Chapter 1013 Ruyi Restaurant

Station No. 22 is located at the outermost edge. It is not very large and has the smallest number of people. There are only three guards in charge.

The reason is simple, the edge is also the most dangerous, the most vulnerable to the attack of evil beasts, and the most difficult for the ice fortress to support.

Therefore, the current situation is that if the 22nd Station encounters an attack, it will be abandoned directly. Therefore, the required manpower is not many, and only three people are arranged.

Day-level boundary guard, Lin Keke.

Day-level boundary guard, high reputation.

Qian Ruyi, the day-level boundary guard.

In fact, in many details, Qiao Ye felt the difference in Cold Mountain. For example, the daytime class is a captain-level character. Generally speaking, if you don't act alone, you are qualified to lead a small team, but here Even three day-level cooperation teams are required.

As for the attitude of the three towards Qiao Ye...

Neither good nor bad, relatively indifferent!

Qian Ruyi is a student of Tianwu Academy, so of course he doesn't like Qiao Ye, besides, Qiao Ye beat Huang Chengguang and was dispatched to Hanlin Mountain.

Of course, Qian Ruyi didn't act too aggressively, she just didn't give Qiao Ye a good face.

In contrast, although Lin Keke and Gao Mingyang had no objection to Qiao Ye, Qian Ruyi was an old buddy who had cooperated for many years after all, so naturally they were embarrassed to be too enthusiastic about Qiao Ye in front of him.

Qiao Ye didn't care too much, anyone would form a small circle anywhere, and at the same time, as long as they were people, they would have their own preferences, and I didn't come here to make friends, it was enough to do my own thing well.

However, there are actually not many things in the resident.

One is the role of sentry, because the ice demon has just attacked with the evil beast, and there will be no attack in the short term.

The second is exploration. Needless to say, it mainly depends on the arrangement of the world mystics. The guardians are responsible for protection. At present, the world mystics have no exploration.

The third is maintenance. Qiao Ye is very familiar with this job. Qiao Ye has done it when he was in Ningbei Snowfield, and that is to inspect the cracks in the void.

Although the Void Gate in Hanlin Mountain has not been found, it does not mean that there are no Void Cracks here. On the contrary, there are actually quite a few Void Cracks here. Naturally, they are all sealed with patterns and spells, and the grade is naturally higher than that of Ningbei Snowfield. Many, it was also Qiao Ye's job to inspect these void cracks.

Generally speaking, Qiao Ye's life is still very peaceful.

The environment in this broken place is very harsh, but it is not unbearable. Although everyone knows that Cold Mountain is dangerous, it is not dangerous when it is not in danger. It is not every day that evil beasts attack the city.

It's true that it's boring. Qiao Ye hasn't experienced such a fixed life for a long time. Fortunately, although Hanlin Mountain is a place of bitter cold, the news is not closed. Listening to the news from the outside world can be regarded as self-entertainment .

And the biggest news these days is that Shuyu has intervened in the sea of ​​blood.

Shuyu announced to the outside world that the sea of ​​blood is the sea of ​​no return in their surgery domain, which belongs to the territory of the surgery domain, and directly attacked those who were still fighting in the blood sea.

The shot here is not the same as the conventional shot. If you just join the battle, it will only make the sea of ​​​​blood more chaotic.

The methods used in the art field are spells, formations, and illusions...

To put it simply, Shuyu played the role of a shit stick, just to prevent people from exploring the sea of ​​​​blood properly. Then, if the exploration cannot be carried out properly, how can we fight?

When Qiao Ye heard the news, she immediately knew that it was Lin Jiexu's fault, and she had already guessed what Lin Jiexu, the old fox, was going to do.

In the world of Blood Sea, the defenders have always been dissatisfied, not only on the side of Wuyu, but also on the side of Lingyu, because it is too chaotic, and the fighting is too brutal, and it is completely uncontrollable.


The sea of ​​blood is really a fault in the void.

The boundary guards sent by Liang Zhicheng have already heard from them, and they explored from the border. Sure enough, the sea of ​​blood has an end, and the edge area is a world of nothingness and chaos, which cannot be entered at all. In the world, there is nothing.

Therefore, it is not correct that the sea of ​​blood has an end. The correct statement should be that the sea of ​​blood is not a real sea of ​​blood, that place is really a sea of ​​no return. If they are connected, it will be a void fault.

Since it is a void fault, the defenders of course cannot sit idly by.

It is impossible to control the situation in a normal battle, but the means of the art field are very suitable.

At the same time, this is also a very good stage, the stage where the magicians of the art field announce to everyone that they are back.

The most popular topic in the Nine Domains Battlefield recently is the Shuyu Sorcerer, and the Shuyu has reappeared.

Next, if Qiao Ye's expectations are not bad, Lin Jiexu will negotiate with Shuyu, but in fact this must be a well-negotiated routine. Lin Jiexu and Shuyu have met each other a long time ago. Negotiations between the world and Shuyu have to establish a rule for the non-return sea area, so that people will not enter and exit unscrupulously and fight unscrupulously like before.

Such a result would definitely not be satisfactory, but if there was no way to deal with the spells of the spell domain, and if one didn't want to be trapped all the time, then the best way was to accept the rules and play according to the rules honestly.

And with rules, there is naturally order!

In this way, the sea of ​​no return will be controlled!

Of course, this is just Qiao Ye's speculation at the moment, and everything is proceeding step by step, but Qiao Ye feels that his guess should be close to ten. The forest community must cooperate with the people in the Shuyu, and it is inevitable to control the non-returning sea area. .

At the same time, in addition to such big events as the No Return Sea Territory and the Art Field, there are also some small things happening.

for example……

In Tianliang Village outside the entrance of the Demon Realm, there is a small tavern.

The tavern is newly opened and has not yet opened for business, but no one with a brain would think that this tavern can have such a good business.

Because, the location of this tavern is really too remote.

This is not a place facing the street, but behind a building. You need to go through a dark alley to see where the tavern is.

When it was even worse, on the street outside the alley, there was a Goulan, a restaurant...

With such a geographical location, it might be difficult to find this tavern. How could it be a good business?

As the saying goes, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

However, the owner of the tavern obviously didn't care much about this, he tidied up the store diligently, and then hung up the hotel's signboard with a fork, with four small characters written on it: Ruyi Restaurant.


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