Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 397 The Ancestral God’S Resurrection [Please Order The Full Version]

Above the chaotic battlefield, the fierce fighting and the constant collision of killing moves foreshadowed the horror of this battle.

However, it can be clearly seen in this chaotic battle that the strong men from God have the absolute upper hand.

Especially the Primordial God, who completely overwhelmed the two Ninth Layer Origin Realm powerhouses.

As for the strong men of the Weird Clan, they also had no upper hand when facing the Chaos Demon God.

At this moment, there is a place where space is turbulent, and endless darkness covers the sky and the earth.

It was a huge abyss, with five figures constantly floating around the abyss, each urging the Great Dao power in their bodies to infuse it into the abyss.

There is already an extremely huge shadow condensing rapidly above the abyss.

"It seems the battle outside is fierce!"

The Lord of Darkness can naturally feel the terrifying battles on the chaotic battlefield outside.

The people of the strange clan guarding here from a distance also had solemn expressions on their faces.

"Invite the ancestral gods!"

The three-character sound wave cut through the Shattering Void sky, shook the sky, and roared throughout the dark void.

The sound of these three words instantly caused everyone's expressions to change.

They heard that this was the voice of the Ninth Layer's origin.

He must also know that the consciousness of the Weird Ancestral God has not completely recovered, but the other party is so anxious, which means that the battle in the outside world has reached a point that the Weird clan cannot bear.


At this moment, the void shook violently, and a majestic and ominous breath came over, turning into an endless wave, wrapping everyone up.

In an instant, under this billowing vision, a misty black body floated from a distance, its appearance was exactly the same as the strange phantom of the ancestral god who was regaining consciousness.

This is the body of the Weird Ancestral God. When the outside world was in danger of fighting, the people of the Weird Clan chose to forcibly activate the body of the Weird Ancestral God.

As the body of the strange ancestral god moved brilliantly, countless people from the strange clan below shouted in unison.

"Please revive Lord Ancestor God!"

The words shook the void and shocked the whole world.

The huge body followed the sound and slowly moved towards the condensed consciousness.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, this huge body merged with the shadow.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the phantom, especially the people of the Weird Clan, with nervousness written all over their faces.

The current war in the outside world is very unfavorable to their weird clan. If the weird ancestor god doesn't revive at this time, the consequences are unimaginable.

Once God is allowed to win this war, Feng Chen of Yama Temple will obtain the weapon of the river of time.

By then, with the help of the Artifact of Time, Feng Chen will definitely be able to break through the Origin Realm, and with Feng Chen's talent, he will definitely be the top Origin Realm.

When that time comes, it will be like the end of the world for their weird clan.

In front of everyone's eyes, the strange ancestral god merged with the consciousness that had not yet fully recovered.

The originally empty eyes blinked vaguely.


In an instant, there was a loud roar in the sky, and the dark thunder burst out with unparalleled power fluctuations, violently shaking the sky.

In this extremely terrifying thunder, there is also an endless ominous atmosphere shrouding the strange ancestor god.

The strange ancestor god is now completely wrapped in gray and white colors, and a powerful wave of power is exuding from his body.

"How many years?"

"How many years has it been~"

The voice of the strange ancestral god sounded like a bell in everyone's hearts.

When they heard the voice of the strange ancestor god, the faces of everyone in the strange clan below all showed thick smiles.

"Congratulations to the Ancestral God for his recovery!"

The deafening sound resounded throughout the world.

The strange ancestor god high in the sky looked down at the people of the strange clan with disdain: "I haven't fully recovered yet, why did you forcefully wake me up?"

Although the tone was neither cold nor indifferent, when it fell into the ears of these strange people, it made their bodies tremble violently.

One of the Seventh Layer Origin Realm people responded tremblingly.

"Reporting to Lord Ancestor God, the outside world is fighting a war with our clan, and our clan can no longer support it."

"We have no choice but to forcefully awaken the ancestral god Tian Ping."

The words fell into the ears of Weird Ancestral God. Weird Ancestral God looked calm, but there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"It's just God."

He waved his hands casually as he spoke.

The person from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm who just spoke appeared directly in the hands of the Weird Ancestral God as he waved his big hand.

This person from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm seemed to have thought of something, his face turned pale instantly, his whole person was trembling constantly, and his eyes looking at the strange ancestor god were filled with fear.


"Lord Ancestor God, I don't want it!"

"Lord Ancestor God..."

He didn't even have a chance to finish his words. His whole body was directly swallowed by the strange ancestor god's palm.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Darkness and everyone from the Weird Clan present all trembled, and their eyes were full of fear.

After devouring a strong man from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm, the Weird Ancestor God looked at the Lord of Darkness below as if nothing had happened.

"You guys wait here, I'll come as soon as I go."

They saw with their own eyes a powerful man from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm being devoured by the strange ancestral god. How dare they refute and nodded to each other.


The strange ancestral god blinked his eyes, looked calmly in the direction of the roar of the battle, then shook his head and laughed dryly.

"How dare God be so presumptuous!"

"There is no suspense in this battle anymore."

"Prehistoric God, they are too strong."

"Completely press the opponent down and hit him."

"Especially this Chaos God, every punch he throws makes it difficult for the two Ninth Layer Origin Realm powerhouses to resist.

"When did the strong men in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm become so weak?"

"It's not that the Ninth Layer's origin realm is weak, but that this prehistoric god is a bit ridiculously powerful.

"I really don't know who in the world can withstand his punch."

"Just now I heard people from the Weird clan shouting to invite the Ancestral God. Could it be that the Weird Ancestral God has revived?"

"How is it possible? The Weird Ancestor God is a powerful person who has transcended the realm. If he really recovered, he would have come out to change the situation of the battle.

"In today's chaotic battle, if the Weird Ancestor God doesn't show up, the Weird clan is really likely to be destroyed."


Seeing the fierce battle between heaven and earth, all living beings started discussing with each other.

Although this battle was extremely fierce, it was all attacks performed by the strong men of God, suppressing the strong men of the Weird Clan camp.

Especially Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang, they have been seriously injured for a long time and may even die at any time.

A great war seems to be coming to an end.


at this time.

Boom, boom seven!.

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