Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1012 Boundary Guardian Station

Chapter 1012

Qiao Ye nodded again and said, "Understood!"

Xuan Fang said: "It's good to understand. I heard that you helped the guards defend the city today. Even if you have worked today, it is considered hard work. Let's rest today and start tomorrow."

Qiao Ye agreed again, and then left the room.

Lin Jiao approached and said, "Master Qiao, what are you doing here?"

Qiao Ye glanced at Lin Jiao and said, "Are you in charge?"

Lin Jiao said: "Bring me one? It's icy and snowy. If I sweep it down, people will freeze into popsicles."

Qiao Ye said: "It's colder where I go, and I have to fight those evil beasts, are you going?"

The corners of Lin Jiao's eyes twitched and he said, "Then I'll continue sweeping the floor. I have no freedom. I lose my freedom. Tears flow from my heart..."

"Shut up!" Xuan Fang's voice came from inside the house: "Scream at me again, believe it or not, I will let you sleep in the yard tonight?"

Lin Jiao quickly shut up, not daring to say anything.

Qiao Ye hooked his lips, and then left the Defender's station. First, he went to visit Yang Jie. The boy's injuries were lighter than Qiao Ye's imagined. There was nothing serious, they were all external injuries.

That being the case, Qiao Ye didn't say much, and after a few words of relief, he asked Yang Jie to cultivate himself for two days, and then he could go back.

After visiting Yang Jie, Qiao Ye went to find the senior, Nie Feibai.

If there is no accident, Nie Feibai is likely to be in the Martial Emperor Realm. Qiao Ye has actually heard of Nie Feibai's name when he was in Blood Sea Academy. Nie Feibai is thirty-two this year, which happens to be ten years older than Qiao Ye.

As for Nie Feibai's class, it can be said that the stars are shining brightly. In Blood Sea Academy, that class is called the golden generation. Almost every blood child of that generation is an outstanding person after graduation, and almost all of them have become guardians. General, guarding one side, and some joined the defenders, and now they are at the guardian level.

But Nie Feibai is the only thing that people really remember in that area.

It was really because Nie Feibai was too bright.

Qiao Ye really wanted to meet such a character.

But when he entered Nie Feibai's room, Qiao Ye suddenly felt disillusioned when he saw the man who wrapped himself in a jacket like a zongzi and held the wine jar there half asleep and half awake hiccupping.

Is this the strongest man of the golden generation?

Is this the first member of Blood Sea Academy of the golden generation?

This is the parachutist guarding Hanlin Mountain?

Qiao Ye sighed, thinking that he should go to Liu Mang, at least it seemed more reliable.

Liu Mang was very polite when he saw Qiao Ye, and asked Qiao Ye to accompany him to direct the aftermath. After everything was settled, he took Qiao Ye to his room, made two or three small dishes, and had a few drinks with Qiao Ye.

Both of them are from Blood Sea Academy, which is the key to naturally feel the kindness of each other. This kind of intimacy does not come from the fetters of Blood Sea Academy. You must know that Blood Sea Academy does not have the so-called "classmate". Those who graduated, or even became blood children, all came out of fighting in a bloody road.

Blood Sea Academy's training method of survival of the fittest can't cultivate any kind of camaraderie among classmates.

Therefore, the so-called intimacy comes from the pride of both parties!

To be able to graduate from Xuehai Academy and become the pride of Xuezi.

"You're going to the garrison of the boundary guards." Liu Mang thought for a while and said, "It's actually quite dangerous there, often attacked by those monsters. How many years has Hanlin Mountain existed? Why is the garrison of the boundary guards only Can it cover one-fifth of the area of ​​this place? Because it has been demolished, and then rebuilt after being demolished, and then it was attacked and collapsed again.”

Qiao Ye asked curiously: "Since it is impossible to advance layer by layer by building a garrison, have you ever thought about not building a garrison and going deep into the hinterland to find it?"

"Not only have I thought about it, but I have done it." Liu Mang spread his hands and said, "But there is no return, the place of Hanlin Mountain is more dangerous than you imagined, and even the four general-level monsters may not be the strongest. Yes, judging from some clues, the four generals are likely to be instigated, which means that there are more powerful monsters. Over the years, the defenders and the world mysteries have joined forces to send one or two batches every year People go to explore, but most of them have confessed, and the few who came back are also horrible, so don’t think about this matter casually, the void gate in this place is hard to find.”

After Liu Mang said this, he raised his cup and touched Qiao Ye.

"However, it shouldn't be a big problem for you." Liu Mang said with a smile: "You are very powerful, I can see that even if you are placed in Nie Feibai's class, you will not be unknown, but just go The station is only on duty for a few days, there is no problem, although it is more dangerous than in the fortress, you can deal with ordinary troubles, by the way, get a few jars of wine from me later, you can warm up."

Alcohol is not allowed in the barracks, but Hanlin Mountain is an exception. It is too cold here, and alcohol is needed to drive away the cold. As long as you don't get drunk, it is not a violation of military regulations.

Qiao Ye chatted with Liu Mang for a while before leaving, slept in the fortress for one night, and then set off to leave the fortress.

The defenders numbered all the stations, and Qiao Ye went to station No. 22, the most marginal area.

It is said to be a garrison, but it is actually very small. The cold mountain is indeed quite dangerous, and the defenders dare not build a large-scale garrison, for fear of being destroyed. For example, when the tide of evil beasts comes, the smallest scale is from other void faults. Many times, in fact, there is no way to defend at all, and we can only give up, so we don't build a large resident.

Nowadays, the guard station is not so much a station as a sentry post.

One is to occupy the area through continuous construction and carry out effective exploration as a temporary rest point. If you want to conduct in-depth exploration, these stations can also be used as support points for manpower stationing.

But this is not very effective. As Liu Mang said, if we continue to build in depth, the garrisons of the defenders will often face attacks, and they will be destroyed if they cannot defend them. Over the years, although the defenders have been working hard, these garrisons are the most At the time, there were no more than thirty, but the defenders did not give up because of this.

If you don't give up, there is always hope. If you give up, there is no hope.

However, compared to exploration, these stations are indeed used more as sentry posts nowadays.

For example, today the ice demon came with a wave of evil beasts, one hour in advance, the fortress got the news and made preparations to meet the enemy.

what is the reason? It's very simple, it's the garrison of these boundary guards. When they found the tide of evil beasts, the garrison of the boundary guards immediately summoned them. When they arrive with a herd of evil beasts, they will face the guards who have prepared in advance.


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