Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 639 The Horror Of The Demon Sealing Tower

When the team approached Fanglin City, in the gloomy palace inside Fanglin City, the Xuan Demon King was sitting opposite the Winged Demon Lord.

"As long as you give me another year, I can send millions of winged demons to cooperate with you to take down that human city. Moreover, people who heard about Monster Race are also interested in this city.

The Lord of the Winged Demon said with a mocking look: "How can they compete with us with their trash?"

"Jiejiejie, you are right." The Xuan Demon King agreed with the words of the Lord of the Winged Demon.

At this moment, a man ran in from the door of the main hall and shouted: "My king, something bad is going on. A large number of humans appeared outside the city. It looked like they were about to launch an attack.

"Huh?" Xuan Demon King was stunned and said with a sneer: "It just so happens that all the little guys in the city have reached adulthood. Let them all go out to fight. Lord of the Winged Demon, do you want to go with us?"

"Okay, let these despicable human races see the horror of Demon Race, hahaha." The Lord of the Winged Demon smiled on his back, and his figure slowly disappeared. The next moment, the figure of the Xuan Demon King also slowly disappeared.

Not long after, I saw a large black mass of Xuan Demon and Wing Demon rising in the sky above Fang Lin City.

The number is very large, nearly five million.

Just watch them fly out of Fanglin City in a mighty manner and arrive at the open space outside Fanglin City. They stand very casually and without any discipline at all.

The leader of the Xuan Demon King sneered: "The human race really spent a lot of money this time, and they actually sent so many people to the national castle."

"Is there any way?" The figure of the Lord of the Winged Demon suddenly appeared beside him.

A trace of smile appeared on Xuan Demon King's face, and he said: "Just watch."

After saying that, I saw the aura on his body slowly rising to the level of Tao Zun Qian Wenjing. The next second, a small mysterious world appeared behind him that was about to catch up with the size of the Great World.

I saw that the small world of Xuan Demon was like a honeycomb, instantly releasing overwhelming Xuan Demon.

"Kill me!" The Xuan Demon King snorted coldly, looking at the humans in the distance with a sarcastic look on his face.

Wang Shan, who was at the front of the team, raised his arms and shouted: "Formation! Qingyan battle formation!"

As the battle formation condensed, the green flames of fire swept out instantly and enveloped the mysterious demons that were charging towards them.

At the right rear of the Wang family, Zhao Cai immediately ordered, "Form up! Explosive Flame Formation! Control those green flames and explode!"

Although the 250,000 people were all in the early stage of the Tao King realm, the moment they formed the battle formation, they also had a very terrifying power, no less powerful than the Wang family in front.

I only saw the blue flames that enveloped those mysterious demons. In addition to releasing terrifying temperatures, they would also explode wildly.

Looking at the mysterious demons who were dying one after another, the expression of the mysterious demon king in the rear did not change at all.

After a long time, the Xuan Demon King sneered: "The Xuan Demon is disintegrated!"

After the words fell, I saw these more than five million Mysterious Demons. In an instant, their physical bodies collapsed, and the small world fell apart. In the next second, they all merged together and turned into a black Mysterious Demon that was one million feet in size. Demon warrior.

"Roar!" He roared on his back, clenched his fists, and punched directly forward.

A layer of black light, attached to the fist, instantly fell on Mie Zheng of Gastritis all over the sky.


A huge explosion sounded, and more than 100,000 people from the Wang family and more than 200,000 people from the Zhao family were seen vomiting blood in an instant.

At the left rear of the Wang family, the Li family and the Wu family directly condensed the duckweed golden light array, shrouding the Wang family and the Zhao family in the golden light.

However, before the golden light could completely stabilize, the fist glowing with black light was seen falling again.

With a bang, the golden light shield collapsed instantly, and the huge backlash forced it back a few steps. At the same time, people from the Li family and the Wu family in the distance also vomited blood in their mouths and noses, and their auras instantly became weak.

After they fought for a long time, Feng Chen finally came over with his team, and immediately shouted: "Form up! Qingyan battle formation! Burn him to death."

In an instant, 1.3 million people gathered into a battle formation, and the blazing blue flames spurted out. The space began to collapse inch by inch, and traces of black power of rules lingered under the space.

As the flames fell on the huge mysterious demon, the black armor on his body slowly collapsed.

Seeing this, Feng Chen's face became slightly solemn and he said: "It seems that Xuan Mo is different now. Look at me, Law Treasure!"

After saying that, Feng Chen flicked his sleeves and released the Demon-Sealing Tower, turning it into a giant tower that was suspended above Xuan Demon's head.

The gravity of nine Great Worlds was directly condensed and pressed on it instantly.

However, it had no impact at all. Behind it, a small mysterious world like the Great World emerged, from which clouds of black mist flew out, and then merged into the body of the giant mysterious demon. .

I saw it slowly stand up, look up at the Demon-Sealing Tower suspended above its head, and punch out instantly.


Under the punch, the force involved was extremely violent, and it touched the edge of the Demon-Sealing Tower in just an instant.

At this time, Feng Chen sneered, and with the seal in his hand, most of the power in his body instantly withdrew and poured into the Demon-Sealing Tower in the air.

"Huh!" I only saw a beam of light falling, and it directly absorbed the giant mysterious demon.

It also dragged its small world into the Demon Sealing Tower.

Just when Feng Chen breathed a sigh of relief, the Demon-Sealing Tower floating in the sky suddenly began to tremble crazily, as if it would explode in the next moment, and phantoms appeared on the edge of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

Behind those figures, there are wings and tall bodies. Each of them is a winged demon with infinite strength.

Seeing their figures, Feng Chen sneered and said: "It just so happens that there is only one kind of monster in the Demon-Sealing Tower, the Xuan Mo. You guys are here, and you can enrich the monsters in the Demon-Sealing Tower."

After the words fell, Feng Chen made another seal in his hand, and with the little strength left in his body, he once again pulled away half of the spear.

"Huh!" Seeing that the Demon-Sealing Tower in the sky was no longer trembling, Feng Chen breathed a sigh of relief and took it back.

At this time, the Lord of the Winged Demon and the Xuan Demon King were standing outside Fang Lin City, their expressions full of incredible expressions.

"What is that thing? It's so scary! How can we take our people away?"

The Winged Demon Lord on the side had a slight fear in his eyes, as if he was afraid that he would also be included in the tower. .

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