Walking in the city, Su Ling'er felt really refreshing.

This place is different from the fairy mountain where Su Ling'er lived before.

My mother, Nangong Wuyan, is the overlord of the heavenly world, and the place she lives in is naturally the best place in the fairyland.

But compared with the city in front of me, it is a little less popular.

Looking at the bustling pedestrians on the interface, Su Ling'er felt that this place was extremely lively.

In the past, when I stayed with my father Su Changge every day, I didn't have to worry about anything. I only had to find a way to get the spiritual wine from my father.

Apart from drinking, Su Ling'er didn't have much interest in anything else.

Now that Su Ling'er's eyes lit up when she saw all kinds of small vendors everywhere on the streets of Wutong City.

It's not that she wasn't interested in other things before, it was mainly because she had too little experience and didn't encounter anything interesting.

Su Ling'er's eyes were really dazzled by all the good things on the street.

Sometimes he looked at the silk flower stall, sometimes he looked at the candy man stall, and sometimes he saw the little kite stall...

Su Linger felt that her eyes were not enough, and she wanted to take a good look at everything.

"Wow, this looks great."

Picking up a beaded flower that children like to wear from a small grocery stall, Su Ling'er gestured to her little head.

But Su Ling'er had a hosta on her head that Su Changge gave her.

If she continues If you are wearing a beaded flower, you have to take off the hosta, otherwise your head will be heavy. Su Linger held the hosta in her left hand and the beaded flower in her right hand. After comparing them, she finally put the hosta on her head.

Su Changge, who was following Su Ling'er in hiding and not far behind, saw this scene and smiled very happily. She is indeed his precious daughter, so she prefers the things he gave her.

"Little girl, buy one, it’s very cheap."

The lady who bought the beads and flowers was a little unhappy when she saw that Su Ling'er looked at them for a long time and then put them down. However, seeing that Su Ling'er was dressed very luxuriously, she knew that the other party could not afford them, so she expressed her hope that Su Ling'er could buy them. buy

"Ling'er can't carry so many things on his head, so he won't buy them."

The aunt doesn't want to let go of this opportunity to make money.

The little girl in front of her can tell at a glance that she is a born monk.

The monks who are willing to pay spiritual stones to enter the city are not short of money.

Maybe this little girl can I've made a lot of money

"If you don’t want to buy pearl flowers, then take a look at this. The rouge and gouache here are the best, and little girls love to use them."

The aunt picked up a few small boxes with exquisite packaging from the stall, opened them and placed them in front of Su Ling'er.

Su Ling'er originally wanted to leave, but the aunt stopped her and asked her to see the rouge and gouache.

Su Ling'er has never seen this thing before.

She is a Holy Spirit body, and she drinks spiritual wine and eats food rich in spiritual energy made by Su Changge every day.

She almost grows up in the nourishment of strong spiritual energy. Big.

Not to mention her naturally clean appearance, her skin is as tender as a peeled egg. She never needs to apply any rouge or gouache. However

, the little girl’s beauty-loving nature makes her unable to help but be attracted by this. I was attracted by the pink and fragrant things, so I took a second look.

"What is this used for?"

Su Ling'er asked the aunt.

The aunt quickly and enthusiastically introduced the functions of these rouges and gouache, and even dipped some of them with her fingers in an attempt to apply some to Su Ling'er's face.

Su Ling'er quickly turned her head. avoided

"Don't put it on Ling'er's face, the smell is too strong, sneeze~ sneeze~"

The aroma of rouge and gouache can be introduced from a distance, but when it is brought closer, Su Ling'er only feels that her nose I almost lost my ability.

I was stimulated by the strong fragrance and sneezed twice.

I covered my nose and took a few steps back.

"I don’t want this either, goodbye."

After saying that, Su Ling'er left the stall directly. Only when she was far away did she feel that her nose was liberated.

The aunt was almost angry to death.

I originally thought that I would be more enthusiastic and give Su Ling'er a try on this rouge and gouache. As soon as the little girl liked it, she bought more.

Unexpectedly, her own cleverness was mistaken for her. Not only did she not like Su Ling'er, but the scent of the rouge and gouache was too strong, which scared people away.

I really regret it.

"Little girl, don’t leave. Look at other things. Others are not bad.……"

The shouts of the aunt behind him gradually faded away, and Su Ling'er fled away.

Firstly, Su Ling'er couldn't stand the smell. Secondly, the lady was so enthusiastic that Su Ling'er couldn't stand it.

The little Su Ling'er was floating in the air, and soon she reached the entrance of a small alley, got directly in, and completely disappeared from the sight of the aunt.

"Phew, finally gone."

Su Ling'er was still waving her little hand in front of her nose, trying to blow away the remaining fragrance.

Before she could take a breath, several people suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley.

"Little girl, I heard that you are very wealthy, can you lend some spiritual stones to your brothers?"

Su Ling'er looked towards the place where the sound was coming from, and saw three arrogant men looking at Su Ling'er with an angry look on their faces.

Several of them also carried wooden sticks as weapons in their hands.

Su Ling'er Ling'er looked at the three men who blocked her in the alley, blinked her big watery eyes, and asked curiously:

"Are you trying to rob me?"

While asking, Su Ling'er pointed to her nose with her little finger, looking very cute.

The man in the lead completely turned a blind eye to Su Ling'er's cuteness, and raised his head and replied:

"That's right, if you are sensible, please quickly hand over your spirit stones to your brothers. Considering that you are still a child, we won't do anything difficult for you."

When she heard the other party say that they just wanted to rob her,

Su Ling'er's big eyes immediately lit up.

"Wow! There was a real robbery! There are still a few mortals trying to rob me!"

Seeing Su Ling'er's excited look, except for the man who took the lead, the other two people were stunned.

Only the man who had just spoken to Su Ling'er kept raising his head and making a fierce look. appearance

"If you are scared, stop talking nonsense and hand over the spirit stone quickly!"

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