Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 640 The Giant Monster Summoned By The Dark Demon King

Seeing the panic on the Wing Demon Lord's face, Xuan Demon King sneered and said lightly: "This is the time, there is no need to panic.

After hearing this, the Lord of the Winged Demons turned his head and looked at the Xuan Demon King who was standing aside with a calm expression without any panic. The Lord of the Winged Demons hesitated for a moment and said, "Then do we want to retreat now? Everyone below has already Finished dead.

"Why retreat?" The Xuan Demon King sneered, raised his right hand, and said in a very calm voice: "I, the Xuan Demon King, order the Xuan Demon to kill these despicable human beings."

The moment he finished speaking, he could only see a strange circular formation emerging in the sky. It soared into the sky and slowly stopped above the clouds. Then, in the middle of the formation, he saw slowly starting to circle. airflow.

But in the blink of an eye, a passage like a black hole opened.

The next moment, a huge palm stretched out, expanding the passage, and a huge head appeared in front of everyone's eyes. He only saw his eyes turning and focused on the Xuan Demon King. .

"Did you call me here?" The voice was very powerful and loud, allowing everyone to hear his words.

The Xuan Demon King nodded and said calmly: "I called you here to kill these despicable humans."

Hearing this, he only looked at the huge head. He turned around and saw the dense crowd. He sneered and said, "An appetizer? It's very good.

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and a dark beam of light came out.

At this time, Feng Chen also ordered everyone to form a blue flame battle formation and release the destruction of flames.

He soared into the sky, and the black and white instruments hovered under his feet, forming a beam of light around him, which happened to collide with the dark beam of light. When the two collided, at the place where the forces collided, The space is cracked inch by inch.

Following closely behind was the blue flame that filled the sky, climbing up along the light beam, and rushed directly to the huge head.

"Ah, it's so hot." He exclaimed in surprise, so that the black light beam cut off its subsequent power and was instantly dispersed by the light beam lingering around Feng Chen.

However, at the next moment, he stretched out his two big hands and waved violently. A terrifying tornado emerged and swept past, sucking in the flames all over the sky. No one could get close to him.

In the queue below, the people of the Li family suddenly changed their formation and turned into a colorful explosion of flames. They immediately saw the fire tornado in the sky, which suddenly exploded like a bomb, sending a terrifying impact in all directions.

For a moment, the monster stuck in the middle of the passage, in a dilemma, was beaten until it kept roaring.

"Damn humans, like ants, dare to challenge me! I want you to know what power is!"

The monster roared, and kept slapping its hands in the air. Waves of power surged out to fight against the impact from the air.

Watching the monster's movements, Feng Chen's expression was solemn. A small black and white world emerged behind him. Thousands of spiritual swords flew out like a long river in an instant, crossing the sky, and landed on the monster with streaks of sword energy.

This move that had been invincible in the past failed to produce real effects on this monster. As the spirit swords collapsed, a steady stream of spirit swords were released from behind, and at the same time, Feng Chen appeared behind him. A small world of sword and fire was created. From the small world of sword and fire, thousands of spiritual swords flew out, and these spiritual swords were burning with flames as if they were substance.

At the same time, the blue flame formation was also perfectly reproduced on these spiritual swords. As these spiritual swords burning with blue flames, combined with those black and white spiritual swords, washed away the monster, the monster's movements suddenly It has also been hindered to a great extent.

The Xuan Demon King snorted coldly and shouted: "Did you forget about me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a long knife appeared in his hand, and he rushed out of the battle formation in an instant.

At this time, the four family heads stood up one after another, with their own small worlds unfolding behind them. They held weapons in their hands and killed the Xuan Demon King. Although there was a lot of difference in realm between them, they were still four of them. A master of the Taoist Baijia Realm can barely resist the attack of the Xuan Demon King.

The Lord of the Winged Demon not far away saw the Xuan Demon King going to fight. He sighed helplessly and said, "In that case, I can't just watch and accompany you to fight those despicable humans!"

After saying that, he only saw the 20-meter-tall Lord of the Winged Demon. He spread out his two huge fleshy wings behind him, and the figure rushed out with a roar, and instantly came to the side of the Xuan Demon King, grinning and saying: "You The speed is still so slow.”

When he finished speaking, two light balls appeared in the hands of the Lord of Winged Demons. The light balls were constantly circling, containing very terrifying lethality. As his figure rushed to Wang Shan, he only saw He pushed the ball of light in his hand and rushed to Wang Shan.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shan snorted coldly, hurriedly condensed a defensive seal in his hand, and collided with it head-on.

"Boom!" The violent force instantly lifted Wang Shan away. In just a moment, the defensive seal was shattered on the spot.

Seeing that the people below were already fighting with the Black Demon King and the Lord of the Winged Demons, Feng Chen looked slightly anxious. He made a hand and saw the Demon-Sealing Tower flying past in an instant, unleashing a terrifying suppressive power.

Although this kind of power can slightly restrict the actions of the Black Demon King and the Winged Demon Lord, it cannot truly suppress them.

When he saw Wang Shan and others fighting, he felt a little more relaxed, and Feng Chen relaxed.

He raised his head, looked at the huge figure in the sky, snorted coldly, and said: "Next, let me get to know you!"

As he spoke, Feng Chen's figure began to grow taller in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant with a height of thousands of feet. With a hold of his hand, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was instantly drawn away to one place, and condensed into a A long sword with a flaming handle.

"Cut it!" The long sword danced, and in an instant, an extremely terrifying sword energy shot into the sky.

Then it continued with long tongues of fire, and hit the back of the monster's hand with a bang.

"Crash!" The moment the sword energy collapsed, Feng Chen's figure was approaching. Although he was huge, he still couldn't compare with the size of the monster. He swung the giant sword in his hand and slashed it with great force.

"Roar!" The monster roared, grabbed the giant sword with his right hand, and held it directly in his hand. .

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