In the vast wilderness, the sudden rise of the duckweed golden light array is very dazzling and can be seen at a glance.

After the light mask appeared, Feng Chen took a deep breath and stared at the sky in the distance. After a moment, he raised his hand and shouted: "Qing Yan Battle Formation! Release the Qing Yan! Burn these mysterious demons to death."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the overwhelming green flames pouring out and heading straight towards the mysterious demons flying towards the sky.

"Wow wow wow..."

Screams came out one after another, and dust was everywhere in the air, and the mysterious demons were killed one by one.

After burning the mysterious demon, the green flame seemed to have received nutrients and continued to spread with other mysterious demons in the air.

As the battle began, although Xuan Mo was caught off guard, he quickly reacted and saw tens of thousands of Xuan Demons in the air, directly dismembering his body, and then fused together and turned into a The huge mysterious demon clenched its fist and blasted forward. Only an arc of light formed in front of the fist, dividing the surrounding green flames.

After breaking through a very long distance, the next second, his fist landed heavily on the duckweed golden light array.

After the buzzing sound emerged, the expressions of Feng Chen and others below the formation changed slightly.

Seeing this, Feng Chen looked at the thirty-two thousand people not far away and shouted: "Liu Cai Bao!"

These people who only knew how to create the Explosive Flame Formation instantly pushed the formation's operation to the strongest level they could reach.

"Boom!" The colorful flames were directly mixed with the green flames, surging towards the huge mysterious demon outside the duckweed golden light array.

The hot temperature, after being separated by his fist, merged together behind him, swirling and surrounding him.



Just watch the flames shrink instantly, and then explode. The giant mysterious demon in the center instantly collapsed and fell to the ground.

A huge Mysterious Demon World floated in the air, its size no smaller than an ordinary medium world.

Seeing this scene, Feng Chen smiled, took out the Demon-Sealing Tower, put it inside, held the magic formula, and controlled the Demon-Sealing Tower to directly integrate this huge mysterious little world into the Demon-Sealing Tower to increase the number of demons. The inner space of the Demon Sealing Tower.

The flying mysterious demons in the sky disintegrated in an instant, and then merged into huge mysterious demons. Looking at the strong body and the black armor attached to the body, people did not dare to underestimate them. .

Feng Chen's soul moved slightly. For a moment, a small world of fire suddenly appeared behind him. The next second, monstrous flames roared out. Together with the green flames all over the sky, they attacked the huge mysterious demons. Start burning like crazy.

Although they are fused together, they will still be injured when they come into contact with Qing Yan.

Only huge mysterious demons were seen, and the armor on their bodies was constantly emitting wisps of black energy, but it had no effect at all. The blazing heat that they should have still fell on them.

After looking at the blue flames in the sky and surrounding all the more than twenty large mysterious demons that were rapidly approaching in the sky, Feng Chen shouted: "The Liucai Explosive Flame Formation! Blow him up!"

Thirty-two thousand people responded immediately, only to see the Liucai Explosive Flame Formation, which instantly bloomed with wisps of red light. The next second, the flames in the sky shrank again, and then rapidly expanded, creating a violent explosion.

Even Feng Chen couldn't resist this kind of lethality head-on. After all, the power of this explosion far exceeded the life-saving blow of an ordinary Taoist Qianwen Realm expert.

After watching a mysterious demon that was only infinitely more powerful than themselves being killed by a combined force, everyone's face showed a trace of shock and boundless excitement, because they had never thought about it, just relying on themselves and others With his cooperation, he can even kill enemies in the Venerable Realm. If you tell this, it will definitely make others admire you.

"It looks pretty good." Feng Chen smiled and said, "Everyone stopped for a moment to burn incense, quickly took the elixir to restore strength, and prepared to continue the attack.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Demon-Sealing Tower in Feng Chen's hand flew out and turned into a giant. The violent suction force absorbed more than ten large small worlds suspended in the air.

Today's Demon-Sealing Tower has undergone great changes after absorbing many small mysterious worlds.

The biggest thing is the internal space, which is now no less than the average Great World, but it still has limitations.

At the same time, at the lowest level of the Demon Sealing Tower, Xuan Demon can be automatically derived. After all, it has absorbed so many Xuan Demon small worlds, and to some extent it has controlled some of the Xuan Demon's characteristics.

After taking away more than ten large small worlds, the Demon-Sealing Tower was put away. However, Feng Chen still left two or three large-scale small worlds in the Demon-Sealing Tower that were not directly absorbed.

Looking around, he saw many houses and the ground, which had been dented in the previous battle.

So Feng Chen pointed his finger, and for a moment those collapsed houses reappeared, and the duckweed golden light array that flickered in the air became bright again [as if it had not been touched at all]


After a stick of incense passed, the mysterious demon flying from the distant horizon finally came into view.

Feng Chen shouted: "Everyone form a formation!"

I saw only those soldiers who were still refining the medicine, got up directly, and started operating the battle formation.

Looking at the mysterious demon getting closer and closer, Feng Chen chuckled and said: "Release Qingyan! Kill!"

"Hoo!" The moment the flames swarmed out, they continued to fly with the surrounding wind. The sound was very terrifying and made people fearful.

Looking at the dark black demons in the sky, Feng Chen thought to himself: "Aren't these mysterious demons (Liao Nuo's) afraid of death? And how did their number increase to so many?"

Looking at the mysterious demon like a moth flying into a flame, Feng Chen sighed, looked at the more than 30,000 people not far away, and said: "You continue to refine the medicine, wait a while to see the situation, and then let you join fighting."


More than 30,000 people responded, then sat cross-legged and began to refine the elixir they had just eaten.

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, a week has passed by quietly.

During this week, Feng Chen and others have been fighting against the mysterious demons that are constantly coming.

But in Duckweed City, there are some changes now.

The biggest change among them is that around Duckweed City, there are now four small cities standing. Although they are cities, if we really talk about it, they are not considered cities because there are not even half of residential buildings in the city. .

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