Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 642 Monster Race Where The Fishermen Benefit

As the hurricane swept around, Jiang Lulan was swept out nearly five thousand miles away and fell directly to the ground. She looked very embarrassed. Her white dress was now stained with dark brown stains. soil.

Feng Chen, who was in the sky, couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he saw the giant monster that was knocked back thousands of miles by his punch, and said secretly: "It seems that Jiang Lulan's desolate chain has taken effect. Otherwise, with my power, There is absolutely no way he can be beaten back so far, and it looks like he hasn't recovered yet, right? In that case, I'll take this opportunity to hit him a few more times."

The thought flashed through his mind for just a moment. Feng Chen transformed into a giant, clenching his fists. Several small worlds behind him instantly surged and sent power into Feng Chen's body.

I just looked at the mysterious "one four three" luster from the small world, permeating Feng Chen's body, tongues of fire surrounding his arms, golden light and brown defense attached to his fists, in front of the giant monster The vines wrapped around his body grew wildly in an instant. In just a blink of an eye, Feng Chen had already arrived in front of him and punched him.

"Rumble..." The power of this punch was very terrifying. Wherever it passed, the space was collapsing. When the turbulent flow of space blew against him, Feng Chen didn't care at all and focused all his attention on it. They were all placed on the giant monster in front of them.

The giant monster whose power had been restricted by the desolate chain just now was not checked for a moment, and was beaten back thousands of miles by Feng Chen. For a moment, he was extremely angry. He looked up and roared, "Condensing the few demonic energy in the palm of his hand."

"Boom!——" There was a muffled sound, and only the palm print of the giant monster was seen, which was instantly punched away by Feng Chen. Then, like a broken bamboo, he first blew up his arm, and the next moment, he drove straight in and punched him. head.

At this time, a loud shout came from the horizon in the distance, "You little human race, please stop being so arrogant!"

"Roar!" With a roar, a figure instantly appeared in front of Feng Chen's fist, and then its body directly expanded to hundreds of thousands of feet, turning into a long-haired minotaur, and its hooves directly He started to exert force against Feng Chen's fist.

"Huh! I've been waiting for you for a long time! You should die."

Feng Chen snorted coldly, and the power in his hand was pushed to the extreme in an instant. The power of this punch was not reduced, and it instantly smashed the minotaur's hooves into pieces. The next moment, the bull's head exploded. The head continued to slam forward.

"Ah! Damn humans!" The giant monster roared, and when he was about to resist, Feng Chen's fist had already hit his head.

"Poof!" Like a smashed watermelon, it instantly fell into pieces, and large chunks of flesh and blood fell downwards in an instant.

The people below were covered in red as if they had been showered with blood.

Feng Chen gasped for air, and his figure slowly shrank, turning into the appearance of a normal person. After fighting for so long, the fatigue on his body was extremely strong. The moment he defeated the enemy, the feeling of sleepiness came directly to his mind. .

"No, the people below are still fighting. I have to go down and help." Feng Chen took a few breaths and fell from the clouds.

"Everyone! Prepare to retreat!" After Feng Chen shouted loudly, he glanced around and saw the huge mysterious world suspended in the air. It was the Body Integration of the five million mysterious demons that turned into a huge mysterious demon. What's left after being killed.

Feng Chen made a secret in his hand, and the Demon-Sealing Tower in the air directly put it away.

At this time, more than two million soldiers, hearing Feng Chen's order, set off one after another to prepare to evacuate this place.

From the horizon in the distance, there was a sneer, saying: "Haha, you want to retreat? Have you asked us if we agree?"

"Huh?" Feng Chen looked sideways in confusion, only to see minotaurs appearing on the horizon [surrounding the fighting area from all directions.

"Damn! I'm actually surrounded by people from Monster Race." Feng Chen's eyes were slightly solemn.

The Xuan Demon King, who had been fighting with Wang Shan and others, and the Lord of the Winged Demon, who was seriously injured, also saw this scene, and they all looked happy and said: "You guys from the Tauren Clan are here! Hurry up! Help us get rid of these despicable humans!"

"Hahaha, not only will we solve them, but you will also solve them together, don't worry." I saw a Minotaur leader wearing a red cloak behind him, saying with a smile: "Children, give me Kill! Leave no one behind!"

Hearing this, Feng Chen was stunned and said with a smile: "King Xuan Demon, it seems that we have all been plotted against. Why don't we join forces to defeat them temporarily? What do you think?"

The faces of the Black Demon King and the Wing Demon Lord were very gloomy. They looked at the Minotaur leader and gritted their teeth and said, "Let's join forces!"

"Qing Yan Battle Formation! Burn it for me!" Feng Chen flew over the formation and shouted...

More than two million people instantly condensed into the same battle formation, the Qing Yan Battle Formation. Waves of cyan light lingered in the air, and a vague sense of connection lingered in everyone's heart.

"Burn it!" Feng Chen gave the order, and saw more than two million people releasing the extremely hot green fire at the same time. The overwhelming flames directly covered those Monster Race people like a tsunami.

Just like throwing a fire into gasoline, the green flames exploded instantly and spread in all directions.

At this time, the Xuan Demon King and the Winged Demon Lord also rushed directly into the middle of these Minotaurs and started ruthless killing.

"Damn it, they've been fighting for so long, how come they still have such fighting power?"

The leader of the Minotaur said angrily, holding a long ax in his hand, and shouted: "Monster Race, listen to the order! Follow me and kill!"

"5.8 boom..."

The earth trembled, like a tide of beasts, surging forward.

The horrific scene is extremely shocking.

However, the blue flames burning in all directions were extremely terrifying, and they blocked the impact of these Monsters abruptly.

In the air, Feng Chen took this opportunity to restore his condition as much as possible. After fighting for such a long time, his own consumption can be said to be very huge, especially to maintain such a large body, which consumes even more power. It's terrible.

Seeing those Monster Race people being stopped, Feng Chen was slightly relieved.

When the monsters were about to break through the green flames, Jiang Lulan, whose clothes were covered in dust, flew up in a slightly embarrassed manner, looking seriously at the monsters coming from all directions. .

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