Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 627 What Do You Say About This Operation?

This hurts so much!

It is an extremely violent output. I have never seen such a powerful top laner.

Sure enough, ig is not simple.

I originally thought that An Lan was already very powerful, but I didn't expect that every member of this ig has extraordinary strength.

"This, this kind of damage is just like being caught. It's so terrifying. It's a completely unimagined situation, and now it's all happening."

"Fox, 360" retreat quickly!"

"You must not be surrounded. Once you are surrounded, you will never have a chance to survive."

"This is the last wave of our wave, you have to resist."

Everyone on the red side was nervous at this moment, and there were even unintentional looks on their faces.

It can be seen that at other times, I would be more stupid and not see this situation.

At this moment, Fox's whole body felt numb as he listened to the instructions from behind.

Because there were so many injuries thrown at him as if they were lifeless, he couldn't resist them at all.

Even if you can withstand it, it seems that your strength is not enough, especially at this time, it is even more difficult. If you really have the strength, then you really have to talk about it, especially at this moment.

"No, I'm going to die in battle, it's up to everyone."

The situation of the four big and five was originally very difficult. Now that he is about to sacrifice, can the next battle continue?

This was the most difficult time in the game he had ever played, and it was also the most suffocating for him.

It just wanted to deceive the opponent's approach, but unexpectedly, it was directly controlled by Baolan on the opposite side.

Even if he couldn't press the skill, he also lost his combat ability instantly. This moment simply made him feel desperate.

Fortunately, he bought the golden body in advance, so he could cheat a wave of skills a little bit, which also gave other people in the battle a chance to attack.

Just now, I was able to get a lot of information from the opposite side, not just the one in front of me.

Moreover, he also deceived a lot of nears on the opposite side. This may sound a bit unreliable, but the factory's sapphire blue must be near empty.

And the Sword Princess QW on the opposite side must be in a vacant moment recently. This is the only moment.

This wave of his golden body was not thrown away in vain, and this wave of his abilities were not thrown away in vain...

This can be regarded as a symbol of his strength. Maybe he didn't think too much just now, but at this moment, his mind is as clear as a mirror.

"The little fox is too impulsive. How can he rush forward at this moment?"

"Our family's assistants are all gone."

"A moment ago, there was only one jungler who was talented. How can we suppress him?"

When ts heard what the fox said, he immediately looked a little overwhelmed in his eyes.

The change of this situation is simply too terrifying, and it is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

I was really in a hurry, it would be great if I could board it for a while.

"Okay, let's not say so many frustrating words. "How to fight now."

Now the golden body of the fox will definitely be instantly set on fire as soon as it passes by. 0.3 Why can't we launch a surprise attack at this time, so that the battle can be ended earlier?

This is what you should be thinking about now, right?

"This fox is really fast. I thought that the tower's health was running low and I could kill it directly. I didn't expect that the fox on the opposite side would be so impulsive. Isn't this giving them a kill?"

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