Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1005 Evil Beast Siege

Chapter 1005 Evil Beast Siege

Qiao Ye grabbed the rails of the boat and hung himself outside the flying boat!

At this moment...

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Yang Jie fell out of the cabin and kept pulling on the deck, but there was nothing he could grab, so Yang Jie slid down against the deck.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and said, "I stretch out my hand here..."

Hearing Qiao Ye's shout, Yang Jie stretched out his arm hard. Seeing that he was about to fall off the flying boat, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand fiercely, grabbed Yang Jie's arm, and grabbed Yang Jie.

Even so, the situation of the two of them has not changed, the flying boat is still falling rapidly, and this position is not inside the fortress...


Evil herd!

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, then looked at Yang Jie and said, "Don't be afraid of the pain!"

Yang Jie was confused: "What?"


Before Yang Jie had time to react, Qiao Ye twisted his body violently, kicked his legs hard on the body of the flying boat, and then his whole body plummeted downwards!

At the moment of falling, black smoke was floating all over Qiao Ye's body, and the black armor quickly covered Qiao Ye's whole body.

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!

Entering the state of Heavenly Demon Dominant Blood, Qiao Ye suddenly twisted his waist in the air, and after turning half a circle, he threw Yang Jie out abruptly.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Yang Jie suddenly screamed again, flew across the air, and was thrown directly into the fortress by Qiao Ye, and even directly crossed the city wall and fell into the city wall.

On the other side, Qiao Ye saw that he was about to hit the ground, twisted his body again, and then used his aura to float in the air.


Here, Qiao Ye didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief, a black beast with long black hair suddenly jumped up, and threw itself on Qiao Ye's body from behind, forcefully throwing Qiao Ye down from the air.

With a bang, Qiao Ye fell to the ground, and then the surrounding evil beasts swarmed up, engulfing Qiao Ye in the blink of an eye.

On the tower of the fortress, Nie Feibai was wrapped in a jacket, looked down and said, "What is the origin of this man?"

Nie Feibai's adjutant said: "It should be a boundary guard. The news came a few days ago that a boundary guard caused some trouble and was punished. He was sent to our side for ten days. I remember it was Qiao Ye. on."

"Grandma, send us here for punishment? Does this mean that this place of ours is a place of suffering in the world?" Nie Feibai cursed, then tilted his head and thought for a while: "Qiao Ye, the name sounds like that. It sounds a little familiar."

"You say it's a ghost place, so there's no suffering in the world?" The adjutant rolled his eyes, and then said: "Lone Star Qiao Ye, the one that destroyed the spiritual temple, the decree of the spirit god was sent back from the sea of ​​​​blood a while ago, and there are some His share, by the way, he graduated from Blood Sea Academy just like us."

"Damn, isn't that our junior?" Nie Feibai quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't watch the excitement, shoot arrows, fall rocks, I will personally lead a cavalry team to save people!"

Nie Feibai took off his coat, revealing his silver armor, and was about to run out to save others.

The adjutant wiped off his cold sweat, glanced outside the city wall and said, "Is this hopeless? No one can see, even if you rush out, you will probably come back with a bone when you turn around."

Nie Fei said angrily: "You can't just look at it, it's good to have a pair of bones, at least it's not a clothes tomb."


Nie Feibai was talking to the adjutant when suddenly there was a roar from under the tower.

Accompanied by the roaring sound, large pieces of evil beasts were directly lifted into the air, and then fell in all directions.

In the group of Nae beasts, a brilliant golden light bloomed, illuminating the surroundings.

Nine-turn golden body!

Qiao Ye relied on the nine-turn golden body, but nothing happened, and directly flew out the evil beast that was pressing on him.

The next moment, Qiao Ye swung the halberd in his hand, and directly chopped off the heads of the two evil beasts!

at the same time……

The flying boat also descended from the sky, smashing all the beasts on the ground to death, but it was not over yet, suddenly there was a humming sound in the sky, but before the flying boat landed, Polaris suddenly jumped up.

In the sky, Polaris hangs upside down, and the crystallized crossbow in his hand is charging.

Beast-monitoring skills, dawn aurora!

After a while, Polaris pulled the trigger, and two huge aurora pillars descended from the sky and blasted downward.

Boom, boom!

Accompanied by two loud noises, two huge deep pits were abruptly blasted open on the ground, and where the aurora beam shrouded, those evil beasts were instantly annihilated in ashes, leaving no bones left!

"You killed an evil beast (Sharp-toothed Earth Dragon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (ice giant lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (little ice star), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 28,000 points."


Polaris' shot was timely enough to clear an area for Qiao Yeqing, allowing Qiao Ye to survive the successive attacks.

However, the trouble wasn't over yet, Qiao Ye still had to go to the fortress.

Qiao Ye was very decisive. He directly raised his hand, cut a wound on his palm, and then splashed out the blood, blending with the blood of the surrounding evil beasts.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye's face showed a hideous look. Although he didn't use his Hundred Battles Blood Art much on weekdays, it was because the Hundred Battles Blood Art existed for this kind of moment.

With a ferocious expression on Qiao Ye's face, she stretched out her hand and pressed it forward.

Hundred battle blood techniques, three punctures!

With Qiao Ye's palm down, there was a loud "rumbling" sound from the ground, and in the next moment, the violently shaking ground broke open one after another, and then blood thorns one after another, continuously It rose from the ground, pierced through the evil beasts around Qiao Ye, and nailed them all dead in an instant.

"You killed an Evil Beast (Ice Feather Assassin), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (giant ice lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 39,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (swimming ice python), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 41500 points."


After the blood thorn killed the evil beasts that rushed up again, it rushed forward continuously, like a wall, blocking the evil beasts flying from both sides, and forcibly opened a way. .


Qiao Ye yelled towards Polaris, and then strode forward in a fashionable way.

Polaris jumped up, stepped on the blood thorn, and landed behind Qiao Ye. With his back turned to cover Qiao Ye, he raised the crystallized hand crossbow and pulled the trigger continuously towards both sides.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the continuous firing of Polaris, beams of aurora fell into the herd of evil beasts, making continuous explosion sounds.


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