Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 602 The Mysterious Demon Retreats

The long sword like a long river instantly enveloped the mysterious demon leader in front of him.

Thousands of long swords passed through the body in an instant, and as the sky returned to light, the mysterious demon leader had been beheaded by Feng Chen.

He put away the small world he had dropped and turned to look at the people still fighting in the distance. ,

After taking a few breaths, Feng Chen flew back to the sky above the battle formation, looking at the blue flames they emitted with burning eyes.

The battle lasted for about a week, and more than 200 people from the Wang family and the Zhao family died, as did the group of monks.

But none of the soldiers led by Feng Chen had any accidents.

On the contrary, countless Xuan Demons who confronted these soldiers were killed.

At some point, Jin Rui, who was covered in injuries, flew over, looked at Feng Chen, and said hurriedly:

"Your Majesty, our side is almost unable to withstand it!" "Zero Two Zero"

"okay, I get it."

Feng Chen nodded, looking at the soldiers below, Feng Chen shouted: "Everyone, continue to hold on!"

After saying that, Feng Chen followed Jin Rui directly to the side of Li Guang and others. The black and white instruments hovered under his feet, the light beam suddenly appeared, and the small black and white world behind him emerged. Thousands of spiritual swords suddenly bloomed, accompanying everyone around them to kill together. Entered the group of mysterious demons.

One by one, the mysterious demons were killed, but they were like emotionless fighting machines, killing everyone one after another.

Looking at their figures, Feng Chen's expression was solemn, but he did not flinch at all. Now three small worlds were suspended behind him. The Eighteen Yin and Yang Bureau, the Qingyan Formation, and the Duckweed Golden Light Formation were all displayed.

Feng Chen's strength was no weaker than that of ordinary Dao Zun Qianwen Realm masters. For a time, he was like a human-shaped meat grinder in the group of mysterious demons, leaving no trace of chickens or dogs in his path.

As the fighting continued, nearly a month passed quickly.

When Feng Chen and others were exhausted, the endless mysterious demons suddenly fled like an ebbing tide.

At this moment, in the sky above the cracked abyss, a Daoist was looking impatiently at the mysterious demons pouring out from below, and said: "I gave the talisman called Lord of the Divine Vault to him, why didn't he use it? If he If you use it, won't the mysterious demon here be sealed? Alas."

He sighed and looked at the seals formed in his hands for an instant, and then the rays of light fell into the cracks and abyss. He only saw the entrance and exit belonging to the mysterious world, gradually closing.

When Xuan Mo stopped going out, a ray of light shone under Daoist's feet, and then the whole person disappeared in an instant.

After more than ten days, the mysterious demons in the sky, accompanied by the mysterious demon king, returned to the sky above the crack abyss.

Sensing that the passage below had been closed, Xuan Demon King's face showed a trace of solemnity. After trying several times, he found that he could not open the passage again, so he had no choice but to leave the place with his people.

At this moment, Feng Chen has returned to Duckweed City with the exhausted people.

Although this battle lasted for a long time, everyone was very happy, because in this battle, a total of more than 1.3 million Mysterious Demon Worlds and countless various resources were obtained.

After distributing the spoils, Feng Chen still gained a lot. Looking at the Mysterious Demon World that was already full in the Demon Sealing Tower, Feng Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

At the city gate, Feng Chen stopped, and the army behind him also stopped.

Turning around, Feng Chen looked at Li Guang and others and said: "Master Li, you can return to your respective families. When you all recover, I will treat you to a drink, haha."


Li Guang smiled and nodded, and after responding, he led everyone in the Li family away from here and entered Duckweed City.

Wang Lin and Zhao Feng followed closely with their own men.

Seeing them all entering the city, Feng Chen said: "Everyone obeyed the order. After returning to Duckweed City, they went to the military camp to wait for the order."

After finishing his words, he looked at Hui Yuan and others not far away, and said: "Follow me to the City Lord's Mansion, and I will arrange a place for you in the city."

Huiyuan nodded, clasped her hands together and said, "Thank you very much."

Without saying much, Feng Chen led the people into Duckweed City.

Walking all the way through the streets and alleys, we soon arrived outside the city lord's palace.

At the door, Feng Chen turned around and said:

"You guys wait here for a while, I'll go in and find City Lord Lin."

After saying that, Feng Chen stepped into the city lord's mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the housekeeper sweeping the floor with a group of servants in the yard.

"Haha, Butler Li, long time no see. Take me to City Lord Lin. I have something to tell him..."

Hearing the sound, the housekeeper turned around and saw Feng Chen. He said with a smile: "Okay, Fengcheng Lord, I will take you there right now.

"Say, you're on the verge of victory?"

"Yes, and it's a big victory, haha."

Feng Chen said very happily.

Hearing this, the housekeeper smiled happily and said, "City Lord Feng, please come with me. I will take you to see City Lord Lin right away."

Walking on the road, the housekeeper said: "You don't know, after you left, City Lord Lin often said that he was very worried about you. Now that he has returned from victory, he will probably hold another banquet, hehe."

Hearing this, Feng Chen nodded and said with a smile: "You may be busy by then, haha.

The housekeeper responded with a wry smile, without saying anything more, and quietly led Feng Chen from the front.

After a while, the housekeeper brought Feng Chen to the door of the study.

"Lord City Lord, the Deputy City Lord has returned victoriously!"

The butler's voice came into the study.


Lin Yun walked out of the study room with a surprised look on his face. When he saw Feng Chen standing next to the housekeeper, he couldn't help but smile happily: "Haha, the Lord of Feng City is back, he really worried me to death.

After listening to Lin Yun's words, Feng Chen said with a smile: "This time we went out to fight in the city, we killed a lot of 5.8 mysterious demons, so we were delayed for a while, so we asked City Lord Lin Haihan, hahaha.

After saying this, Feng Chen waved his sleeves and saw more than 100,000 small mysterious worlds appearing in the air.

"This is 10% of the loot this time. Please accept it, City Lord Lin."

Looking at the mysterious little world floating in the sky, Lin Yun was filled with shock for a moment.

"It seems that your harvest this time is very rich."

When Lin Yun spoke, there was only admiration in his tone, without any hint of covetousness.

Seeing this, Feng Chen chuckled and said:

"It's not bad, at least the resources won't be used up for a period of time.

Lin Yun nodded, reached out and patted Feng Chen on the shoulder, and said: "You must be very tired after fighting for so long. Go back and have a good rest. In a month, I will set up a celebration banquet to celebrate this time." victory."

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