Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 358 The Lord Of Reincarnation Breaks Through, Ninth Layer Origin Realm [Please Order]


The sound of morning bells and evening drums suddenly sounded in the sky that had been quiet for a long time.

In an instant, under the loud noise, the sky shook rapidly.

An extremely powerful coercion spread far and wide.

At this moment, the dead trees in the sky are springing up, all things are revived, and the entire sky is instantly filled with this breath, turning into a vibrant scene.

Under the vision, everyone's eyes were looking at one place.

That is the realm of reincarnation.

Because this extremely rich breath of reincarnation comes from the realm of reincarnation.

Similarly, countless creatures also thought that the Lord of Reincarnation had obtained the Reincarnation Pearl in the chaotic battlefield.

"The Lord of Reincarnation has broken through!"

"Hiss! He was originally the Lord of Reincarnation in the Eighth Layer Origin Realm. If he breaks through now, wouldn't he reach the Ninth Layer Origin Realm?

"Ninth Layer's original "403" realm is only one step away from being able to transcend."

"Although the difference between the Ninth Layer origin realm and the Eighth Layer origin realm is only the First Layer, it is a world of difference."

"The existence of the Ninth Layer Origin Realm is already considered to be the top powerhouse in the Myriad Worlds."

"Yes, there are no transcendent beings in the sky, or even in the battlefield of chaos. As for the Ninth Layer origin realm, I can count them all on one hand."

"The Lord of Reincarnation is now the most powerful person in the world."

Under the visions that fill the sky, countless creatures are talking about it.

As they discussed, endless bright light rose above the sky and in the universe, and the Lord of Samsara appeared in the light that filled the sky.

With that dazzling figure and the aura emanating from his body, he looked toward the heavens like a scornful figure, completely like a god's mansion.

Along with the rise of the vision, the Lord of Samsara flashed from the universe and headed directly towards the realm of Yama.

In the Hall of Yama at this time.

Feng Chen also looked at the visions all over the sky, and when he saw the Lord of Reincarnation coming, he also had a smile on his face.

"Congratulations to the Lord of Reincarnation for his breakthrough and becoming a Ninth Layer Origin Realm powerhouse."

After countless years of breakthroughs, the Lord of Samsara naturally had a smile on his face.

"When I was on the battlefield of Chaos before, I said that when I break through, I will come to Yama Hall to thank you.

The Lord of Samsara paused for a moment and continued: "I came here this time just to tell you some good news.

"The moment I broke through and became the Ninth Layer Origin Realm, I felt that the appearance time of the Time River Artifact in the Origin Palace of Chaos Battlefield was advanced."

When the words came out, Feng Chen was also overjoyed: "If you say so, I will be able to get the weapon of the river of time soon."

The Lord of Reincarnation nodded: "This time it is probably a hundred years ahead of schedule."

Listening to the Lord of Reincarnation's words, Feng Chen's face was filled with smiles.

I asked Ming Wushuang before, and he said that the weapon of the river of time is in the Source Palace of the Chaos battlefield, but it will take at least a thousand years for the weapon of the river of time to appear in the world.

Hundreds of years have passed now, and coupled with the good news brought by the Lord of Reincarnation, it means that it will take hundreds of years for the Changhe Artifact to come out.

The Lord of Samsara looked at Feng Chen who was full of joy and was a little curious. After all, he had never seen Feng Chen so happy before.

"I wonder what effect the Time River Device will have on you?"

When Feng Chen heard this, he did not hide anything and said in a deep voice: "It can help me break through the origin realm."

"Huh?" The Lord of Reincarnation was stunned, with confusion on his face: "Is your breakthrough different from ordinary people?"

Feng Chen shook his head: "Because I possess two Great Daos of time and space. If I want to break through, in addition to swallowing the source realm and fighting for the Great Dao, I also need the weapon of the long river of time.

"Only by obtaining the weapon of the long river of time can we make a breakthrough."

As soon as the words came out, the Lord of Samsara frowned slightly: "I'm afraid the Weird Clan also knows this."

"Hundreds of years of light and shadow, I'm a little worried."

"The last time in the Samsara Battlefield, the Weird Ancestral God took action. Although the Weird Ancestral God did not fully recover at that time, the distance between the two was not much different from the real recovery.

"Coupled with your threat to the weird clan, I am a little worried that the weird ancestor god's recovery will be advanced.

Listening to the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, Feng Chen asked: "Can he still control the resurrection?"

The Lord of Reincarnation shook his head: "The Weird Ancestral God naturally cannot control it."

"But don't forget, Yama Luodian has offended many powerful people in heaven."

"It's hard to guarantee that if they face your breakthrough, they will help the Weird clan and intensify the recovery of the Weird Ancestor God."

"If the strange ancestral god resurrects when the Artifact of the River of Time appears, it will definitely be a disaster for God...o

"Especially Yama Hall, you are a thorn in the side of the Weird Clan. With the Weird Ancestral God resurrecting, it is absolutely impossible for them to watch you get the weapon of the river of time to make a breakthrough.

As the Lord of Reincarnation finished speaking, Feng Chen also fell into silence.

The Lord of Samsara was indeed right. The last time he saw the strange ancestral god on the chaotic battlefield, the opponent was obviously much more tyrannical than when he first appeared.

If there is help from those powerful people in the sky, it is indeed possible to speed up the recovery of the weird ancestor god.

Especially the Lord of Space, the person who controls the Great Dao of space, with his help, it will be of great help to the recovery of the strange ancestor god.

Looking at the silent Feng Chen, the Lord of Samsara turned around and smiled: "But you don't have to worry too much."

"After all, this is all a later story, just a guess."

"Those powerful people who want to help the Weird Ancestral God to revive must also understand that if the Weird Ancestral God is completely revived, it will also be a catastrophe for God."

"At that time, these people who have helped the Weird Clan will all become sinners of God and become the focus of abuse by hundreds of millions of people."

The Lord of Reincarnation finished his words, paused and continued: "Everything depends on the development of things. As the saying goes, if the plan cannot keep up with the changes, no one can say.

Feng Chen nodded.


Afterwards, the two chatted for some follow-up, and the Lord of Samsara left.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, the mist of 4.3 is constantly rippling, the mountains are surrounding, and the clouds and mist are rising.

This is a Tao realm that looks like a fairyland. Below there are two Immortal Kings practicing in this fairyland.

"Tell me, with our level of cultivation, do you want the Yama Palace?"

The other Immortal King heard this and shook his head: "It is said that there are tens of thousands of Immortal Kings in the Yama Palace. The cultivation level of the two of us is too low."

"I'd say wait until the Immortal Emperor before surrendering."

The other party nodded when he heard this: "It seems so."

"When you reach the Immortal Emperor and go to the Yama Realm, you will definitely receive far better treatment than the Immortal King."

"Seize the time to practice."

After a brief discussion, the two began to practice in this fairyland-like place, hoping to become the Immortal Emperor and enter the Yama Palace.

Just when the two were meditating.


Buzz. .

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