"And if I hadn't supported you back then, how could you have a foothold in Duckweed City?"

Lin Yun said angrily.

Wang Shan sneered, looked at him with disdain, and said: "My little sister married you, but what? After receiving the support from my Wang family, my little sister died suddenly six months later. Death! You didn't give a reasonable explanation back then. I guess both the Li family leader and the Zhao family leader knew about this, right?"

"Yes, we have heard about this matter before." Li Guang said calmly: "We can give you two choices. The first one is to abdicate on your own initiative and give the position of city lord to the city lord. Otherwise, huh!"

"Okay, very good, then it looks like we have nothing to talk about." Lin Yun sneered and said, "Let me see what you can do! -"

As he finished speaking, he saw more than 300,000 people filing out of the city lord's palace below, all of whom were at the Dao King level.

However, before they could stand firm, they saw the duckweed golden light formation and the green flame formation forming in the sky above Duckweed City.

The one to two million Duckweed City soldiers standing in the sky instantly formed a formation, without Feng Chen's orders, and uniformly moved towards the direction of the city lord's palace, releasing the all-burning green flames.

The flames that filled the sky enveloped the more than 300,000 people who flew out of the city lord's palace in just an instant, killing them all on the spot.

One by one, even their small worlds had no chance to be released, so they all fell one after another.

Seeing that one of his people was killed in an instant, Lin Yun was filled with anger. His own small world appeared behind him, and the golden light in his hand shone brightly in the distance.

However, like a moth flying into a flame, the palm print was submerged in the green flames and was instantly evaporated and dissipated.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Lin Yun looked at Feng Chen and others angrily, and shouted: "I can give up my seat! But I want to take away the Great World in the city lord's palace!"

Feng Chen, who had been watching the excitement not far away, suddenly said:

"Haha, you are overthinking this, but if you want to take away some people, maybe I can agree to your request.

"Don't bully others too much!" Lin Yun gritted his teeth and looked at Feng Chen and said.

Feng Chen shook his head and said: "When you said those words to me, you should have thought that something unexpected would happen.

"Yeah, it's really unexpected. Lin Yun sighed and said helplessly: "Then let me take some people away. "

As he spoke, Lin Yun turned around and flew downwards.

After a while, under everyone's gaze, Lin Yun left Duckweed City with some people.

The moment before walking out of Duckweed City's protective formation.

Lin Yun turned around, looked at Feng Chen seriously and said, "Farewell!"

No one said goodbye to him, only after he had completely left did they all look at Feng Chen.

"Lord of Fengcheng! I hope that Duckweed City can gradually become stronger under your leadership in the future!"

The voice was very loud. Lin Yun, who was about five hundred miles away from Duckweed City, turned around and looked at the thick city wall with a little reluctance. As time went by, the reluctance in his eyes gradually turned into Resentful, he said coldly: "I will definitely come back. When the time comes, Duckweed City will definitely return to my hands, hum! Feng Chen! Just wait.

After the words fell, Lin Yun turned his head and left the place resolutely.

In Duckweed City, Feng Chen looked at the people in front of him and said with a slight sigh: "I didn't expect that you can trust me so much. In this case, I have nothing else to say. I can only do my best to benefit everyone in the future. That’s it.”

"There is nothing else going on in Duckweed City now. You can go back first and rest for a while."

After Feng Chen finished speaking, he saw the four family heads clasping their fists and saying, "We obey your orders."

Seeing them leaving, Feng Chen looked helplessly at Jin Rui and others, and said, "Let's go and clean up the Great World in the City Lord's Mansion. We will live there in the future."

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Jin Rui and others immediately knelt on the ground.

Seeing their actions, Feng Chen didn't stop them. He put his hands behind his back and walked out of the house step by step.

When walking on the street, the people along the way were all happy and said happily: "Fengcheng Lord!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Feng Chen smiled, said hello, and took Jin Rui and others to the City Lord's Mansion.

………Please give me flowers…

When I came to the passage of the Great World, I only saw Feng Chen and pointed to the front point, and the passage of the Great World opened.

"Everyone, get ready for battle."

After speaking, Feng Chen stepped into the Great World and looked around to see the stars floating in the sky one by one.

After everyone entered the Great World, they only saw a man flying from a distance, wearing a silver armor and holding a long sword in his hand. When he saw Feng Chen and others, he knelt down directly. He knelt down and said, "Welcome Lord Fengcheng!"

"Huh? Did you know that beforehand?" Feng Chen looked at him slightly differently.

"Yes, I was informed just now that City Lord Lin has resigned, and you are now the City Lord of Duckweed City.

Hearing this, Feng Chen nodded and asked, "So what is your choice?"

"I will not be the enemy of the city lord, and I am willing to follow you forever." The man said respectfully.

"What's your name?" Feng Chen looked at him.

"My name is Lin Yang!"

"Jin Rui, take over this Great World and manage it for me." Feng Chen turned his head and looked at Jin Rui and said.

"Yes!" Jin Rui responded.

Feng Chen shook his head, sighed, and said: "Since the people here don't resist, then you can do whatever you want. Except for Jin Rui who wants to take over this Great World, the rest will continue to go back to train the troops. Jiang Lulan will follow me. Keep practicing.”

"I'll obey!"

Everyone responded.

Without looking at them, Feng Chen turned around and left this Great World.

Although it is the Great World, the various internal laws and the Great Dao are incomplete. If you stay in the Great World for too long, it will damage your own cultivation.

After walking out of the Great World, Feng Chen looked at the sky and felt a little emotional in his heart. He didn't expect that he would become the Lord of Duckweed City. What a twist of fate.

After searching for a while in the city lord's palace, I found a more exquisite bedroom, opened the door, and Feng Chen walked straight in.

He came to the large bed, waved his hand and took out the Lotus of Time and Space, entered it, and continued to meditate on the Falling Sun Formation.

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