Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 396 Invite The Ancestral God! [Please Order In Full]


Loud noises resounded between heaven and earth, and the lotus flowers filled with the power of the Fengxing Great Dao swallowed up the billion-foot-long sword shadow and turned towards the strong man in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm.

Facing such a terrifying attack from the Chaos Demon God, the strong man in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm was unable to resist and was knocked back.

Even with the gap in cultivation, the Chaos Demon God still had the upper hand in this battle.

This also proves who is strong and who is weak.

"Why do I feel that the Chaos Demon God's cultivation has reached the level of the Eighth Layer Origin Realm?

"It seems to be true."

"It's too strong, I just press the opponent down and hit him."

"Is this the Chaos Demon God?

"This is the strong man of Yama Palace."

"Look, the Primordial God is even more powerful."

Exclamations rang out, and countless creatures turned their eyes to look at another battlefield.

It was also the most intense battle over this chaotic battlefield.

The Primordial God alone faced the two top Ninth Layer Origin Realm experts, Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang.

The attacks of the Primordial God are still so simple and unpretentious, and they are completely attacked with the most ordinary fists.


The fists condensed, the sounds of morning bells and evening drums erupted, and the bronze-colored Qi between heaven and earth evaporated, turning into boundless power fluctuations.

The prehistoric aura is like a torrent, instilled in the fist of the 543 prehistoric god.

A force powerful enough to shatter mountains and rivers and collapse everything erupted from this punch.

The next moment.


The Primordial God turned into an afterimage, killing the two of them with a force that destroyed the world.

The space where the Primordial God passed has long been shattered into pieces. There is no way, the power contained in his punch is too terrifying.

With a roaring punch, the Primordial God was like a god.

As for Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang, they are the only subjects of the God's residence.

At this moment, the two of them felt the power erupting from the fist of the Primordial God and stared at each other. At this moment, they felt a strong threat.

Neither of them dared to hesitate at all, and they mobilized the Great Dao power in their bodies to gather their strength.

The next moment.

Each was shrouded in bright light, and the endless power of the Great Dao surged up like Wang Yang.

In an instant, the world was enveloped by thousands of strange images.

After a blink of an eye, two blinding fists erupted in front of Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang.

The fists roared, directly encompassing the entire sky, shaking the sky with each other, as if they were going to shatter the world, and pointed directly at the prehistoric god who was shooting towards them.

Facing the two huge fists, the expression of the Primordial God did not change at all, but his speed was even faster.

Arrived in no time.

He suddenly punched the two giant fists.


A loud noise sounded instantly, and a terrifying shock wave spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the center of the collision, the power of the Primordial God's punch completely exploded, and the two huge fist shadows were shattered in one encounter.

As the phantom of his fist was shattered, the Primordial God's power remained unabated and he blasted towards Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang again.

Even a person's eyes froze when he saw it.

At this moment, they felt a strong threat to each other.

Similarly, they did not expect the Primordial God to be so powerful.

"Hmph! If his cultivation hadn't been suppressed, how could he be bullied like this!"

Seeing the Primordial God coming at a rapid pace, Mr. Wang snorted coldly.

Mr. Chen on the side had a serious look on his face.

"Use all your strength to block his punch first.

As soon as the words fell, even the person changed his hands at the same time.


Along with the changes in their hands, rays of light shot out from their bodies.

The lights are connected to each other in mid-air, blooming with bright and blazing light.

In an instant, these rays of light condensed into a large net in front of the two of them.

The big net lay in front of the two of them, as if trying to isolate everything.

With the emergence of the big net, the two people continued to inject power into the big net, causing the aura fluctuations emitted by the big net itself to continuously increase.

When he saw the big net, (chff) the Primordial God showed a simple and honest smile on his face.

"This knockout was good."

A sound fell.

Click, click, click!

The space collapsed, and the dazzling Jinze wandered between heaven and earth at this time, wrapping the entire body of the Chaos God.

At this moment, wrapped in the brilliant gold, the fist of the Primordial God was even wrapped in wisps of gilded light.

The power erupting from the fist of the Primordial God also increased rapidly at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the current Primordial God seemed to have changed into a different person, with endless energy bursting out crazily.

At this moment, the Primordial God came to the big net.

He punched out and landed hard on the big net.



"How could he destroy this defense?

"How terrifying is the power of his punch!"

When they saw the big net shattered, Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang both exclaimed at the same time, with shock in each other's eyes.

When the two of them were shocked, the Primordial God smashed the net with one punch and was already heading towards them.

The situation was urgent, and the two instinctively reached out their palms, formed fists, and struck at the Primordial God at the same time.

next moment.

The collision unfolds.


A crisp sound resounded between heaven and earth, and Wang and Lao were immediately knocked away when the crisp sound rang out.

Their arms are vertical to each other.

This was because the punch from the Primordial God just now was so terrifying that it shattered their entire arms.

The power of one punch directly seriously injured two people and shocked countless living beings again.

Especially in the direction of the Weird Clan, the faces of countless strong men from the Weird Clan were filled with horror.

Their eyes kept scanning the battlefield, each other's brows furrowed in indescribable horror.

The Primordial Gods and the others were too powerful, so powerful that they far exceeded their expectations.

And it's not just the battlefield where the Primordial Gods and the others are located, but also the battlefields where some of the origin realms with lower cultivation levels are located. The strong men of God also suppress the Weird clan and beat them without any chance of fighting back.

The outcome of this battle that started due to the appearance of the Source Palace seems to have been determined at this time.

at this time.

The expression of the strong man from the Ninth Layer Origin Realm who was fighting the Chaos Demon God changed, and his face was filled with solemnity.

He also saw the surrounding battlefields, and this result was somewhat beyond their expectations.

After all, in addition to their weird clan, there are also two top Ninth Layer Origin Realm experts.

But even so, occupation is still very detrimental to them.

Aware of the battlefield around him, the Ninth Layer Origin Realm master's face darkened. He knew that continuing like this was not an option.

Then there was a loud shout.

"Invite the ancestral gods!"

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