot, and the originally overwhelming black stars also decreased a lot at this time.

As for the killing Heavenly Venerable attack, it was shattered by the tyrannical power of the stars.

In front of everyone's eyes, dark stars continued to fall from the sky.

Bang! Bang!

These stars continue to fall on the immortal defense activated by the power of the Great Dao.

As the dull sound continued, the stars sprinkled down 273 crazily, falling on the defensive shield, creating ripples on the shield without penetrating it.

This scene lasted for a long time.

However, the stars in the sky were not able to break the defense exerted by the Chaos Demon God.

After all, this is a defense jointly used by the Killing Heavenly Venerable and the Chaos Demon God, and it cannot be so fragile.

A catastrophe slowly came to an end, and all the dark stars that originally appeared in the sky had dissipated, leaving only the catastrophe in the entire heaven and earth, and the terrifying shock waves spreading in all directions.

One blow failed to kill Heavenly Venerable and the others. The strange ancestor god suspended in the sky blinked for a moment.

In a blink of an eye.


The majestic big hand roared past, covering the sky and the earth, and took away all the people of the strange clan on the battlefield below.

Everything happens in a flash of lightning, and the strange ancestral gods come and go as quickly as they come.

In an instant, the strange clan in the chaotic battlefield disappeared.

And this also announced that the battle that had lasted for decades had come to an end.

At the same time, the Lord of Space, who was knocked away, looked extremely gloomy. His eyes swept over the Lord of Samsara, the Demon God of Chaos, Feng Chen and other people in the Yama Palace, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, the whole person tore apart the space and disappeared over the chaotic battlefield.

As the war came to an end, the figure of the Lord of Samsara flashed and he directly held the fuse of the war, the Samsara Pearl, in his hand.

It was a bead that was gray all over, no more than the size of a thumb, and looked very ordinary, but the face of the Lord of Samsara was so excited.

When the battle came to an end, everyone looked at the people in Yama Hall in shock.

In the last battle, there were only three strong men in the original realm in the Yama Palace, but now, there is another strong man in the original realm in the Yama Palace, and he is also a strong man in the original realm of swordsmanship.

and Divine Child of Yama Temple, Feng Chen.

When Wang looked at Feng Chen, his eyes were filled with horror and shock.

Originally, this battle was related to Feng Chen. After all, the initial battle was the Great Dao battle.

But then Feng Chen used his strong strength to fight against Ye Cheng and Tianzhou, and the fierce battle ended with the appearance of the Samsara Pearl.

"From today on, who in the entire universe dares to provoke the Palace of Yama?"

"A force with four origin realms is well-deserved to be the top force in heaven."

"It's no wonder that so many powerful men from heaven choose to collude with the Weird Clan. The main reason is that the pressure placed on them by the Palace of Hell is too strong.

"Yes, they have always been at odds with Yama Luodian, and coupled with Yama Luodian's style of doing things, the only people who can make them immortal are the Weird Clan."

"Haha, have you forgotten how many times the Weird Clan prayed at the hands of Yama Palace?"

"If you ask me, the current Weird clan (chbj) dare not challenge Yama Luodian head-on."

"It is estimated that the people of the Weird Clan will be quiet for a while. The only thing they can wait for now is the complete recovery of the Weird Ancestor God."

"The entire universe is about to undergo a complete change of dynasties."

Under one after another shocked remarks, the beings in the heaven looked at the strong men of Yama Hall one after another.

They did not leave, after all, they had been hanging around the heavenly materials and earthly treasures suspended in the air for a long time.

But even though the war has ended now, they don't dare to fight for it.

Mainly because the people from Yama Palace haven't left yet.

At this time, under the gaze of everyone, Feng Chen blinked, glanced at the treasures of heaven and earth in the distance, and then quickly withdrew his gaze.

These things are of great use to the common people, but are completely useless to themselves.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Ba Dao.

Ba Dao also noticed Feng Chen's gaze and flew over with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, I have made a breakthrough!"

The words rang out also represented Ba Dao's excitement and his ability to continue to protect Feng Chen.

When Feng Chen broke through the half-step Origin Realm before, Ba Dao was a little anxious, worried that his strength would be caught up by Feng Chen.

The current Tyrant Sword has become a true Half-Step Origin Realm, a true sword master. He naturally has this strength.

Feng Chen looked at Ba Dao and nodded slightly: "Well done."


At this moment, the Lord of Samsara appeared with excitement on his face.

The Lord of Reincarnation first looked at the Chaos Demon God, Killing Heavenly Venerable and others, and finally set his sights on Feng Chen.

"Feng Chen, I really want to thank you this time."

"If it weren't for you, this robbery of the Samsara Pearl would never have been so easy."

The Lord of Samsara is telling the truth. This war caused by the Samsara Pearl is too terrifying.

In the end, even the weird ancestor gods took action. The Lord of Samsara could not imagine what the outcome of this war would have been if Feng Chen and the Chaos Demon Gods had not taken action.

After listening to the Lord of Reincarnation's words, Feng Chen also smiled slightly.

"Lord of Reincarnation, there is no need to say this. After all, you and I have already been allies."

"The Lord of Samsara can improve his cultivation through the Samsara Pearl, which also means that the strength of our Yama Palace has increased a lot."

As Feng Chen finished speaking, the Lord of Samsara was stunned for a moment, then a thick smile appeared on his face.

"In that case, I won't be too polite."

"If you can use me in the future, just ask."

Feng Chen nodded: "Let's go too. The people around us have been fascinated by those natural and earthly treasures for a long time."

The Lord of Reincarnation spoke.

"Well, I've been stuck in the Eighth Layer Origin Realm for too long. This time I got the Reincarnation Pearl and I'm going to try to make a breakthrough."

"After I break through, I will go to the Yama Palace to thank you."


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