Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 623: Kill The Mysterious Demon Wandering Outside Fang Lin City

On the seventh day after the army set off, news came from the front that they had seen a mysterious demon wandering outside Fang Lin City.

The number was not large, only about fifty or sixty thousand, and their cultivation level was at the early stage of the Tao King realm.

Feng Chen immediately ordered the people from the Fifth Brigade to observe the situation first, and then rushed forward quickly with the people from the Twentieth Brigade and the 32,000 people following them.

Not long after, Feng Chen saw the mysterious demon wandering in the distance.

"Colorful Explosive Flame Formation!"

After the words fell, only the 50,000 people of the Fifth Brigade, the 50,000 people of the 20th Brigade, plus the 32,000 people not far away were "moving into a mighty explosion."

A red light suddenly appeared in the night sky.

The next second, Feng Chen shouted: "Kill me!"


The terrifying explosion sounded directly in the night. In an instant, under the wash of colorful flames, the mysterious demons wandering in the wilderness in front were instantly drowned by the torrent of flames 27

Even before they could resist, they all turned into ashes. The mysterious little worlds belonging to them emerged one after another in the sky.

Seeing this, Feng Chen smiled and thought to himself: "The space inside this Void Formation Gate is really strange. Even if you don't release your own small world, the small world will appear in the air after death.

Feng Chen did not hesitate, and directly put all the Mysterious Demon Small Worlds in front of him into the Demon Sealing Tower, and then said: "This time, we have obtained a total of 63,400 Mysterious Demon Small Worlds, which is enough for all of you." When one comes, I will tell you."

After the words fell, Feng Chen shouted again: "Stop the battle array."

I saw these 132,000 people put away their respective power operations in an instant, and the night fell into darkness again, no longer bright.

But for Feng Chen and others, even if there is no bright lighting, it will have no impact on themselves.

He led everyone back a certain distance, and after not waiting long, he saw that Fang Lin City was like a hornet's nest, with a large number of mysterious demons flying out in an instant. Feng Chen counted a little, and it was definitely in the number of one hundred thousand. above.

Seeing that there was nothing special about their march, Feng Chen sneered: "Formation! Qingyan battle formation!"

"Wow!" Just look at the green light, suddenly appeared in the wilderness, and the next second, under the command, the monstrous green flames directly ignited the entire sky.

The mysterious demon who was contaminated with Qingyan died instantly on the spot, without the power to resist.

Although there are a lot of mysterious demons, and each of them is at a pretty good level, they are all scattered and even the Qing Yan attack cannot break through them.

The flames surged, as if out of control, following the mysterious demons flying out of the city, and burned directly into Fang Lin City.

Feng Chen stood in the air, smelling the burnt smell wafting in the air, with a normal expression, as if he hadn't seen anything.

After a long time, when the green flames in the air weakened slightly, Feng Chen ordered all of them to stop operating the blue flame battle array. He unfolded his sleeves and directly threw the Demon Sealing Tower, throwing away the small mysterious demon floating in the air. The world is all closed up.

As for those in Fang Lin City, Feng Chen did not collect them, because a jet-black light shield had appeared in Fang Lin City at this moment. It seemed that this was a city protection formation arranged by Xuan Mo in Fang Lin City.

Looking at the mysterious little world suspended in Fang Lin City, Feng Chen felt a little reluctant, but he threw this thought out of his mind just for a moment.

"Everyone, follow me out of here!"

After speaking, Feng Chen took the lead, leading 130,000 people, and retreated back. In a mountain forest he encountered on the way, Feng Chen waved his sleeves, and the woods fell one after another, and the rocks disappeared. The next moment, one after another, A hut made of wood and stone appeared below.

At the same time, Feng Chen pointed his finger, condensed the spiritual energy in the air, and deployed the duckweed golden light array, covering the entire camp.

After falling below, Feng Chen said: "Next, I will give each of you a small mysterious world to refine its usefulness, and then I will take you to fight. During this period, you must also Seize the time to understand every battle formation you have learned!"

"We obey!" The soldiers who responded looked at the mysterious little world floating above them, with joy on their faces.

Even though the small world of Xuan Mo is not particularly helpful in improving oneself, at least it is still helpful to some extent.

They were very excited when they saw Feng Chen casually sending them the mysterious little world he had just obtained, because everything they heard was true.

They heard that as long as they follow Feng Chen out to fight, as long as they gain something, the first thing Feng Chen thinks of is the people who follow him out to fight. The remaining things, except for collecting some for himself, are just floating around. Pingcheng supplies.

The soldiers still couldn't believe that this kind of thing happened to them, but it had definitely happened.

Feng Chen said calmly: "Each team leader, please allocate your accommodation. Don't let any disputes arise."

After speaking, Feng Chen pointed his finger, and a wooden hut appeared out of thin air in an open space.

Without caring about other things, he landed directly and came to the door of the cabin.


Opening the wooden door and walking inside, a candlestick appeared strangely in the room, and the candle burned on its own.

Looking at the dimly lit environment, Feng Chen sighed, took out the Lotus of Time and Space and entered it to continue to comprehend the mysteries of the 313 Falling Sun Array.

Ten days have passed in the outside world, and a full seventy days have passed in the Lotus of Time and Space.

When Feng Chen walked out of the house, he felt something with his soul and found that the atmosphere in the camp had changed.

Although not all of them have improved their realm, more or less, they have all gained some strength.

When he felt that many of them were still absorbing the mysterious world, Feng Chen entered the Lotus of Time and Space again.

Time flies, and another day passes quietly.

This time Feng Chen walked out of the room and found that no one in the camp had absorbed the small world of Xuan Mo anymore. It seemed that they had all absorbed it.

"Everyone gather."

After Feng Chen finished speaking, he saw only 132,000 people standing in front of Feng Chen in an instant, forming three square formations.

It's not time to issue an order yet.

In the clear sky, there seems to be a dark cloud covering this side.

Feng Chen, who saw this scene inadvertently out of the corner of his eye, hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, form a formation immediately! The people from the 5th Brigade and the 20th Brigade formed a Qingyan Battle Formation! The rest formed a Qingyan Explosive Flame Formation! "

Feng Chen made a seal in his hand and saw flashes of golden light, and an extremely bright duckweed golden light array emerged out of thin air. .

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