Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 398 Shocking [Please Order The Full Version]

The sonic booms generated by the chaotic battle between heaven and earth continue to fill the chaotic battlefield.

This is a battle in which God has the absolute upper hand.

When countless creatures thought that this battle was about to end with the crushing of many powerful men in the sky, suddenly.


A deafening roar suddenly came from the distance, and terrifying power and a strong ominous atmosphere instantly filled the entire chaotic battlefield and filled the Myriad Worlds.

Under the violent roar, billowing darkness enveloped Dayu.

Dark clouds were billowing in the sky, and above the dark clouds there were thick thunders.

Thunder rumbled in the dark clouds, turning into majestic pressure and falling down.

When this terrifying power and terrifying ominous breath came, the expressions of countless people suddenly changed drastically.

The envelopment of this aura made their "993" bodies tremble uncontrollably, and they were extremely frightened.

Even some origin realms' expressions changed when they felt this aura, and their faces were full of shock.

On the other hand, the faces of many strong men from the Weird Clan were full of excitement.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking at the distant place where strange images appeared.

Under the gaze of everyone, a figure tore through the void and came across.

The figure was surrounded by wisps of dark thunder, and was also shrouded in a gray ominous aura.

The whole person's sullen eyes were fixed on all living things below, like a master, as if he could smash all living things with just a move of his hand.

"It's the weird ancestor god!"

"Oh my god! The weird ancestor god actually revived."

"Doesn't this mean that the battle is not over yet?"

"It is said that the strange ancestral god has transcendent strength. I am afraid that the occupation will be reversed now."

"No! He doesn't seem to have fully recovered, and his strength has not reached the realm of transcendence, but is a half-step of transcendence.

"Fortunately, we haven't reached the realm of transcendence, otherwise, this battle would really have been changed by him alone."

"But even if you are half-step transcendent, your strength is extremely terrifying."

"It depends on whether the Primordial God can stop him next."

The sound of horror continued to resound throughout the world, and the appearance of the strange ancestral god completely shocked countless people.

And his appearance means that this battle is not over yet.

At the same time, Feng Chen also blinked, staring at the strange ancestor god who was halfway out of the realm.

"It's exciting now."

Feng Chen smiled slightly and was not in a hurry.

With the appearance of the Weird Ancestor God, the powerful men of the Weird Clan instantly burst out with a powerful force.

For them, the Weird Ancestor God is their backer and a powerful force.

"Finally someone who can fight is here."

The Primordial God turned his attention to the strange ancestral god at a glance, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

Then, the power of the Great Dao surged all over his body. The breath of the Great Dao hung high in the sky, and the bronze-colored light split the darkness in the sky into two.

And there are strands of gold blooming in this bronze color, which looks so blazing.

The Primordial God stared at the strange ancestral god, clenched his fists directly, mobilized all the power in his body to pour into his fist, and blasted towards the strange ancestral god.

Sensing a terrifying force shrouding him, the Weird Ancestral God's eyes narrowed, he looked at the Primordial God and smiled coldly.

"I didn't expect that God would actually have someone who is half a step beyond the realm. It's quite good."

There was a strong sense of confidence in the words of the Weird Ancestral God, and he even did not take the Primordial God in his eyes at all.

You must know that although the strange ancestor god is only half-step beyond the realm, it is because he has not fully recovered. If he recovers, he will be an existence beyond the realm.

How can a person who has achieved transcendence in the past be afraid of someone who is half-stepping into transcendence?

Looking at the roaring Primordial God, the strange ancestor god stretched out his right hand.


There was thunder on the palm of my hand, and the dark thunder blended with the rich ominousness.

Powerful power fluctuations shattered the surrounding void. Even though the offensive had not yet been launched, the power swept through the chaotic battlefield in an instant and filled the Myriad Worlds.

This terrifying power caused countless creatures to change their expressions and tremble continuously.

This is an attack from someone who is half a step beyond the realm of reality!

The thunder on the palm of the strange ancestral god flashed, an ominous aura rose, and a huge black-gray ball of light condensed.

This black and gray ball of light is filled with thunder and ominous breath, just like a small world of love, containing a power that can destroy the world.

The ball of light moved in the morning sun, shattering the void, shattering the sky, causing the world to feel gloomy, and blasted towards the Primordial God who was shooting towards him...

Looking at the black and gray ball of light, the Primordial God not only did not slow down, but directly accelerated and blasted towards the black and gray ball of light.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the punch of the Primordial God struck hard with the black-gray ball of light.


The sound of morning bells and dusk drums unfolded at the moment of collision, and a shock wave of catastrophe visible to the naked eye spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Rolling visions scattered across the sky and earth, causing strong winds to sweep across, space to collapse, and everything to tremble.

In the center of the collision, golden light flashed, and a rich prehistoric aura penetrated the heaven and earth.

Look at the original dark gray light, which has disappeared at this time.

"What!" When seeing this scene, even the strange ancestor god had a look of shock on his face: "How could you resist it so easily!"

The Weird Ancestor God has no Law Manifestation letter. The Weird Ancestor God did not hold back the attack just now. The attack he used with all his strength was shattered by the opponent's punch?

And the most terrifying thing was that the fist emitting golden light was swinging towards him rapidly.

There was no time to shock the horror of the punch just delivered by the Primordial God, his right fist directly condensed,


Above the sky, a bolt of thunder descended from the rolling sea of ​​thunder, wrapping the fist of the strange ancestral god.

Thunder flashed, majestic power surged, and dark light burst out. The strange ancestor god stared at the Primordial God and punched out fiercely.

At the same time, the fist of the Primordial God came down.


The fists collided, and a loud noise erupted instantly. The force generated by the collision turned into a shock wave, spreading violently towards the surroundings.

The mighty shock wave was earth-shattering, directly and forcefully knocking away the strong men in the surrounding battle.

Even some of the origin realms with slightly lower cultivation levels spurted out spies' blood under the collision of their fists.

However, at this moment, he did not pay attention to the shock wave that filled the sky, but looked firmly at the center of the collision.

The person from the Ninth Layer Origin Realm of the strange clan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the center of the collision, where black and golden light were colliding rapidly.

But the next moment.

His eyes suddenly condensed.

"Lord Ancestor God!".

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