Chapter 1006 King of Beasts

Nie Feibai held his chin and said, "Is there something for our elementary school boy?"

"There are more than just things, there are too many things." The adjutant said: "There are more things than you!"

"What does it mean to have something more than me?" Nie Feibai said unhappily, "I have everything he has."

The adjutant said: "He has a woman by his side, but you don't."

Nie Feibai froze on the spot for a moment, then patted the adjutant on the shoulder and said, "I have a man!"

The guards around Nie Feibai were speechless. Are you two talking about cross talk here? As far as Nie Feibai is concerned, as the leader of the guards in the Ice Fortress, everything is fine.

Born in the general family, born in Jialing Kingdom, the three generations of the family are all generals who protect the country, and they are also students of Xuehai Academy. In Nie Feibai's class, there are obviously a lot of talents, but few people in the world can remember it, because that class There is an immortal genius named Nie Feibai, how can the stars compete with the bright moon?

In terms of personality, Nie Feibai has the style of a general in his actions, and he was very kind in the past. He can get along with anyone, the only problem...

Everyone in this fortress knows that Nie Feibai...

It's really unreliable when you're not doing business!

A personal guard helplessly interrupted the two guys talking about cross talk: "General, can't our cavalry get out?"

"Ah? Why don't you come out now?" Nie Feibai said, "I don't think he has anything to do. He's having a good time, so let him play more."

The personal guard glanced at the black herd of beasts under the city tower, and they had a good time playing?

at the same time……

Qiao Ye and Polaris strode towards the city wall of the fortress in large strides. Qiao Ye was not unhappy at all, after all, the value of the martial soul kept jumping up, and now Qiao Ye was planning to hit the Martial Emperor Realm. With this kind of rapid accumulation of martial arts The opportunity of soul value is also rare for Qiao Ye.

But at this moment...


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the group of evil beasts, and immediately after that, countless evil beasts flew up suddenly.

That was a terrifying giant centipede!

The whole body of the centipede was covered in frost, like a crystal, its body was crystal clear, its body length was more than ten meters, its jaws were spread out, and there were three rings of circular serrated teeth in its mouthparts, which looked extraordinarily ferocious.

When such a huge body moved, it instantly swept away the surrounding evil beasts, and then the huge body fell downward.


Faced with such a smashing blow, the blood thorn raised from the ground, instead of piercing through the centipede's body, was smashed to pieces instead.

And after the centipede broke through Qiao Ye's blood thorn, its huge body rushed forward, ready to hit Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye sneered, and the Wanfa Lingtu behind her was shining brightly.



When the huge centipede was about to approach Qiao Ye, there was a sudden loud noise from the ground, and under the influence of the earth, it collapsed directly downward.

The sunken ground caused the body of the giant centipede to sink violently.

The next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand again and said, "Mudflow!"

The surrounding ground suddenly liquefied, turning into streams of mud that soared into the sky, continuously splashing on the body of the giant centipede.


Qiao Ye spoke again, and the mud that fell on the giant centipede solidified instantly, restraining the giant centipede's body.

Qiao Ye smiled ferociously, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him, and said, "Earth thorn!"

Puff puff……

The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly resounded, and the mud and rock wrapped around the giant centipede directly turned into stone thorns one by one, continuously nailing into the giant centipede's body.

The centipede kept twisting its body, and finally gradually became silent.

"You killed an evil beast (Earth Frost Dragon Centipede), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 61,000 points."


However, Qiao Ye just killed the centipede...

But at the same time...

Boom, boom, boom!

Loud noises continued to appear in the group of Na'e beasts, and then one by one, the ground frost dragon centipedes raised their bodies from the group of E'e beasts, there were ten or twenty of them.

"That's not a lot." Qiao Ye grinned and said, "Then let me play with you!"

Qiao Ye raised his hand, inserted the black halberd into the ground, and clasped his hands together in front of him.


Heavenly Demon Illusion!

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's double closing, in the next moment, a large cloud of black smoke stretched out from Qiao Ye's feet, turning into a towering giant door of smoke.

A moaning sound like a devil's lowering came from the door, and a pair of huge claws clawed at the smoke door frame.

Qiao Ye sneered, isn't it a big guy, and it's not like he doesn't have one!

Qiao Ye looked up, and wondered if his cultivation base had improved, and he was able to summon a stronger celestial demon phantom. This time, the celestial demon phantom that appeared this time was new, and it was the first time Qiao Ye had seen it.

The phantom of the heavenly demon is about twelve or thirteen meters high, its legs are wolf legs, its knees are twisted, its body is similar to that of a human, its skin is purple, it has scales like pythons, its arms are ape arms, but its palms are It is a dragon claw, with a tail behind it, a white tiger tail, a head like a deer, like a fox, with a pair of crescent-like yellow horns.

Heavenly Demon Void Form, King of Beasts!

The king of beasts appeared, looking very fierce, he directly raised his huge foot, stepped on the bottom, and directly trampled to death all the evil beasts around him.

Facing a ground frost dragon centipede rushing up, the beast king's dragon claws moved forward, directly pinched the ground frost dragon centipede, then lifted it high, and smashed it to the ground forcefully.


The ground exploded, and the body of the ground frost dragon centipede was directly embedded in the ground. Then, the king of beasts raised his fist again and smashed it down hard.

With a bang, the head of the ground frost dragon centipede was blown off by a punch, and a large amount of crystal clear plasma splashed all around.

"You killed an Evil Beast (Ice Feather Assassin), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 35,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (ice giant lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Earth Frost Dragon Centipede), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 63,000 points."


Qiao Ye returned his arm, looked at the front and said coldly: "Keep killing!"

The king of beasts let go of the body of the ground frost dragon centipede, stood up straight again, raised his fist and beat his chest, and then walked forward again with strides.

Boom, boom, boom!

Every time the King of Beasts stepped on the ground, it would make people feel like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. When he met the Frost Dragon Centipede, the King of Beasts punched out a Frost Dragon Centipede directly, and then On one side of the body, the head hangs down.

The moment another Earth Frost Dragon Centipede rushed up, the corner of the Beast King pierced the Earth Frost Dragon Centipede.


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