Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 399 The Terrifying Primordial God Who Overwhelms All Heroes [Please Order]

Under the fierce sound, the fists of the Primordial God and the fists of the strange ancestral gods collided with each other.

The billowing vision turned into a catastrophe and shattered everything around it.

The gilt gold and black thunder that originally collided with each other were instantly shattered by the reaction of a terrifying force.

Together with the weird ancestor god, he was also blown away.

There is silence between heaven and earth!

Whether it was the sentient beings in heaven or the people of the weird clan, they were all dumbfounded.

They looked at the strange ancestral god who was knocked back, with looks of horror on each other's faces.

That is a strong man who is half a step beyond the realm, but he still can't resist the punch of the Primordial God?

The power of the Primordial God once again exceeded everyone's expectations.


At this moment, Chen Lao and Wang Lao's bodies flashed, standing next to the strange ancestor god who was knocked back.

Old Chen said: "This man is very powerful, let's kill him together."

The words fell into the ears of the Weird Ancestral God. Normally, the Weird Ancestral God would have dismissed them, but now, seeing the power of the Primordial God, he nodded subconsciously.

The three of them joined forces to deal with the God Hong 27 at the same time.

The appearance of this scene instantly caused an uproar all over the sky.

"With one against three, no matter how powerful the Primordial God is, he cannot win."

"One is in the Half-Step Transcendence Realm, and two are in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm. These are both top-level experts!"

"The next battle is the real battle."

"It depends on whether the Primordial God can withstand their attack. 11

When the uproar sounded, the three strange ancestor gods, Mr. Chen and the king moved the Heavenly Dao Emperor at the same time.


For a moment, the wind roared, the heaven and earth shook, everything collapsed, and visions like the end of the world instantly filled the entire chaotic battlefield.

Under the billowing chaotic vision, the sea of ​​thunder rolled in the sky, and the dark thunder seemed to destroy the world. Under the rapid surging, the violent power surged rapidly.

In a blink of an eye.


As the strange ancestral god waved his hand, an ear-splitting dragon roar came from the dark sea of ​​thunder.

In an instant, a huge dark dragon rolled down from the sea of ​​thunder.

The black dragon's body was flashing with thunder, and its terrifying aura was scattered directly in the Myriad Worlds, causing the nine heavens and ten earth to roar continuously.

There was a loud roar and roar, and the giant dragon swooped towards the Primordial God below.

At the same time, Chen and Lao also directly launched the most fishy killing move.

In front of the two of them, Great Dao's power condensed and rose.

The terrifying power includes Myriad Manifestations, which transformed into two huge planets.

The planet is full of greenery, has the breath of life, and also has the power to destroy the world.

This is completely like two huge worlds, a world condensed by countless lives.

Such a huge world, the power fluctuations emanating from it are so rich.


Under the deafening roar, two huge world light balls blasted fiercely towards the Primordial God.

At this moment, the world was completely filled with visions of three killing moves.

And the target of these three terrifying killing moves is naturally the Primordial God.

When these three killing moves were blasted towards the Primordial God, countless people around him, even the strong men in the battle, did not hesitate at this time and retreated towards the surroundings.

When four top-level experts collided with their killing moves, they could not imagine how terrifying the destructive power would be.

At this time, the eyes of all living beings were on the Primordial God.

They wanted to see how the Primordial God would resist such a terrifying attack, and whether he would fight back with his fists like before.

Under the gaze of everyone, the honest smile on the face of the Primordial God became even stronger. He looked at the three killing moves between heaven and earth, and slowly stretched out his palm.

At this moment, unlike the previous bright golden "Prehistoric God", the entire arm became crystal clear.

You can even clearly see the blood flowing in the entire arm of the Primordial God, the veins bulging, and the bones vibrating.

Those five fingers, five fingers, were slowly clenched at this moment.

The next moment.

Everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, and they clearly saw that the blood in the arm of the Primordial God turned into gold.

Golden blood instantly enveloped his fist.

At the same time, the wave of power that erupted from the fist of the Primordial God continued to surge endlessly.


The earth cracked and space collapsed.


The mountain peaks shattered, the sky was filled with this power, and a gap was directly opened.

The sound rang out, and at this moment, the Myriad Worlds, the earth, space, and mountain peaks within the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were constantly collapsing and fragmenting.

An endless stream of power rises, causing countless people to tremble deep in their hearts.

Under this terrifying force, they felt that it was so difficult to breathe.

Their eyes looked at the Primordial God again with horror in their eyes. They could not imagine how terrifying the Primordial God contained.

It is in such public view.

In the center of the battlefield, facing three overwhelming killing moves, the Primordial God jumped up and blasted towards the three killing moves.

All of a sudden.


The jet-black thunder dragon collided with the fist of the Primordial God, and the terrifying power exploded, directly smashing the jet-black dragon into pieces.

Boom! Boom!

Then two loud noises came, and the fist of the Primordial God fell hard on the two small worlds, and the terrifying power smashed the small worlds into pieces at the same time.

While everyone was still shocked by the horror of the punch from the Primordial God, the 560 body of the Primordial God had disappeared from the spot.

In an instant, everyone saw that the fist of the Primordial God had arrived in front of Mr. Wang.


The incident happened suddenly, and the group or they never expected that the punch of the Primordial God would be so terrifying.

Mr. Wang's desperate voice resounded throughout the world, and his whole body directly received the punch from the Primordial God.


There was a dull sound, and at the same time there was the sound of bones breaking.

When the sound fell, Mr. Wang's body fell downwards like a kite with its string broken.

At the same time, the long river of time above Mr. Wang quickly became illusory.


When Mr. Chen saw this scene, his pupils froze instantly and his expression changed drastically. He ignored Mr. Wang who was blown away and kept attacking in an attempt to resist the punch of the Primordial God.

However, his attack seemed so feeble under the fist of the Primordial God.


There was a dull sound, and the fist of the Primordial God violently shattered the Divine Ability in the sky. A punch fell on him, causing Mr. Chen's whole body to be blown away in an instant.

Turning around, the Primordial God turned his attention to the strange ancestor god.

At this moment, the strange ancestor god felt a strong sense of crisis and frantically activated the power of the Great Dao to isolate himself in front of him.

However, his hasty attack was also vulnerable to the fist of the Primordial God.


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