Su Ling'er didn't feel scared, she just felt it was novel.

She had mentioned it before when she heard Su Changge telling stories.

Among ascetics, especially those who have reached a certain level.

It is easy for them to kill and seize treasures.

If other monks are found to have powerful treasures, then those who are more powerful than the treasure holders will kill people and seize the treasures once they become greedy.

Su Changge told his daughters not to scare them, but to tell them that the outside world is scary.

If you want to leave your father's side, you must become extremely strong.

Otherwise, the powerful treasures they carry will become the reason for others to take their lives.

But as long as Su Changge, their biological father, is here, they don't need to worry about this. After all, his father is so powerful that no one dares to offend him.

As a result, Su Qingxue dismissed this, while Su Linger asked curious questions.

At that time, Su Changge only felt that his head was as big as a bucket.

Why did things develop differently than he expected?

Su Ling'er asked a lot of questions about killing people and seizing treasures.

Su Changge also mentioned to her that among mortals, this kind of behavior is called robbery.

When monks seize many treasures, they will directly kill the treasure owner to prevent the other party from coming to seek revenge on them in the future.

In order not to leave any further trouble, most people would kill someone while trying to seize the treasure.

Mortals are different.

Although there are some people who like to seek money and kill people, most robbers are still the kind of people who want money but not life.

Generally, only those who are particularly bloodthirsty will kill someone after robbing someone, or some of their actions may have aroused the robber's desire to kill.

Otherwise, most mortals would still be unwilling to kill easily.

What Su Ling'er encounters now is the kind of villain who only cares about wealth but not life.

Su Ling'er curiously walked up to the man who threw the knife and looked at him up and down.

"Wow, you are the legendary robbers. He looks like an ordinary mortal."

While flying left and right to observe the three men from all angles, he was still mumbling countless questions.

"Do you usually rob? What do you do when you're not robbing? Will you be hungry? Do you usually need to eat like other mortals? What are you doing with sticks? As a crutch? you……"

Su Ling'er's little mouth kept asking questions. It was obviously the first time for the three men to encounter such a reaction, and they were all stunned in place for a moment.

Su Changge, who was standing not far away in hiding and watching the situation here, pursed his lips in embarrassment after seeing this scene, covered his nose with his fist and coughed lightly.

Su Ling'er's endless stream of questions continued.

"Do your parents know that you are a robber? Can they accept it? Do robbers get paid? Do you have any career plans? Or do you plan to be a robber for the rest of your life? besides……"

The man in the lead was finally annoyed by Su Ling'er's series of questions that sounded like a heavy blow to his soul. With a black line on his forehead, he shouted angrily:


Su Ling'er was startled by his sudden loud roar, then she pursed her lips and asked unhappily:

"Why did you suddenly scare me loudly? Is it because you don't want to answer my question?"

"Your questions don't matter, as long as you hand over the spirit stone obediently, I can answer you all."

The leading man still raised his head and said to Su Ling'er arrogantly.

When Su Ling'er heard this, she looked surprised.

"Really? As long as I give you some spiritual stones, you can answer my questions?

The man immediately replied:"That's right!""

Su Ling'er immediately took out ten spirit stones from the storage ring and threw them into the man's arms.

"Say it quickly."

Then I saw that the leading man answered Su Ling'er's questions one by one.

The other two men slapped their foreheads speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

They were originally here to rob. Why is it now a paid Q&A?

Su Changge, who was not far away, was quite speechless watching this scene.

Didn’t he explain the story clearly when he told the girls?

The girls need to spend the spirit stones themselves now Ask the robbers these questions?

"I don’t have a father, and my mother doesn’t know that I am a robber, so she shouldn’t be able to accept it. Okay, after asking the ten questions, if you ask again, you will be given the spirit stone."

The man was like an emotionless question and answer machine. He answered Su Ling'er's previous questions one by one, and then said,"Please continue to recharge."

Su Ling'er took out ten more spirit stones from the storage ring and threw them to the other party.

When she went out, Su Changge was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her to go out, so he stuffed a lot of spirit stones into her storage ring. Stone.

There are many high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade spiritual stones, and there is no way to spend them all.

The spiritual stones given out are all low-grade spiritual stones, the kind that would not hurt even if they were thrown away. When the man saw the spiritual stones, his eyes lit up. , and continued to answer the questions

"Robbers have no salary, currently have no new career plans, and do not want to be robbers for the rest of their lives.……"

The other two robbers following behind looked at the two men giving spirit stones and answering questions, and felt that the atmosphere was quite strange.

Although they didn't know why the situation turned out like this, both of them felt that spiritual stones could still be earned in this way.

As a result, the two people also pushed forward, hoping that they could answer Su Ling'er's smile and get spiritual stones as reward.

"Little girl, we can also answer the questions and give us some spiritual stones."

"Ouch, you two, get out of here and don't fight with me."

Then, the three robbers started fighting because they were competing to answer the questions.

Su Ling'er sat on the wall of the alley and watched the three people struggling with each other, each of them refusing to give in. She also watched with gusto. She also stopped by Chu Chu She took out a few pieces of dried meat that Su Changge had prepared for her to go with alcohol from her gift ring. She ate the dried meat, drank spiritual wine, and watched the fight. It was really relaxing and full of fun.

Su Changge was also squatting in another corner. On the wall on one side, his figure was still hidden.

He frowned and reflected on what went wrong with his education.

Why are there two daughters in his family with such strange ways of thinking?

Su Ling'er ate and drank, and after a while she felt I had eaten and drank enough.

I was tired of watching the fights and thought it was boring, so I was ready to leave.

But just a few steps away, the three robbers finally realized what they were doing and stopped Su Ling'er again.

"Hello! Little girl! Stop for me!"

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