Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 601 Confronting The Mysterious Demon Head-On

When the others saw Feng Chen putting away more than 10,000 small worlds, they couldn't help but be a little confused. Li Guang said: "Lord Fengcheng, why don't you allocate some small worlds to the soldiers?"

"If they want to get the small world, besides participating in battle, there are other tests."

Feng Chen smiled, turned around and asked, "Brothers, is that right?"


The murderous atmosphere instantly filled the venue.

Everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

Feng Chen smiled, looked at Guang Hui, and said, "Who among you can speak with the most authority?

Before Guang Hui could speak, he saw an old monk coming from a distance, clasping his hands together and saying, "Amitabha, Lao Na Huiyuan is the abbot of Aoling Temple. What do you want from the Lord of the City?"

"Well, I see that you are doing your best to conquer demons and protect the people, so I would like to invite you to join us, to conquer demons and protect the people together, how about~?"

After listening to Feng Chen's words, Hui Yuan was stunned, and then smiled and said, "Amitabha, I have no objection - I am a poor monk."

"That's good, hahaha."

Feng Chen asked with a smile: "In addition to the mysterious demons that were eliminated just now, are there other mysterious demons here?"

Huiyuan nodded and said: "Because there are too many mysterious demons, I asked the others to hold back some of the mysterious demons, and then led people to suppress them here.

"Then let's go take a look at the situation over there, how about it?" Feng Chen asked.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go."

After speaking, Hui Yuan turned around and led everyone to fly towards the west.

But after a while, they saw about two thousand monks, fighting against tens of thousands of mysterious demons. The Divine Ability of Buddhism that filled the air was basically unable to suppress the impact of the mysterious demons, so each of them was in a state of embarrassment.

Feng Chen looked at the situation ahead and said: "Everyone, prepare!"

"The Wang family, the Zhao family, and the Li family, you three will go with your people to support the monks over there. Huiyuan, you and your people will also go with you."

As the order was issued, Wang Lin and Zhao Feng led their men directly, following closely behind the Li family, and flew towards the monks who were still fighting over there.

When Huiyuan heard Feng Chen's order, he did not hesitate and flew away with three thousand monks.

Glancing at the soldiers behind him, Feng Chen shouted: "Jie! Qing Yan Battle Formation!"

The uniform movements were displayed again, and more than 50,000 people started to operate like a whole machine in an instant.

With the eruption of green flames, the sky was instantly enveloped by mysterious demons.

Seeing the mysterious demons wailing in the blue flames, but unable to do anything, Feng Chen sneered.

As Feng Chen led his people to join the battle, the situation of the battle immediately began to change.

The green flames all over the sky directly suppressed the mysterious demons all over the sky, leaving them completely unable to resist.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Feng Chen took a deep breath, the power in his body surged, and a spiritual sword appeared in his hand, ready to enter the battle at any time.

Looking at the direction where Li Guang was fighting in the distance, Feng Chen felt a little heavy.

Although the Li family, the Wang family, and the Zhao family all led monks at the Dao King realm, their fighting skills were really unflattering. However, after fighting for a while, several people died.

And it seems that they are still in a state of complete defeat. Even with the help of the group of monks, they are unable to truly resist the mysterious demon they face.

After watching for a while, Feng Chen said: "Jin Rui! You go over and help Li Guang and the others to avoid being breached by the mysterious demon over there."

After hearing the order, Jin Rui and others, who had been following Feng Chen, instantly flew towards the distance. Everyone unfolded their own small world. The sudden rise of momentum attracted the attention of many people.

When they saw Jin Rui and others joining the battle, Li Guang and others did not feel much relaxed.

Because they also discovered that each of the mysterious demons they faced this time had very strong combat capabilities. Although their realm was not much higher than that of the mysterious demons they encountered before, their overall strength was completely different.

I only saw Jin Rui joining the battle. A spear was thrown out in his hand. It instantly turned into a golden light and penetrated several mysterious demons. Then the spear spun around and returned to Jin Rui's hand.

Although these mysterious demons are all relatively strong Dao King realm masters, they are not enough for Jin Rui and others who can fight across levels.

Seeing Jin Rui and others fighting calmly, Feng Chen felt a little relieved.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Turning his eyes, he looked at the mysterious demon shrouded in green flames in front of him. His soul and body were destroyed without any resistance, leaving only a small world of mysterious demons everywhere.

Just when Feng Chen felt that everything was settling down, a black figure suddenly flew from the distant sky.

The next second, he shouted loudly and said: "The colors of heaven and earth have changed!"

Immediately, the world became extremely dark. Except for the light emitted by the burning green flames, no one could see any light. Even Jin Rui's spear could not shine.

Seeing this, Feng Chen snorted coldly and shouted: "You continue to operate the Qingyan Battle Formation, leave this to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Yin and Yang Eighteen-game Formation expanded around him.

In an instant, the sky was constantly changing, turning into sunny days and dark skies.

At the same time, a small world of swords and fire appeared behind Feng Chen, and the blue flame formation instantly attached to the Yin and Yang Eighteen Bureaus and bloomed directly.

With blazing flames attached to the sword body, Feng Chen stepped on the void and went straight to kill the previous man.

A bright sword light suddenly appeared and suddenly collided with it in the air.


The huge explosion made people's hearts tremble.

"Jie Jie Jie, that's interesting." The man sneered, a long knife appeared in his hand, and then he chopped off Feng Chen's head with the knife.

Seeing the light of the sword coming, Feng Chen stood on one side, holding a long sword, and instantly rose into the air to fight with him.

The fire of green flames is attached to the long sword, and every time it is swung, a wisp of green flames will accompany the sword energy.

After fighting for a while, the Xuan Demon Commander snorted coldly, with a hint of impatience in his expression. With a wave of his hand, a Xuan Demon Palm was shot out, running toward Feng Chen.

"Chi la!"

With just one strike of his sword, he was instantly cut open. Feng Chen stepped on his foot and reached him at an extremely fast speed and slashed out with his sword.


There was a muffled sound, and the man who saw the sword flew backwards on his back, followed closely by Feng Chen, the black and white instruments under his feet spread out, forming a pillar of light that circled around his side.

The small black and white world bloomed behind him, and thousands of spiritual swords were instantly released from it. .

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