Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1014 something happened

Chapter 1014 Something Happened

On the ice field, several crystal hounds surrounded Qiao Ye, grinning and whimpering.

With the black halberd on his back, Qiao Ye suddenly smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up, and then curled his fingers at the crystal hounds.

Suddenly, several crystal hounds jumped up at the same time, and flew towards Qiao Ye.

But the moment he came to Qiao Ye...

Qiao Ye didn't even move, and suddenly, a circular arc of light swung around Qiao Ye, cutting out towards the surroundings, and then the bodies of those crystal hounds exploded suddenly, turning into a blood mist towards the surrounding area. Floating around.

"You killed an Evil Beast (Crystal Hound), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and got the value of the Martial Soul: 19,000 points."

"You killed an Evil Beast (Crystal Hound), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 18,000 points."

"You killed an Evil Beast (Crystal Hound), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 14,000 points."


Killing those crystal hounds with one blow, Qiao Ye looked to the other side, and Polaris was sitting on the head of a giant ice lion, obviously killing his target as well.

Qiao Ye waved his hand to signal Polaris to alert the surroundings, then came to a crack in the void, and observed the crack in the void.

There is only a very small crack in the void, which is almost closed. This kind of void crack is quite stable, and there are almost no accidents.

Then, Qiao Ye checked the surrounding iron chains used for sealing, and then checked the iron talismans on the iron chains. There was no trace of damage, and the number of iron talismans was completely correct. Qiao Ye nodded in satisfaction.

Qiao Ye took out the spiritual paper and said, "To the southeast, there is no problem with the cracks in the void, it's safe."

Qiao Ye put away the spirit paper of the summons, and planned to go to the next location of the void crack.

This was Qiao Ye's fifth day in Cold Mountain. Except for being involved in the siege of evil beasts when he first arrived, the rest of the days were uneventful.

But at this moment...

"Qiao Ye, you need to arrive at station 23 in the shortest possible time."

Qiao Ye didn't have a good relationship with the three boundary guards in Station No. 22. Of course, they were just relatively indifferent, and it didn't affect the work. Therefore, the general communication was received, understood, okay, etc. Vocabulary, this is the first time Qiao Ye has seen them give him a serious reply.

However, Station No. 23?

Qiao Ye was at a loss, didn't the defenders only stay on the 22nd?

However, Qiao Ye quickly remembered that Xuan Fang seemed to have said that Station No. 23 was under construction.

Qiao Ye replied, "Is there something wrong with Station No. 23?"

The message quickly appeared on the spiritual paper: "It is not very clear at the moment, but the boundary guard at the 20th station suddenly lost contact. At the same time, the boundary guard at the 23rd station did not respond to the summons. It is speculated that Something may have happened, we are currently going to Station 20, and you are relatively close to Station 23, so I hope you can go to Station 23 to check."

Failure to respond to a summons, or loss of contact, is usually a harbinger of an accident. After all, a dead person cannot reply to a summons.

Qiao Ye didn't ask any more questions, and replied directly: "Understood, I'm going to Station No. 23 now."

Lin Keke, who was on the other side of the interrogation paper, hesitated for a moment. Because of Qian Ruyi, Lin Keke treated Qiao Ye in a business-like manner.

But right now...

After hesitating, Lin Keke added a message: things are unclear, if there is danger, retreat first.

Qiao Ye replied, "Understood!"

Qiao Ye finished the communication, and then quickly took out the map, looking for the location of the No. 23 station.

It's not that the adjacent numbers are the closest. Station No. 23 is actually the closest to Station No. 20. As a result, No. 20 and No. 23 have lost contact. It really doesn't make people have to think about it.

After Qiao Ye confirmed the location, he didn't talk nonsense and set off directly with Polaris.

Leaving the crack in the void, Qiao Ye quickly traveled all the way south.

About an hour's journey.

Station No. 23 was located in an ice valley. When Qiao Ye rushed out of the ice valley, he knew something had happened.

Because, a large number of evil beasts!

The garrison of the boundary guards will not be built in a place where a large number of evil beasts inhabit. After all, the boundary guards do not seek abuse. If the resident is built today, it will be attacked by evil beasts tomorrow.

Therefore, the location of the station is very important. First, calculate the distance from other stations so that they can effectively support each other. Secondly, since the role of a sentry is to be achieved, it is natural to be able to monitor a large area. Finally, it is concealed. At the same time, it cannot be in a place where evil beasts appear on a large scale.

Like the habitat of evil beasts, it is 100% impossible!

Therefore, of course, there should not be too many evil beasts in this ice valley. Now, the situation in the ice valley is unclear, but the entrance and exit of the ice valley are blocked by evil beasts. With such a number, Qiao Ye cannot but doubt Something went wrong.

However, even if something happens, it doesn't mean that everyone is dead, maybe there are still people alive, maybe they are still persisting, so...

Qiao Ye said with gloomy eyes, "Go in!"

With Qiao Ye's order, Polaris immediately moved, raised his hand directly forward, and raised the crystal crossbow, showing a heroic posture.

Boom, boom!

Two beams of aurora flew forward, directly entering the herd of evil beasts, and then...

The sound of an explosion suddenly sounded, and with the explosion of two polar beams, a large number of evil beasts were directly blown into the air.

The next moment, Polaris stepped out, his body turned into an afterimage, and rushed forward.

When Polaris stretched out his arms, the weapon had been replaced by a pair of crystal double swords, and then, the moment Polaris brushed past those evil beasts...

Puff puff……

The sound of flesh and blood tearing kept appearing, and then one after another blood flowers continuously flew into the air, but all the evil beasts that passed by Polaris, even without a chance to act, were cut off by Polaris continuously .

"You killed an evil beast (Ice Field Assassin), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (giant ice lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Ice Warrior), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32000 points."


It has to be said that Polaris is quite fierce, and Qiao Ye has already discovered it. It seems that in this icy and snowy land, Polaris' combat power will be significantly improved.

The only reason Qiao Ye can think of is probably because the crystallization of Polaris contains the element of ice. For Polaris, this kind of extremely cold place is like home!


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