Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 647 Friction Between Monster Race And Demon Race

In the ancient city of Helin, in a very grand hall at the moment, the city lord of the ancient city of Helin, Ji He, sat in the air with an indifferent expression, silently looking at the strange-looking man below.

"You said that Lin Yun, the lord of Duckweed City, was driven away? Is this news accurate?" Jihe asked.

"Jie Jie Jie, when did I tell you that the information I told you was not accurate? Jie He, you have to believe in the ability of our Monster Race." The man smiled and said: "After some time, I will try to compete with the Xuan Demon King. Negotiate and let them join us to deal with Duckweed City together."

"Are you sure you can take down Duckweed City in this way?" Ji He said lightly: "Last time, I followed Lin Yun to visit Duckweed City. I know very well what the current defense capabilities of Duckweed City are. One or two forces cannot take it down at all."

"Hehe, don't worry about this, "820."" The Monster Race man smiled and said: "Our clan has mastered a formation that can avoid the prying eyes of the heavenly secrets. Relying on the ability of this formation, It can allow those who fight to temporarily reach the realm of Taoist Master without being obliterated by the rules of the Void Formation Gate. By relying on this formation alone, our chances of winning will increase by three levels."

"Huh? Will Wan Die live in this situation?" Cui He repeated, with a smile on his face, and said: "Yes, this does have a chance of winning. After all, as far as I know, there is no Taoist Wan Die in Duckweed City." He’s a strong man in his entire life.”

"And the strongest Lin Yun has now left Duckweed City. This is indeed an opportunity for us."

Listening to Jihe's words, the Monster Race man below was quiet for a moment, and then said: "Since City Lord Ji has already made a calculation in his mind, how about we launch an attack on Duckweed City in two months?"

"Well, that's very good." Jihe nodded.

Seeing this, the Monster Race man turned around and left the place, rushing in the direction of Fanglin City.

Looking at the direction he was leaving, Jihe smiled and said softly: "Duckweed City, to be able to develop to this extent, probably has a lot of resources, and I don't know how much benefit I will get from it. ."

After an unknown amount of time, the Monster Race man arrived at Fanglin City. After the gatekeeper Xuan Mo came in and announced, the Monster Race man stepped into Fanglin City calmly.

In the gloomy hall, the Xuan Demon King sat on the throne with an indifferent expression, his eyes full of disdain as he looked at the Monster Race man standing below, and his voice was full of majesty.

Said: "Aren't you Monster Race people very strong? Some time ago, you took the initiative to attack us. Why are you seeking cooperation from our Demon Race now?"

The Monster Race man was stunned and asked with some confusion, "Why do you say this, King of the Mysterious Demons? When did I, Monster Race, attack you?"

"Haha." The Xuan Demon King snorted coldly. He waved his hand and saw a black mist emerging in the air. The next second, the previous scenes of fighting the Minotaur and those Monster Races appeared directly on the black mist. out.

"Humph! Is there anything else to explain now?" Xuan Demon King snorted coldly, looking at him with unkind eyes.

"This..." The Monster Race man was stunned and thought to himself: "Damn guy, he dares to ruin my good deeds! Who gave him the courage?"

"Haha, it seems there is some misunderstanding." The Monster Race man said with a wry smile: "This person has no status at all in Monster Race. Maybe his actions, I don't know what he means, but I can guarantee , has nothing to do with my Monster Race.”

The Xuan Demon King sneered, looked at him with a stern look, and said, "Are you thinking I'm stupid? If you hadn't come to talk to me on behalf of Monster Race, I would have killed you right now!"

"Get lost! Duckweed City can only belong to me, Demon Race. If you, Monster Race, want it, you have to get rid of me first!"

The Xuan Demon King snorted coldly. After speaking, he waved his sleeves and directly pushed the Monster Race man below out of the hall.

Standing outside the hall, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Monster Race man, and he said, "Then can I take this as Demon Race's declaration of war against my Monster Race?"

"Let's fight! Aren't we afraid of you?" the voice of King Xuan came from the hall.

"Okay, in that case, the challenge will be sent over in a while." The Monster Race man snorted coldly, turned around and left.

The Xuan Demon King in the main hall looked extremely gloomy, thinking about how to deal with it.

At this moment, only the figure of the Lord of the Winged Demon was seen slowly appearing beside the Xuan Demon King, and he said with a smile: "I'm just a little guy from Monster Race, how can he be so grand?"

"Lord of the Winged Demon, do you have any good ways to deal with it?" Xuan Demon King looked sideways at him...

"Hehe, of course there is." The Lord of the Winged Demon grinned and said: "After being besieged by Monster Race last time, our relationship with the human race named Feng Chen is not so stiff. We can personally Go and have a discussion with him.”

“Although we have a lot of Demon Race people, the Monster Race is even scarier, and most of them don’t have a small world.

Listening to the words of the Lord of Winged Demons, King Xuan Demon nodded, looked at the Lord of Winged Demons and said: "You are fast, how about you negotiate with him? I believe in your ability, Lord of Winged Demons!"

"Okay." The Lord of the Winged Demon nodded, looked at the Xuan Demon King, and said, "Then I'll set off now."

"Go ahead."

After saying that, only the figure of the Winged Demon Lord disappeared in an instant.

The hall suddenly became empty again.

Xuan Demon King narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Dare you threaten me? Monster Race is nothing, huh."

In Duckweed City, everything is developing in an orderly manner now. All matters large and small are handled by dedicated personnel, and Feng Li does not need to do everything himself.

In the main hall, Feng Chen was sitting in the main seat, listening to several people below reporting the situation in Duckweed 5.4 City little by little, with a very calm expression.

"Lord City Lord! A huge winged demon has appeared in the outer city. He said he came to pay you a visit."

A soldier rushed into the hall with an anxious face.

"Huh?" Feng Chen was stunned and said with a smile: "A huge winged demon?"

The figure of the Lord of the Winged Demon flashed across his mind inexplicably. Thinking of this, Feng Chen said: "There is no need to panic, you all should retreat first.


Everyone in the hall resigned one after another.

Feng Chen looked at the soldier and said, "Go and invite it over."

"This..." The soldier originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Feng Chen's eyes, he quickly changed his words: "Yes!"

After the soldiers left the hall, Feng Chen closed his eyes, sat cross-legged in the air, and waited quietly. .

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