Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 641 Fierce Battle With Giant Monsters

Seeing the giant sword being held, Feng Chen snorted coldly, his muscles all over his body surged, and his strength instantly climbed to the extreme. The small world of sword and fire behind him, as well as the small world of black and white, were activated to the strongest level at the same time. The flames on the sword spread to the monster's arm, and the terrifying flames crackled.

"Ahhhh..." The monster roared, and the muscles on its arms began to surge. The blood vessels under the skin were like earth dragons, surging in a straight line, bursting with power. In an instant, the giant sword began to crack inch by inch, and the flames were shaken by the power and fell off the monster's arms.

The next moment, he pushed back with both hands, and his huge body appeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant, with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet. In comparison, Feng Chen beside him was as big as a baby.

Looking up at the huge monster, Feng Chen had a stern look on his face. The black and white beam of light around him expanded again, and his whole body grew taller crazily. In just half a breath, he rose to a height comparable to it.

He clenched his fist and struck out in an instant. Wherever the fist passed, the space collapsed inch by inch. Space turbulence hit the fist, instantly shattering the clothes on his arm.

"Boom!" Two huge palms collided together, and the power that could instantly explode the stars burst out directly in their hands.

Looking at the battle between the two "giants" in the sky, Wang Shan and others felt extremely solemn. Although they had the help of the Demon-Sealing Tower, their realm was much lower than that of the Black Demon King and the Winged Demon Lord.

Although the two million soldiers below are running battle formations and assisting in the battle all the time, the power of the Xuan Demon King and the Winged Demon Lord are too powerful to truly compete.

The battle lasted for a long time, and everyone did not dare to be careless. For a while, they were evenly matched.

In the sky above, behind Feng Chen, in addition to the small world of sword and fire and the small world of black and white, there was also the small world of Jin Dao.

I only saw that Feng Chen's fist was now covered with a layer of golden power to protect himself, while the monster opposite was still covered in demonic energy and had not released his small world, as if the power was inexhaustible forever. Same.

Feng Chen's power is also extremely powerful. Although it consumes a lot of energy during battle, with the blessing of the three small worlds, he can still maintain a balance.

"Human, you are indeed very strong, but in this world with limited realms, I don't believe that you can be more powerful than me!" The giant monster roared, grabbing it with its big hand, and brought five demons with it. Zhu, instantly collided with Feng Chen's fist.

Golden light and black power instantly confronted each other in the air.

The battle lasted for nearly a year, and everyone was very exhausted, especially the four family heads below who were confronting the Xuan Demon King and the Winged Demon Lord. They were even more exhausted. The small world behind them seemed to be exhausted due to power consumption. If it is too large, the operation will be slightly irregular.

The operation of the battle formation with more than two million people requires a lot of consumption all the time. However, fortunately, Jiang Lulan and his soldiers are in the rear, constantly transporting supplies, so they can barely hold on.

Feng Chen, who was fighting in the air, had been fighting with that monster for so long, and they had always been on equal footing. However, Feng Chen could vaguely feel that the opponent's strength was slightly weaker.

"It seems that you are not as powerful as me, hahaha." Feng Chen laughed, and the fatigue on his body came to his mind again, and the several small worlds suspended behind him were still going on. Convey power.

The giant monster's body was now entangled with vines, and there were blazing flames burning behind the water column, and its movements were restricted to the extreme by Feng Chen.

"Ah! Damn human ants! I'm going to kill you!" After fighting for so long, the giant monster was also filled with anger. Every time it attacked, it tried to exert its maximum power.

However, his body was entangled with these vines and water pillars, and his strength could not reach its true limit. Feng Chen would be repulsed every time.

I could only see Feng Chen gritting his teeth, his attack speed getting faster and faster, and his power getting stronger and stronger. Gradually, the giant monster felt unwilling to accept it, and roared: "I don't accept it! You are a human who can only use despicable tricks!"

"Haha, a despicable trick? As long as it can defeat you, it is a good trick! Humph, you must die!" Feng Chen took advantage of the time he spoke, and his body quickly regained its strength. Several small worlds behind him were in a row. Instantly, the supply of power was increased.

...Please give me flowers...

When a long sword appeared in his hand again, a trace of fear flashed in the giant monster's eyes.

"Bang!" The sword fell and was directly smashed by the giant monster's head on the spot, but the huge power also rushed into his body directly through the defense.


The roaring sound continued to spread to all directions. The Xuan Demon King who was fighting with Wang Shan and others heard the roaring sound. He felt anxious for a moment and said: "Lord of the Winged Demon, hurry up and help the giant monster I summoned." Mysterious Demon!"


The somewhat upset Lord of the Winged Demon responded, soared directly into the sky, and was above the clouds in an instant. He held two hovering balls of light in his hands and flew towards Feng Chen's toes.


Feeling the fluctuation of power, Feng Chen raised his huge foot and kicked it out. "boom!"

The violent force directly kicked the Lord of the Winged Demon from the sky to the ground. He was in the deep pit and could not climb out for a long time.

This scene was also seen by Jiang Lulan. Seeing this, she turned her head and said: "You continue to deliver supplies, and I will help!"

After Jiang Lulan finished speaking, he flew up and turned around, like a stream of light, flying to the height where Feng Chen was fighting the giant monster. The small desolate world emerged behind him, and ten desolate chains were shot out of his hands.

"Crash..." The chain is very small for a giant monster, just like ten woolen threads wrapped around its body, and it is of no use at all.

At this time, Feng Chen saw Jiang Lulan's figure and said hurriedly: "You go fight below and don't worry about me!"

Just looking at the giant monster, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hit Jiang Lulan, shouting: "Damn little bug, how dare you strip away my power! Damn it!"

Hearing this, Feng Chen was stunned, hurriedly clenched his fist and hit the giant monster.


There was a muffled sound like thunder, and the fist hit his chest directly in just an instant, knocking him back thousands of miles.

The hurricane swept through and carried Jiang Lulan flying far away. .

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