Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 384 The Death Of The Lord Of Space [Please Order]

The way of heaven collapses, and everything is in ruins.

A sound of morning bells and evening drums sounded from the universe.

At the moment when this sound came, the Myriad Worlds, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, were filled with a breath of sadness and the power of the Great Dao of Space.

Click, click!

At this moment, all the people heard the sound of space breaking, and a sense of sadness slowly rose in the hearts of countless living beings.

This is the vision of the Great Dao’s origin realm falling.

at this time.

In the universe, all sentient beings look towards the source of the sound.

Everyone saw that the unprecedented punch of the Primordial God, the strongest punch he had ever unleashed since his appearance, fell hard towards the unprepared Lord of Space.

The sound came, and the entire body of the Lord of Space collapsed rapidly, along with the disintegration of the long river of time above the Lord of Space.

This represents the fall of the Lord of Space.

"The Lord of Space has also fallen."

"In one day, two of the gods actually fell from the original realm."

"If you include the powerful one in Hongmeng World, there are already three of them."

"And the people who killed these three origin realms were all this strong man who was half-step beyond the realm."

"Oh my God, what kind of blessed existence is this half-step beyond the realm of transcendence?"

"I can't imagine who else in the world can withstand his punch?"

"Even the Lord of Space was shattered by one punch. This is a bit too terrifying."

"The whole world is really going to change."

The sentient beings looked at the fallen Lord of Space and kept screaming in surprise.

The Lord of Reincarnation also looked at the direction where the Lord of Space fell, and shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

Of course he was not regretting the fall of the Lord of Space. After all, he had known the Lord of Space for so many years and had fought countless times. Today, he witnessed the fall of the Lord of Space with his own eyes, and he felt bad in his heart.

What he regretted was that the Lord of Space, an old monster who had lived for many years, was on the wrong team.

He chose to stand on the opposite side of the Yama Palace, which doomed him to fall sooner or later.

The Lord of Samsara felt regretful and couldn't help but look at Feng Chen.

This person who they could not look down upon at the beginning has completely reshuffled the entire universe after thousands of years of development.

The Lord of Reincarnation knows that with the fall of the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Space, the entire universe will usher in a new era, an era headed by the Palace of Yama.

Different from the shock of countless creatures, those in the space realm in the distance saw the Lord of Space being killed with one punch.

"Your Majesty!"

Roaring angry sounds continued to echo in the universe. The eyes of these people turned red instantly. They stared at each other's eyes firmly at Yama Luodian and others. The strong murderous intention seemed to rush into the sky and envelope Yama Luodian and others.

Sensing their gazes, Ba Dao turned to look at Feng Chen: "Your Majesty, they..."

Feng Chen didn't even look at them, and said: "Surrender without killing."

The words fell.


The power of the sword in Ba Dao's whole body surged in an instant, the sword in his hand flashed with light, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and shot towards those people who were filled with anger.

At the same time, Chaos Sword Master, Killing Heavenly Venerable and others also turned into an afterimage, killing everyone in the space realm.

Although these people witnessed the fall of the Lord of Space with their own eyes, each one of them was full of murderous intent towards Feng Chen and the others.

But in front of top powerhouses like Chaos Sword Master, facing the choice between life and death, even though they were a little angry, they still chose to surrender.

However, there are some people with backbone who are not afraid of death even when faced with the Chaos Sword Lord. Instead, they use up the last strength of their bodies to use their killing moves even when they know they are unable to resist.

However, their cultivation levels are far different from those of the Chaos Sword Masters, and even if they activate their heaven-defying Divine Ability, it will be of no avail.

This cannot change their final fate.

Amidst the angry roars, those who resisted died in a pool of blood.

Countless people fell silent when they saw this scene.

Naturally, they also have some sympathy for these people in the Space Dao Realm.

But at the same time, they also know that this is the law of nature, the natural law of the weak and the strong.

And they have always been against the Yama Dao Domain. This is their final fate, because it is the Yama Dao Domain that finally rises, not the Space Dao Domain.

And they also believe that if the position is changed and the space realm rises, then what they see now will be the slaughtered Yama realm.

In this world, although there is a common enemy of the weird clan, in the sky, there is no shortage of strong people among the billions of creatures, nor is there any shortage of geniuses.

And the one who can decide all this is the real strong one.

Only the strong have the right to speak, while the weak can be slaughtered.

Under their silent gazes, the originally angry people in the Space Dao Realm gradually became weaker and weaker as the Chaos Sword Master and the others killed them, and even became inaudible.

Below, Feng Chen also looked at him, then immediately withdrew his gaze.

There are many people in the space domain. Although some of them have surrendered now, no one can guarantee what they will do in the future.

Even if they join the Yama Dao Domain, they will receive "special care" in the future.

After pondering for a while, Feng Chen looked at the origin of the Lord of Space in the distance, and a thick smile gradually appeared on his face.

As long as you swallow the origin of the Great Dao in this space, it means that you are one step closer to the origin realm.

Although the half-step origin state of the Great Dao of Space did not appear, that is because the Lord of Space has always been alive.

But now, with the fall of the Lord of Space, there will inevitably be a half-step origin realm breakthrough of the Space Great Dao.

What Feng Chen wants to do is to directly devour the origin of the Lord of Space. In this case, he can directly isolate those geniuses who plan to break through the half-step origin realm of the Great Dao of Space.

At the same time, Feng Chen does not need to continue the Great Dao battle, because the origin of the Lord of Space will become the three half-step origin realm experts in the Great Dao battle.

As long as the origin of the Lord of Space is swallowed, the next step will only be the weapon of the river of time.

Because there are two Great Daos of time and space, although both the Great Dao of time and the Great Dao of space can enter the original realm, in the end it requires one of the most important links.

That is the instrument of the long river of time.

Only treasures such as the Tool of the River of Time possess the unparalleled ability to fuse two Great Dao.

Feng Chen thought about it for a while, and then slowly headed towards the origin of the purpose of space.

At this moment, the attention of countless creatures was attracted again. They looked deeply at Feng Chen, with expectations and curiosity on each other's faces.

They also want to know what will happen to this person who possesses the Great Dao of both space and time after devouring the origin of the Lord of Space, and what level of cultivation he will reach.

In full view of everyone, Feng Chen came to the source.

Looking at the origin that exuded strong spatial fluctuations, Feng Chen's face was filled with a smile, and he immediately grabbed it with one hand.


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