Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 648 The Lord Of The Winged Demon Personally Visits

After waiting for a short while, the huge figure of the Winged Demon Lord slowly entered the hall.

Seeing Feng Chen sitting cross-legged in the void, the Lord of the Winged Demon chuckled, and said with a hint of admiration in his eyes: "Lord Fengcheng, I really didn't expect that, it was just the last time we said goodbye. When I see you again, you They have all become the real city lords of Duckweed.

Hearing the sound, Feng Chen opened his eyes, shook his head and chuckled, and said helplessly: "Your Excellency, you teased me when you came here. I wonder what's the reason for coming here this time? I guess it's not a trivial matter, right?"

"Hey, there is indeed something I want to tell you. This matter concerns the common interests of both of us, so I came here in person." The Lord of Winged Demon looked at Feng Chen seriously and said calmly: " Some time ago, the people from Monster Race came to see us."

"Oh? Is it possible that you are here to declare a challenge?" Feng Chen asked teasingly.

"Haha, if I come to declare a challenge, then I won't come alone, but will come with the Demon Race army." The Lord of the Winged Demon sneered and said: "This time, Monster Race's Man, I originally wanted to join forces with 27 Demon Race and me to deal with your Duckweed City, but because Monster Race attacked you and me together before, we did not agree to their agreement."

Speaking of this, the face of the Lord of Winged Demons was full of sarcasm, and he continued: "Furthermore, as far as we know, their Monster Race people have already discussed with your human race's Helin Ancient City. After a while, After that, we will launch an attack on you."

"So you mean you want to join forces to fight them?" Feng Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the Lord of the Winged Demon with slight interest.

"That's true, so I think it will be more sincere if I come in person."

Hearing this, Feng Chen fell into thinking and thought to himself: "Today's Demon Race and Monster Race are both my enemies, but it seems that the people in Demon Race will be easier to get along with. If we join forces with them, maybe we can also be a Not a bad choice.”

"I promise to join forces with you." Feng Chen said.

"Very good, I like talking to smart people." The Lord of the Winged Demon grinned and said, "Then let's sign a contract. This way, no one has to worry about the other party suddenly defecting in battle, how about that?"

"Okay." Feng Chen nodded.

After the two signed the contract, Feng Chen looked at the Lord of the Winged Demon and said with a smile: "Haha, no matter what, we are now allies. Your Excellency has come from afar, so why not wait for a while while I have someone prepare something better? Wine and food, how about it?"

"No, we are not used to what you humans eat. Anyway, now that the matter is over, I will take the first step." As the Lord of the Winged Demon spoke, his figure slowly disappeared.

While Feng Chen was minding his own business, the voice of the Lord of the Winged Demon suddenly appeared again and said: "By the way, if there are no accidents, there may be a battle within the next month or two, so You prepare in advance.”

"If they attack us, you need to send people to rescue them in time. If they attack you, we will bring people to help as soon as possible." After the Lord of the Winged Demon finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared.

Feng Chen looked at the door of the hall, frowned slightly, and thought to himself: "About two months? Time is a bit tight."

"Steward Li, go find Wang Shan, Zhao Cai, Wu Yang, and Li Guang. I have something to tell them."

After hearing the order, Butler Li, who was standing outside the main hall, responded, and then asked with a slight hesitation: "By the way, City Lord, do you want to call the newly supported Zhang family in the city?"

"You can just call me over." Feng Chen agreed without thinking.

"Okay." Butler Li responded, turned and left the City Lord's Mansion, and hurried in the direction of the Wang family.

After about half an hour, Wang Shan and others followed Butler Li into the main hall and saw Feng Chen, who had been waiting to lead them.

"We pay our respects to the Lord of the City!" Wang Shan took the lead, followed closely by Zhao Cai and others.

Hearing their voices, Feng Chen was brought back from his thoughts. He turned his eyes and saw the five people standing below. Feng Chen nodded and said calmly: Everyone, I'm here to see you this time. I have something to discuss with you.

"The Lord of the Winged Demon came to see me just now, did you know?" Feng Chen asked.

Wang Shan thought about it for a moment and then asked: "This... I don't know, why does the Lord of the Winged Demon come to look for the city lord?"

"He told me that the people from Monster Race are looking for him and are going to join forces with their Demon Race to deal with us." At this point, Feng Chen paused and then continued: "Do you think this may be true?"

Zhao Cai rolled his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Lord City Lord, this may be true, because the people of Monster Race like to form gangs, and before every battle, they will try their best to win over as many people as possible. They win over everyone, this is their usual style."

"Yes, it is indeed like this." Li Guang, who was not far away, nodded and said.

And just when Feng Chen was about to continue talking, he only saw the current head of the Zhang family, Zhang Quan said with a sneer: "Every head of the family may be thinking too much, maybe this time it's just Demon Race. Are you afraid of us?"

"Well? Why do you think so?" Feng Chen looked at him in confusion.

"As far as I know, the last time the city lord went out to fight, Fanglin City was almost defeated, so in my opinion, it was just Demon Race's delaying strategy. If it were me, I would definitely lead people to kill him during this time. Go over and capture Fang Lin City! Then build two huge city walls to connect Duckweed City and Fang Lin City."

Zhang Quan's face was full of confidence, and when he saw everyone in the hall looking at him with strange eyes, he felt an inexplicable sense of pride.

I thought to myself: "I am really a genius. I just said a few words and all these people were stunned.

Feng Chen sighed and said: "Zhang Quan, you still need to practice and practice. Please stay silent for the next discussion.

"Ah? This...did I say something wrong somewhere?" Zhang Quan looked at Feng Chen in surprise.

Without waiting for Feng Chen to speak, Wang Shan who was on the side said: "Master Zhang! You have to know that Demon Race has occupied fifteen big cities, and at their speed, they mobilize their troops to each other. That is a very simple matter. , Do you dare to guarantee that the troops in Fang Lin City are empty now?"

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