Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 383: Chasing The Lord Of Space [Please Order In Full]


A crisp sound resounded in the universe, and the punch of the Primordial God, which contained the power to destroy the world, landed hard on the space domain with the defensive formation.

A crisp sound came, and cracks appeared on the large formation, as if it was about to break at any time.

"Feng Chen! Do you have to kill them all today?"

At this moment, tyrannical space fluctuations came from within the space realm, and in turn condensed the figure of the Lord of Space.

At this time, the space lord's face was filled with anger, and his eyes were fixed on Feng Chen.

"Our space realm has blocked the space, what else do you want!"

When the words came out, there was no need for Feng Chen to speak, Ba Dao just snorted coldly.

"You have always been against Yama Luodian. Our Yama Luodian's style has always been to kill everyone. Today, your space realm will definitely cease to exist."

At the moment when the sound of Ba Dao fell, suddenly.

"Who do you think you are!" The angry space lord locked the sword.

"Who do you think you are!"

Turning around, the universe trembled, the Myriad Worlds trembled crazily, and a violent force burst out instantly.

The tyrannical force directly knocked the Lord of Space away.

The person who spoke was none other than the Primordial God.

After the Primordial God finished speaking, the power in his fists exploded again.

At this moment, everyone felt a crazy burst of monstrous power, mixed with bright gold.

And the source of this dazzling gold is where the fist of the Primordial God is located.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, all the power of the Primordial God Lord was instantly channeled into his fists.

The next moment.


A roar suddenly sounded in the universe.

And when all the sentient beings saw the scene in front of them, they were all dumbfounded.

They saw a scene they would never forget.

When this roar sounded, the air of space between heaven and earth instantly collapsed, and at this moment, the huge space realm was smashed to pieces by the terrifying punch of the Primordial God.

The Dao Domain shattered in response, and chaotic spatial turbulence erupted from it.

At the same time, there were strong men flying out from the space realm. Their faces were full of anger, staring at Yama Luodian and others.

The anger on the face of the space lord who was knocked away in the distance was even more intense. If eyes could kill, he would have killed everyone in Yama Palace countless times now.

But, unfortunately, looks can't kill.

Even if the Lord of Space is extremely angry, he cannot stop the shattered space realm in the distance.

After smashing the space realm with one punch, the Primordial God looked towards the angry space creature in the distance.

"Ah! I will fight with you!"

The Lord of Space looked up to the sky and roared, desperately stimulating the Great Dao power of space in his body.

With the urging of the space master, the stars and universes in this universe are shaking crazily.

There are even some living universes that are rolling around under the urging of the Lord of Space. The tyrannical broken space is blasting directly towards the Primordial God and everyone in the Yama Hall.

When the Primordial God saw this, he snorted coldly.

As his cold snort fell, his fists condensed again, and the bright gold began to fill the air.

At this moment, a terrifying power was rapidly condensing, and the dazzling golden light blooming on the fist of the Primordial God instantly illuminated the sky.

The power erupted from the fist has far exceeded all previous attacks performed by the Primordial God.

The gaze of the Primordial God was fixed on the Lord of Space in the distance.

Take one step instead.


Taking one step forward, the universe shook violently, and thousands of visions gathered together, turning into an endless wave.

Then another step.

The huge sound came again.

Two steps are just two steps. The distance between the Primordial God and the Lord of Space is no more than a hundred feet.

For the prehistoric protoss, this distance of a hundred feet is enough for the fist to fall on the Lord of Space.

Feeling the dangerous aura so close at hand, the Lord of Space's heart beat violently.

At this moment, he did not choose to pay attention to the punch of the Primordial God, but frantically and desperately activated the Space Great Dao Emperor in his body.

Driven by the desperate power of the Lord of Space, at least ten realms and ten universes have become turbulent.

These are one universe. The power contained in each universe is unimaginable. However, now, ten universes are roaring towards us. How terrifying this is...

Seeing the ten extremely huge universes roaring towards them, the Lord of Samsara and the Chaos Demon God set off together.

The two of them changed their hands at the same time, and the Great Dao aura spread from each other towards the surroundings.

Where the Chaos Demon God is, with his changing hands, the immortal Great Dao runes rotate.

In the blink of an eye, these wisps of immortal runes were like a strong wind, shrouding the five universes.

At the same time, the Lord of Reincarnation mobilized all his strength, and his two palms turned into majestic hands of nothingness, covering the five universes.

Under the combined efforts of the two of them, in this heaven that had long been filled with infinite visions, with the simultaneous cooperation of the Chaos Demon God and the Lord of Samsara, the ten realms slowly spread towards the surroundings at this moment.

After all, this is the realm of Dao, this is the universe. If they are allowed to fall, it will be an unprecedented catastrophe for the entire heaven.

This doesn’t even count the millions of living things in the universe.

If the universe falls, those millions of living beings will also fall directly.

Fortunately, the two of them chose to take action at the critical moment, thus preventing this catastrophe from happening.

But after seeing that the ten realms were safe and sound, everyone's eyes instantly focused on the Primordial God.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Primordial God struck hard at where the Lord of Space 0.8 was.

Originally, the Lord of Space knew that he was no match for the Primordial God. In the face of absolute strength, he had already planned to let tens of thousands of creatures be buried with him.

Just a moment ago, he saw the Lord of Samsara and the Chaos Demon God taking action at the same time to stabilize the ten realms at the same time. Such a scene was completely despairing for the Lord of Space.

A kind of despair that even death can do nothing.

In the eyes of the Lord of Space, the fist of the Primordial God, which was glowing with golden light, rapidly enlarged.

The power that burst out from the fist could no longer be described in words.

In the blink of an eye, the fist that could destroy the heaven and earth, under the gaze of countless creatures, the punch of the Primordial God landed solidly on the Lord of Space.


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