Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 382 The Shock Of All Living Beings [Please Order]

The powerful Primordial God shocked countless people. With two consecutive punches, he killed the Lord of Destruction and the strong man who swallowed the Great Dao. It also shocked many strong men in the Hongmeng world and fled the chaotic battlefield like running for their lives.

When everyone was talking about the power of the Primordial God.

Feng Chen's figure jumped up and headed directly towards the time clock that was emitting bright light in the sky.

At first, Feng Chen's speed was extremely fast, but as he got closer to the time clock, he became more and more able to feel the strong aura of the Great Dao of Time emanating from the time clock, just like Wang Yang.

And as he got closer, Feng Chen's speed also slowed down a lot, obviously affected by the time clock.

In full view of everyone, Feng Chen waved his hand and tried to take the time clock away.


However, Feng Chen waved his hand, but was imprisoned in mid-air, unable to make any further progress.

When Feng Chen saw this, a smile appeared on his face, and he turned around to activate the Great Dao power of his body.


With the injection of Great Dao's power, the imprisoned palm gradually recovered, and Feng Chen's palm fell on the time clock.


A loud noise instantly spread throughout the sky and the entire chaotic battlefield, making all living creatures feel that the blood flowing through their bodies temporarily stopped at this time.

The sonic sound cleared everything, and except for Feng Chen, almost everyone was affected to a greater or lesser extent.

In a blink of an eye.

An extremely blazing light bloomed in the sky, filling the eyes of all living beings.

When their eyes regained their light, they saw that the time clock that was originally hanging brightly in mid-air had come into Feng Chen's hands at this time, and became only the size of a palm. If it weren't for the strong sense of time in the time clock, When it comes to fluctuations, it looks like a very ordinary clock.

Feng Chen also looked at the time clock in his hand, and the smile on his face gradually grew stronger.

I felt the power of the time clock from a distance before, but now, holding the time clock in my hand, the tyranny I feel is even more terrifying, with a complete terror of imprisoning time.

After successfully obtaining the time, Feng Chen's eyes flashed and he fixed his gaze on the distance, where the space realm was located.


Without hesitation, the figure flashed and left the chaotic battlefield directly, heading towards the blocked space realm.

As Feng Chen left, Primordial God and the others also chased after him.

"I guess it won't be long before God is going to have a complete war with the Weird Clan."

"Yes, after all, with such a strong man who is half-step beyond the realm, a war is inevitable."

"One thing to say, I am now very curious about how many people have not come out of Yama Hall.

"There should be no more, right? It's already half a step beyond the realm of transcendence. If there are still strong people coming out, doesn't that mean they are the existence of the realm of transcendence?"

"There is also the King of Hell. Don't forget, everyone, the King of Hell from the Yama Palace has not shown up since then."

"Yes, there are already strong men in the Hall of Hell who are half-step beyond the realm of transcendence, which means that the strength of the King of Hell will be even more terrifying."

"I really didn't expect that God and the Weird Clan have been at odds with each other for countless long years, but they will eventually be destroyed by the Yama Palace that has risen for thousands of years."

"It won't be long."

"No, look quickly, the people in the Yama Hall don't seem to be heading towards the Yama Hall.

"That's true. What are they going to do?"

"The place they are going to seems to be in the direction of the Space Dao Domain."

"What! Could it be that they are planning to attack the space realm?"

"The space realm has been blocked by the Lord of Space. How can they find it?"

"Even if it can be found, it's impossible to break it open."

"Yes, after all, the Lord of Space is a strong man in the Great Dao of Space. No one in the world is more accomplished than him in blockade.

"Yam Luodian is a little impatient."

"Your Majesty, this is it."

Feng Chen and his group were suspended in the universe, looking at each other at the empty space in front of them.

The Primordial God said.

Feng Chen nodded slightly: "Break it open."


The Primordial God Lord fell down with a sound, and he suddenly took a step back and took a deep breath.


At this moment, as the Primordial God took a deep breath, the wave of visions around him suddenly surged, and the universes trembled rapidly.

An endless force gathered from all around crazily towards where the Primordial God was.

The light rose, the bronze light flickered, and in turn bloomed a ray of brilliant gold.

Jinze turned far away and hovered over the palm of the Primordial God.

At this moment, the power emanating from the Primordial God Lord increased rapidly at a step-like speed.

The majestic power instantly filled the entire universe, shook the sky, circulated in the Myriad Worlds, and shocked the hearts of countless people.

Under the condensation of this power, the Primordial God slowly clenched his palm and turned it into a fist.

There is a golden light blooming slowly on the fist.

The most shocking thing is not the blooming light, but the power contained in this move of the Primordial God.

When countless creatures noticed this scene, their expressions changed drastically. You must know that the punch of the Primordial God who had just killed the Lord of Destruction was not so terrifying.

But now, there is nothingness and emptiness in front of the Primordial God, and some creatures are very confused about what the Primordial God is trying to do.

In full view of everyone, the Primordial God shouted loudly and punched the empty space in front of him.

With one punch, the universe trembled, and a majestic force fell down like a mountain, like the power of the universe.

As the Primordial God struck out with a punch, under the gaze of countless creatures, the originally empty void suddenly disappeared.


The morning bells and evening drums sounded instantly, and the punch of the Primordial God landed on a universe.

As the sound fell, the sky was violently shaken. Under the horrified gazes of countless creatures, the sealed space realm was directly punched out by the Primordial God.

After all, the Primordial God has a strength comparable to the Transcendence Realm, and the blocked space in front of him can be completely ignored.

A punch fell on a universe. What a terrifying scene it was. It was completely beyond the understanding of countless creatures. This was the first time they had seen someone dare to attack the universe with a fist.

As far as his eyes could tell, the place where the fist landed was where the Space Dao Domain was, and it was constantly trembling from the punch of the Primordial God.

Under the vibration, wisps of space waves rippled from the surface of the Space Dao Domain. They were the formations of the Space Dao Domain itself, the formations left by the previous Space Lord to protect the Space Dao Domain.

Facing the large formation, the Primordial God shouted fiercely.

next moment.

Click to death. .

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