Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 359 Feng Chen, Get Out And Die [Please Order]


In this fairyland-like realm, the space ripples, and two figures slowly step out from the rippling space.

The leader looks very handsome and wears a luxurious golden robe, which indicates an extraordinary status.

The whole person exudes an extremely terrifying Great Dao wave of time, and his eyes blink, shining like stars.

Behind him is an old man.

The moment the old man appeared, the surrounding void quickly twisted and turned into small whirlpools, absorbing towards the whole body of the old man.

As soon as the two people appeared, the entire Dao Domain trembled rapidly, as if it was unable to withstand the pressure.

"Is this God?"

The young man glanced around, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and showed a smile.

In an instant, he saw the two Immortal Kings below who were looking at him with horror.

"A mere Immortal King? He's really weak."

The young man fell down with a sound and waved his hand casually.

Click click click.

The space shattered, and a heaven-destroying aura flashed past, falling directly on the two Immortal Kings.


The next moment, a dull sound was heard. The two Immortal Kings didn't even have a chance to resist. They turned into a blood mist and fell to the ground.

The old man behind the young man saw this and waved his hand, and dots of blood mist appeared in his hand. The old man closed his eyes slightly, then opened them and looked at the young man.

"The Divine Child has been found. The man's name is Feng Chen, and he is in a place called Yama Dao Domain."

Killing two people casually, the young man didn't care at all. Hearing the old man's words, he nodded slightly: "In that case, then go back quickly. This god's spiritual energy is too weak and I don't like it."

The young man's name is Shenmeng, but he is not a person from God.

The old man nodded when he heard the words: "I sense that there are several people in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm in this heaven, and they do not pose a threat for the time being.

"Although my cultivation has been temporarily suppressed in the Eighth Layer origin realm because I came across the border, these people are not worth mentioning.

"Then Divine Child only needs to devour that Feng Chen."

Shenmeng nodded slightly.

"Let's go."

"Your Majesty, after statistics, there are currently thirty thousand Immortal Kings, ten thousand Immortal Emperors, one thousand half-step origin realm experts, and ten origin realm experts in our Yama Dao domain.

In the Yama Dao Domain, in the Yama Hall, the Chaos Sword Master looked at Feng Chen on the main hall and said.

Feng Chen nodded: "The number is quite a lot."

"Continue to expand. I have a hunch that the final battle is not far away."

yes. "


Feng Chen looked at Ba Dao: "Is there any news about the Great Dao people recently?"

Ba Dao shook his head: "Not yet. Since Your Majesty devoured Ye Cheng and Tianzhou on the chaotic battlefield, the entire heaven has been very peaceful."

"Even if there is, I have seen how powerful your Majesty is and does not expose his aura."

"Keep looking."

"The Lord of Space still exists, and the Great Dao of Space has not yet appeared. We can only find cultivators of the Great Dao of Time first.

Ba Dao responded: "I understand, Your Majesty."



Just when Feng Chen was about to say something, his brows froze and he looked into the distance.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Feng Chen's expression changed slightly, instantly attracting the attention of Chaos Sword Master and the others.

Feng Chen smiled slightly and looked through the hall to the sky.

"Whatever comes, it's time for the cultivators of the Great Dao to come."

As soon as the words came out, they burst out instantly, suspended in mid-air, and each looked into the distance.

"Feng Chen comes out to die."

A sentence suddenly rang in the sky.

This sentence contains an extremely strong meaning of arrogance, and the sound is rolling, echoing continuously in the Myriad Worlds.

And this sentence also caused shock to countless creatures.


"Who dares to be so arrogant and let the Divine Child of Yama Palace suffer death?"

"I'm afraid this person doesn't want to live anymore."

"The sound seems to have come from above the Yama Hall. Could it be that the other party went directly to the Yama Hall?"

"Hiss! I have to say, even though I don't know who the other party is, this person is really brave enough.

"How dare you go to the sky above the Yama Hall to make a noise, and also let the Divine Child of the Yama Hall suffer death. You are not ordinary courageous."


Countless people were shocked when they heard this sentence.

After all, Feng Chen is the Divine Child of the Yama Palace, and now the Yama Palace is the top power in the entire universe. In the whole world, they can't think of anyone who is so bold and dares to go to the Yama Palace to die.

For a moment, their eyes were all looking in the direction of Yama Dao Realm, and they were very curious about this arrogant person.

In full view of everyone, in the sky above the realm of Yama.

As the sound sounded, Feng Chen's figure also flickered up, suspended in the air.

At the same time, two figures tore through the void and appeared above the Yama Dao Domain under the gaze of countless eyes.

The leader is Shen Meng, the half-step origin realm of Time Great Dao.

As soon as Shenmeng appeared, his whole body burst into incomparably bright light. In the rolling light, there were clouds and mist rising, and the surrounding space began to rapidly collapse.

Strange images suddenly appeared, causing the sky to crack and the universe to shake.

This seems to be something Shenmeng did on purpose, for fear that others would not know about him, which can be said to be extremely high-profile.

The old man behind Shen Meng also released a terrifying coercion that spread throughout the sky.

"Hiss! An Eighth Layer Origin Realm, plus a Great Dao cultivator of half-step Origin Realm, when did God have such a powerful person?" 730

"I have never seen anyone from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm. Who is he?"

"Indeed, I have never seen him before. Moreover, this person from the Great Dao Origin Realm of Time appeared too suddenly. There was no news about him before."

"Could it be that the other party came to Yama Hall in such a high-profile manner just to devour the Divine Child of Yama Hall.


"However, does he not know how powerful the Divine Child cultivator of Yama Palace is?"

"But looking at the confidence on this man's face, it seems that he has the means to deal with Feng Chen."

"This is the first time I've seen someone dare to go to the Yama Palace and make noise."

Under the murmurs of discussion, the Lord of Samsara also appeared in the chaotic battlefield when he sensed the powerful man from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm.

"They are not people from God, but from other chaos."

The voice of the Lord of Reincarnation sounded, and the expressions of all living beings changed instantly, and they all looked at Shenmeng and the two.

This was the first time they met other Chaos people.

The Lord of Samsara focused his attention on the old man, and he could clearly feel that the other man's cultivation was suppressed.

Similarly, Feng Chen's eyes were fixed on Shenmeng. With the help of the ability of luck's golden eyes, he clearly saw that Shenmeng was actually a person with golden luck.

This discovery put a smile on Feng Chen's face. .

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