Chapter 1007 Ice Demon


The king of beasts beat his chest and roared, then with a flick of his head, the body of the ground frost dragon centipede flew out.

Bang, bang, bang!

After dealing with the Frost Dragon Centipede, the King of Beasts raised his foot again and stomped on the ground, crushing the evil beast under his feet continuously.

Facing the attack of the other Frost Dragon Centipedes, the Beast King did not give in at all. He swung his two huge arms from side to side, and directly swept the two Frost Dragon Centipedes away, igniting the flames...


The King of Beasts let out a roar, jumped up, and his huge body moved forward. The moment it landed, it smashed the ground into pieces. Then he grabbed a ground frost dragon centipede and pulled it hard, directly smashing the ground frost dragon. The huge body of the centipede was torn in two.

"You killed an evil beast (Ice Clothes Puppet), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 41,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (giant ice lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 33,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Earth Frost Dragon Centipede), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 61,000 points."


The battle of the king of beasts is incomparably domineering. In fact, there are not many bells and whistles, just biting and smashing, revealing a terrifying wildness everywhere.

If the frost dragon centipede is the high-end combat power of this group of evil beasts, then this thing is obviously not the opponent of the king of beasts, even if there are more than a dozen frost dragon centipedes!

But at this moment...

Suddenly, many dots of light appeared in the sky, like fireflies, but even in the daytime, the dots of light could be clearly seen.

The brilliance appeared centered on the king of beasts, a large dense area, from top to bottom, enveloped the surroundings of the king of beasts in an instant.


Boom, boom, boom!

The dots of brilliance suddenly exploded, making continuous bursting sounds.

Immediately afterwards, frost flowers appeared one after another around the king of beasts.

The impact force generated by the violent explosion made the huge body of the king of beasts shake involuntarily.

However, this is not the end!

After the impact of the explosion's air wave, frost flowers formed continuously at the location of the explosion, freezing the body of the king of beasts.

In the blink of an eye, dense frost condensed on the body of the king of beasts.


The king of beasts roared again, raised his fist and beat his body vigorously, trying to smash the frost on his body, but somehow, the frost couldn't be smashed with the great strength of the king of beasts.

On the tower, Nie Feibai's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he lived up to his sloppy expression before, and stretched out his hand, "The ice demon is here, take my bow!"

The adjutant immediately handed over an ancient wooden bow to Nie Feibai.

Nie Feibai drew the bow without hesitation, took out an arrow from the quiver at the back of his waist, and flew forward.

The arrow was frighteningly fast and frighteningly powerful, and when it flew out, it turned into a long rainbow.

Qiao Ye was fighting with a black halberd, raising the halberd to cut off the evil beasts that rushed up around him. Suddenly, he felt something, and saw the Changhong coming towards him.

Qiao Ye was startled, and wanted to enter the state of Nine Turns Golden Body, but at this moment, the Changhong passed by Qiao Ye and hit the back.

About a hundred meters behind Qiao Ye, there was a sudden roar, and then a large area exploded.

Accompanied by the explosion sound of Changhong hitting the ground, a crack in the void suddenly appeared, and an evil beast slowly floated out of the crack in the void.

The Nae beast is in the shape of a woman. Its whole body is made of ice crystals. It has only one outline. It holds an ice stick in its hand and a branch of ice crystals like a tree branch behind it.

Evil beast, ice demon!

The ice demon opened its mouth forward, and then an extremely shrill scream suddenly appeared. On the tower in the distance, many guards showed signs of pain.

Mental attack!

This kind of mental attack is extremely terrifying, but fortunately, the distance is relatively long, and it does not cause too much substantial damage.

After the scream, the ice demon waved the ice stick in his hand, and immediately after that, the dots of light that had appeared before reappeared and scattered towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye's eyes froze, this guy stopped the king of beasts?

Qiao Ye felt the aura of the Ice Demon, and its terrifying mental power. This guy was obviously different from other evil beasts.

This guy……

Very strong!

Qiao Ye looked at Polaris, Polaris didn't have any extra nonsense, and directly raised the crystal double crossbow to fight back.

But at this moment...

On the city tower, the arrow came again, and when the arrow came out, it turned into a long rainbow, and shot towards the direction of the ice demon.

Boom, boom, boom!

The Changhong pierced through the dots of brilliance, and then the brilliance continued to burst, and large swathes of frost exploded.

The next moment, Changhong came to the front of the ice demon.

The ice demon was suspended in the air, and a frost barrier appeared in front of him.


The crackling sound reappeared, and the frost barrier collided with Changhong, making a loud noise.

Qiao Ye couldn't help looking at the fortress, did the people in the fortress make a move?

Qiao Ye didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party not helping him. Under such a situation of siege by evil beasts, it was absolutely impossible to open the city gate. It was obviously a wrong decision to open the city gate to meet him.

Of course, more importantly, Qiao Ye felt that he could get out.

However, now that Nie Feibai came with two arrows, Qiao Ye also understood what the other party meant. When Nie Feibai shot the arrow for the third time and turned into a third rainbow, Qiao Ye also ran towards the fortress immediately.

Nie Feibai helped Qiao Ye hold back the Ice Demon, just to let Qiao Ye get out.


Qiao Ye yelled at Polaris, and the two came to Beast King's side, and then jumped up at the same time.

The King of Beasts was bound by the frost, but he lifted his feet and swept across immediately, crushing the surrounding beasts and clearing a way for Qiao Ye and Polaris.

"You killed an evil beast (Ice Clothes Puppet), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 39000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (giant ice lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 37,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (ice giant lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32000 points."


Immediately after the King of Beasts struck, his huge body moved, stepped forward, reached out to catch Qiao Ye and Polaris, and then exerted all his strength, intending to throw Qiao Ye and Polaris towards the fortress.

But at this moment...

The ice demon screamed, and it was obvious that the ice demon did not want to let Qiao Ye leave.

However, at the moment when the screaming sound appeared, Nie Feibai's third arrow had already arrived, and the bright Changhong flew across the sky, hitting the ice demon directly.


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