Chapter 1017 Station No. 23

Qiao Ye brought Polaris closer to him, looked at the huge iron gate, and couldn't help being startled.

There is no trace on the iron gate!

The traces Qiao Ye mentioned were of course the traces of battle. If the defenders in the No. 23 station escaped into the station after being attacked, there should be traces of evil beasts attacking the iron gate.

But this matter is very contradictory. If there is no attack, it will not be impossible to communicate. Moreover, there are so many evil beasts in the ice valley, and there are many gates. Why don't they attack the iron gate?

Qiao Ye pointed at Polaris with doubts, "Cover me!"

Polaris didn't say much, but quickly changed his weapon into a crystal knife and a crystal shield!


Polaris met an evil beast that was pounced on him, and raised his hand with a neat shield attack. After knocking the evil beast to the ground, Polaris immediately raised his knife and slashed it on the head of an ice lion. Cut off the lion's head directly.

"You killed an evil beast (snowfield ice lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 37,000 points."

Polaris beheaded an evil beast first, and then the shield blocked the evil beast in one fell swoop.

Qiao Ye came to the iron gate.

The iron door uses a noose, and it is locked right now, but there is no saying that this kind of iron door can be opened from the inside and the outside, just turn the noose directly. Anyway, the evil beast does not know how to use the noose. Can't hold the handle of the noose.

Secondly, although the inside and outside can be opened, if it is inside, the winch can be locked. In this way, the winch cannot be turned, and naturally there is no way to open the door.

Qiao Ye raised his hand to try it. The door was sealed, but he didn't lock the winch from the inside. So, Qiao Ye grabbed the handle hard and turned it, and quickly opened the iron door.

Opening a gap in the iron gate, Qiao Ye shouted at Polaris who was still fighting: "Go in!"

Polaris immediately slammed a shield and sent an evil beast flying, and then jumped directly into the gap opened by Qiao Ye.

When Polaris entered the door, Qiao Ye also dodged in immediately. Seeing the beast rushing up from behind, Qiao Ye quickly waved his hand.

Behind Qiao Ye's back quickly emerged a magic map.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

As soon as the Wanfa Lingtu came out, there was a whistling wind all around, and a gust of wind swept across the ground, directly blowing up the frost and snow on the ground.

Those evil beasts rushed to the door, before they had time to attack, they were blown away by the wind current, and smashed to the ground fiercely.

Qiao Ye took the opportunity to enter the door, closed the door forcefully, and then quickly turned the winch to seal the door.

bang, bang, bang...

As soon as Qiao Ye closed the door, there was a violent banging sound outside the door. It was obvious that those evil beasts were hitting the iron door.

However, there were only five or six knocking sounds, and after it seemed that the door could not be knocked open, the evil beasts gave up.

Qiao Ye didn't take this very seriously. The iron gate made of black dragon fine iron is not so easy to break, and ordinary impacts will leave some marks at most.

Turning around and looking around, it was pitch black, with almost no light source, and nothing could be seen.

Qiao Ye took out an oil lamp from the space of the jade tablet and lit it. After holding it in his hand, it quickly illuminated the surroundings, and everything around him gradually became clear.

This is an excavated space. However, it is obvious that the excavation has not been completed, so the space is not very large. It is only about seven or eight meters deep, and the width is about three meters.

There were oil lamps inlaid on the wall, Qiao Ye took off the lampshade, and then lit up all the oil lamps, the place suddenly became much brighter.

Slowly looking around, the resident is obviously still digging deep, and some tools and some accumulated soil can be seen.

At the same time, some daily necessities were also available. Qiao Ye saw two randomly built plank beds, a table on the side, and some clothes lost on the ground.

There was still a coil of rope in the corner. Qiao Ye pulled it up and looked at it. It was a throwing hook, which should be used for climbing the ice wall. There was also a water tank next to it, with fresh water in it.

Other than that, there is nothing else. Station No. 23 is already under construction, and it is very rudimentary.

The most important thing is that there is no one!

There is no living person or dead person in this place, no smell of blood, no corpse seen, no trace of a fight.

"Could it be that something happened when you left?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring.

The end of this place can be seen at a glance, and there is no place to hide, it is completely clear at a glance.

Since he couldn't see anything, Qiao Ye could only send a message to Lin Keke: "I have arrived at Station No. 23."

Lin Keke replied quickly: "How is it over there?"

"I don't know what to do." Qiao Ye said: "There are a lot of evil beasts in the ice valley. It seems that something happened. However, no corpses were found in the ice valley, only a few traces of battle. Now I have entered the No. 23 station , There is nothing wrong with this place, there is no trace of destruction, and there is no trace of battle, but there is no one, no living or dead, it feels like even if something goes wrong, it should not be in the garrison, what about you?"

Lin Keke replied: "Our place is weirder than yours. Station No. 20 is also empty. There are no traces of fighting or destruction in the station, but no one is there, so we can't get in touch with the summons. Moreover, there is no disaster here. Beasts are infested, and the evil beasts encountered in the surrounding area are all normal numbers, and they belong to the evil beasts wandering nearby."

Qiao Ye said, "What should we do now?"

Lin Keke said: "If you can do it, check the surroundings. If it's too dangerous, withdraw. I've sent a message back to the Ice Fortress. Xuan Fang will send two teams of boundary guards, and the World Mystics will accompany them. "

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I understand, contact me if you have any doubts."

After Qiao Ye sent this message, she didn't get any reply from Lin Keke, and Qiao Ye didn't care, she said everything that needed to be said, and the attitude of Lin Keke and the three of them towards him was neither cold nor cold, saying After finishing the business, he stopped replying, and Qiao Ye didn't think there was anything wrong.

After putting away the summoning spirit paper, Qiao Ye rested his chin to ponder.

The current situation is not easy to judge.

something wrong?

Or nothing happened?

There are no corpses, and there are no obvious signs of battle. It's really hard to say that something happened to the defenders here, especially since the garrison is intact, and it doesn't look like it has been attacked at all.

But let's say it's okay, there are a lot of evil beasts in the ice valley, the most important thing is that no one can be found, and they can't be contacted with the spiritual paper.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, since nothing can be seen in the station, then, go to the top of the ice wall to find out.


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