Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 626 Xuan Demon And Wing Demon Are About To Cooperate

After Feng Chen finished speaking, he looked at the people in front of him quietly and stopped making any sound.

After a while, I saw the grass not far away swinging back and forth in the breeze.

Lin Yun, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Feng Chen seriously and said, "I have thought about it. Starting tomorrow, I will start to develop the military strength of Duckweed City as much as possible. By then, the main resources in the city will be allocated. , let the Wang family and other family forces provide as many soldiers as possible."

Zhang Dan on the side said calmly: "My Zhang family has just arrived in Duckweed City, and the foundation is not yet stable. If we provide soldiers, it may not be of much use, so I think that my Zhang family will be responsible for the production of some elixirs." , After all, if a fight really breaks out, pills are still very much needed."

"Yes." Feng Chen nodded, looked at Zhang Dan and Lin Yun, and said, "As for the soldiers in Duckweed City, I will try my best to improve their strength. However, if we rely solely on Duckweed City The power of one place may not be able to resist the power of the mysterious demon that now owns fifteen large cities."

Lin Yun frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "I will try my best to lobby the other big cities close to Duckweed City to ask them to send people to help. After all, the big city closest to the Xuan Mo forces now, This is our Duckweed City."


When the three of them were discussing peacefully in the courtyard, far away in Fanglin City within the Xuan Mo forces, the Xuan Demon King was sitting in the gloomy hall with a very gloomy face, and his tone was full of chills as he said: "You are really a group of people. Trash, there are more than 3.5 million mysterious demons, but you haven't even taken down the more than 100,000 people on the opposite side, what use do I need from you?"

As soon as these words came out, the many mysterious demon generals who were kneeling below were all trembling and did not dare to speak, acting very cowardly.

Seeing their actions, without daring to say a word, Xuan Demon King snorted coldly, raised his finger, and a black light flew out, wiping out the person below him in an instant.

"Trash, you don't even dare to say a word?" Xuan Demon King snorted coldly, with a cold expression on his face.

"My king, actually."

At this time, there was a mysterious demon general below who was about to speak. Suddenly, the mysterious demon king looked over, and then the man slowly collapsed on the spot in an instant.

"Hmph! Didn't you see that I was so angry? How dare you speak at this time?" The aura on the Xuan Demon King suddenly bloomed, and he shouted: "I will give you two years. Within these two years, give me The strength of these guys has improved!"

"Yes!" The mysterious demon generals below said conscientiously one by one.

The Xuan Demon King took a deep breath and said, "Can someone please explain why so many people were lost in this battle?"

At this time, a Xuan Demon general standing at the front took a deep breath, clasped his fists and saluted, and said: "My king, this battle is not caused by the weakness of my Xuan Demon clan. It was created by all of them." He hasn’t mastered the Divine Ability yet, so that’s why he is like this.”

The Xuan Demon King sitting on the throne nodded, "Well, continue."

"And after I summarized it, I found that during these battles, the humans seemed to be using some kind of formation or something, so we should work out countermeasures before the next battle." General Xuanmo said in a deep voice: " Two years should be enough, but if we can get the Winged Demon Clan to come to help, it might be miraculous."

Hearing the sound, the Xuan Demon King was stunned for a moment, looking coldly at the Xuan Demon general who just spoke. He was about to say something, but when he thought of the innate ability of the Winged Demon Clan, he fell into deep thought.

For a moment, the hall fell into silence.

The Xuan Demon generals below did not dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing the Xuan Demon King's thinking.

"Very good. In that case, immediately send people to the Winged Demon Clan to discuss the matter with them. If successful, then a city can be divided for them within the territory of the Xuanmo Clan for development." Xuan Demon King said sentence by sentence.

"Yes!" General Xuanmo replied.

Time flew by, and ten days passed by in the blink of an eye. The people sent by the Xuan Demon King arrived at the Wing Demon territory.

Ordinary winged demons are ten meters tall and have a pair of fleshy wings on their backs. The power of wind will accompany them when they move, and their speed is extremely fast. Similarly, their attack power is also very powerful, but they cannot be fused into The taller Winged Demon can only exist alone.

...Please give me flowers...0

Similarly, their method of reproduction is different from that of Xuan Demon. Xuan Demon can create Xuan Demon by just splitting in place. However, they need to lay the Winged Demon Egg and then hatch it for more than ten days before they can produce Winged Demon. Demons, and it will take a long time to grow before they can fight.

The places where the Winged Demons live are above the clouds, because they feel that only those above the clouds can be worthy of their status.

In a giant palace above the clouds, a mysterious demon general looked at the 20-meter-tall Winged Demon Lord in front of him with a normal expression, and said: "Honorable Winged Demon Lord, My king wants to cooperate with the Winged Demon clan."

"Why?" The Lord of the Winged Demon looked calm and his tone was full of arrogance.


"Because only in this way can our Demon Race prosper, and the Winged Demon clan be re-presented in the eyes of the Myriad Worlds forces. This is a mutually beneficial matter. I hope the noble Lord of the Winged Demons can consider it carefully." General Xuanmo After saying that, she looked at him quietly.

"Haha, okay, I agree, but I still have to meet your Xuan Demon King and lead the way." The Lord of Wing Demon said calmly, and then appeared behind the Xuan Demon General.

The terrifying speed shocked General Xuan Mo, but he did not make any drastic move. He turned around calmly and started galloping ahead.

It only takes twenty days to come and go.

Looking at the territory occupied by the Xuan Demon in front, the Lord of the Wing Demon showed a trace of interest in his eyes. He looked at the Xuan Demon General flying slowly in front and said: "I feel his breath. I will take the first step. You It’s flying too slow.”

After saying that, the figure of the Wing Demon Lord had disappeared, and the Xuan Demon General smiled bitterly and shook his head, but did not say anything. After all, what he said was true, and his flying speed was indeed relatively slow.

In the gloomy hall, a majestic voice came out: "Long time no see, Lord of the Winged Demon.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other since the last time we cooperated with the old man from the human race." The Lord of the Winged Demon said with emotion, and his figure slowly appeared in the hall. .

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