Chapter 1016

"I just found some strange traces of battle." Qiao Ye replied: "Maybe I'm just thinking too much, and I'll contact you if I find anything!"

After finishing the communication with Lin Keke, Qiao Ye hoped that he was thinking too much.

In fact, lightning, flames, mental power...

It's not that there are no martial souls of this type among martial souls, but relatively speaking, with this fighting style, people in the spiritual realm will be immediately thought of.

Secondly, even if it is not its own ability, the Noble Phantasm can also cause similar effects.

So, even though it was a strange doubt, Qiao Ye didn't pay too much attention to it. He winked at Polaris and continued to move forward.

At the same time, Qiao Ye planned to speed up a bit!

"Appeal!" Qiao Ye looked at Polaris, hoping to succeed this time, and then said in a low voice, "Beast Soul Symbiosis!"

Qiao Ye planned to enter the state of beast soul symbiosis with Polaris to strengthen the combat power and speed up the charge.

However, such a thing as animal soul symbiosis does not succeed once, and it will always be successful.

Of course, it can't be successful all the time, it refers to just reaching the bond of beast soul symbiosis.

This is a very simple truth. If you have established a very high level of trust and friendship with the beast master, it is of course impossible for the beast soul symbiosis to fail.

However, when the animal soul symbiosis was just completed, there were fluctuations.

If it is represented by a numerical value, it almost means that Qiao Ye and Polaris have just reached the passing line, and any downward fluctuation may fall below the passing line.


It worked!

The tacit understanding between Qiao Ye and Polaris, as well as the resonance between each other, has not improved. Qiao Ye can feel this, but Qiao Ye is not disappointed. The Beast Master of the Beast Realm will not pay so much attention to cultivation.

However, the good news is that Polaris did not show any resistance to Qiao Ye's desire to enter the state of animal soul symbiosis, and he still maintained the state of being able to just enter the state of animal soul symbiosis.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's body suddenly glowed with silver-white light, and the light quickly formed a circle, spreading around circle after circle, and then the light continued to shatter, forming little by little The little crystal crumbs were constantly falling from Qiao Ye's side, looking extremely beautiful.

The moment the crystal chips appeared, two strands of aurora slowly appeared around Qiao Ye, incomparably gorgeous, like two beautiful satins, surrounding Qiao Ye's body, flowing clockwise continuously.

After a while, there was a sound like freezing on Qiao Ye's body, and then crystallization gradually appeared on Qiao Ye's body. The crystallization formed the shape of the demon's blood, and a set of crystal clear crystal armor was constructed, covering Qiao Ye's whole body. .

At the same time, the black euphorbia in Qiao Ye's hand was quickly covered with a layer of frost mist, gradually covered by crystals, and finally turned into a crystalline color, turning into a general crystalline euphorbia forged from diamond.

The state of beast soul symbiosis!

Qiao Ye could clearly feel that his attributes in all aspects had improved.

Needless to say, the improvement of physical strength, agility, and physical strength. In addition, Polaris is a relatively all-round beast-familiar type. In addition to the physical improvement, there is also a significant increase in mental strength.

The next moment, Qiao Ye and Polaris acted at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

The weapon in Polaris' hands turned into a crystal double crossbow again, and as soon as he stretched out his hand forward, two beams of aurora flew forward.

And Qiao Ye raised the crystalline halberd in his hand, the tip of the halberd was also shining brightly, and then an aurora beam flew forward.

In the state of beast soul symbiosis, Qiao Ye also enjoys the ability of Polaris, but it cannot reproduce the beast control skill.

Boom, boom, boom!

The three aurora beams exploded continuously, making violent noises, and blasting the evil beasts in front of them into the air.

"You killed an evil beast (ice salamander), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (snowfield ice leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (snowfield ice lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 37,000 points."


A gap was made abruptly, and Qiao Ye and Polaris moved forward quickly.

Although there are many evil beasts in this ice valley, compared with the tide of evil beasts I have seen before, they are nothing.

The most important point is that the evil beasts here do not have any command, and there are various types.

Without a commander, it means that there is no order, it looks very chaotic, unable to organize an effective attack, and only knows to rush forward one after another.

Second, the different kinds are also a huge drawback.

Evil beasts will also fight for the front, and their personalities are also different. Some are cunning, some are fierce, and some are timid. In the current situation, because Qiao Ye and Polaris have killed a large number of Evil beasts, it also makes that Among the evil beasts, some will appear fearful.

Some evil beasts want to fight, some evil beasts want to escape, and the final result is that the evil beasts also fight among themselves.

Therefore, Qiao Ye and Polaris moved forward fairly smoothly.

That ice valley is the gourd valley, that is to say, there is no exit in the depths of the ice valley, and there is only one way in and out. The deepest part will be surrounded by ice walls on three sides. up.

Station No. 23 is a bit strange. It was not built in the ice valley, but in the depths of the ice valley. A piece of the ice wall was hollowed out, and a huge black iron gate was built around it.

This door is naturally quite not simple, it is made of black dragon fine iron, although it is only a sixth-grade spiritual material, but the door is three meters high and one meter five wide, it looks very heavy and huge, and the thickness should not be too large. As the saying goes, the black dragon fine iron used is probably calculated in "tons", and the cost is also very high.

At the same time, this location is also absolutely perfect. If there are not many Nether beasts in the ice valley, the No. 23 station can be said to be extremely difficult to find, and the security is also very good. Once the door is closed, there are ice walls on both sides. Hard to break.

The function as a sentry is also very good. You can overlook the surroundings by climbing directly on the ice wall. If there are large areas of evil beasts moving, you can have a panoramic view.

Right now, the gate of Station No. 23 is tightly closed.

Did you hide inside?

If they were simply besieged by evil beasts and hid in the garrison, they shouldn't lose contact, right? There is no problem in answering the subpoena.

With doubts, Qiao Ye and Polaris approached the iron gate made of black dragon's refined iron.


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