Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 638 More Than Two Million Dao King Realm Conquered Fanglin City

As soon as he flew into Duckweed City, Feng Chen saw two figures flying slowly in the distance.

"City Lord Lin! Who is this?" Feng Chen, who was slightly confused, looked at the young man beside Lin Yun.

After hearing the inquiry, he saw Lin Yun reaching out and pushing the young man beside him in front of him. Looking at Feng Chen, Lin Yun chuckled and said: "This is the head of the Zhang family that I am newly supporting. His name is Zhang Quan. Here you go. Please introduce me and I can take care of you a little in the future.”

"Hello, I am Zhang Quan. The name of Fengcheng Lord is astonishing. I have admired you for a long time. I hope we can contribute to Duckweed City together in the future." Zhang Quan said respectfully, clasping his fists towards Feng Chen.

Seeing the looks of the two of them, Feng Chen also understood that he wanted to take care of Zhang Quan a little. Thinking of this, Feng Chen nodded and said: "It's the first time we met, there's nothing good about it. I’ll give you some mysterious little world.”

As he spoke, Feng Chen waved his hand, and more than 10,000 mysterious little worlds appeared in the air. Looking at these small worlds, Feng Chen smiled lightly and said: "I hope these things can be helpful to you. Recently, Duckweed City We need to send troops out to fight, so take advantage of this period of time to develop quickly, I am very optimistic about you."

"Thank you Lord Fengcheng!" Zhang Quan said.

"Okay, I'm going to mobilize manpower on the 27th. I won't chat with you two anymore and say goodbye." After Feng Chen finished speaking, he turned and left the place.

Looking at his leaving figure, Lin Yun smiled and said, "His character is relatively easy to figure out. As long as you need more people to fight in Duckweed City, he will give you more." Resources, do you understand?”

"Yes, I understand." Zhang Quan nodded, took a deep breath, looked at Lin Yun, and said, "Then I will go back and ask people to take away these small worlds."

"Go ahead, I'll watch over here for you." Lin Yun glanced at him.

After a long time, Feng Chen transferred 700,000 soldiers from Duckweed City.

In the open space near the small town to the north outside Duckweed City, at this moment, in addition to the four family forces and the 700,000 people in the city lord's palace, there were 700,000 more soldiers from Duckweed City.

They stood in square formations, looking very neat. Feng Chen stood in the air, his voice was very calm, and he said calmly: "Everyone! Form an formation! Qingyan battle formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that within four breaths, everyone's gastritis battle array was instantly condensed.

Seeing the speed of their formation, Feng Chen smiled and said: "It seems that everyone is training very seriously. In this case, let's set off today, and the goal is Fanglin City.

After he finished speaking, Feng Chen waved his hand and released the 600,000 soldiers from the Demon Sealing Tower.

Looking at the two million soldiers in front of me, they were very numerous, densely packed and stretching for several miles.

"Wang Shan listens to the order!" Feng Chen looked at him seriously and said: "Wang Shan will lead the one hundred thousand members of the Wang family to clear the way in front of the queue. If you encounter any enemies that hinder the march, you can kill them first and then tell them!"

After hearing the order, all he saw was Wang Shan, who was full of momentum. He cupped his fists and responded: "Wang Shan takes the order!"

Wang Shan turned around and shouted: "Children of the Wang family, follow me and set off first!"

"Huh!" Only the 100,000 people from the Wang family were seen. They turned around neatly and headed towards Fanglin City.

Feng Chen glanced at the remaining people and said: "Zhao Cai obeyed the order!"

"I order you to lead the 250,000 children of the Zhao family and advance quickly to the right rear of the Wang family. When encountering a strong enemy, provide timely support!"

Zhao Cai nodded, clasped his fists and said, "Take the order!"

When he saw Zhao Cai setting off with his people, Feng Chen continued: "Li Guang! Wu Yang! You two obey the order!"

"I order you two, with the Li family as the leader and the Wu family as the deputy, to lead the 100,000 children of the Li family and the 50,000 children of the Wu family to advance quickly to the left rear of the Wang family. When encountering a strong enemy, together with the Zhao family and others Fight together!"

"Yes!" Li Guang and Wu Yang responded immediately.

Feng Chen turned around calmly, looked at Jiang Lulan, and said, "Jiang Lulan obeys the order!"

When Jiang Lulan heard about her own affairs, she was stunned for a moment, and then she chuckled and said, "My little lady is here, what are your orders?"

"There are 200,000 people in the city lord's palace. You will lead the command and follow the army closely to ensure the safety of the rear to prevent sneak attacks." When Feng Chen finished speaking, he winked at Jiang Lulan.

But nothing more was said.

Jiang Lulan nodded, cupped her fists and said, "Take the order!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Lulan flew up and came to the soldiers of the city lord's palace who had not left yet, and said: "Next, all of you must obey my orders without making any mistakes!"

"Yes!" The 200,000 soldiers in the city lord's palace shouted in unison, with such force that people couldn't help but look at them.

Seeing that everything had been arranged, Feng Chen's face became serious. He looked at the 700,000 troops he had mobilized and the 600,000 soldiers who had been training in the Demon Sealing Tower.

He spoke out: "Everyone! Turn back! Set off towards Fanglin City."

Following the order, 1.3 million soldiers turned around and took action.

When the team started to move forward, the momentum was so shocking that the space they passed through was slightly trembling.

None of the people who fought this time were weaker than the Dao King Realm.

Feng 177 was in the air, looking at the extremely fast team below, with a trace of thought in his eyes.

"When five hundred years are up, when I return to the Great World of the Divine Dome, I must train batches of strong men for the Great World of the Divine Dome like this, or take some of them out. After all, Jiang Chuanban It also gave me some ideas.”

While Feng Chen was thinking to himself, the army had already advanced very far, and the outline of Duckweed City could no longer be seen when he looked back.

During the march, no one spoke, everyone was very quiet, and they seemed to want to be in the best condition to deal with the enemy.

Nothing happened along the way. Even if something happened, it was cleared up by the Wang family and others who were the pioneers.

It only took about three days on the road to arrive at the mountain forest where Feng Chen had fought against the mysterious demon of Fanglin City. At this moment, in the mountain forest below, there were no houses or half a tree.

The space around him is not filled with spiritual energy, but filled with the power of intertwined spiritual energy and demonic energy. This kind of power cannot be absorbed and used by people.

However, it has no impact on the team. After all, the Tao King Realm masters who own the small world can fight against the enemy without relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, because there is very strong power in their own small world. .

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