Chapter 1018 Attacker

Qiao Ye's idea is still very simple, if there is a problem inside the station, it is outside the station.

I came all the way from the ice valley, but I didn't see any traces of people, so I could only be on the top of the ice valley.

If it wasn't so, even if something happened to the boundary guards in this place, it obviously didn't happen nearby, so I wouldn't be able to investigate.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye walked towards the iron gate, intending to open it.

But at this moment...

Polaris suddenly looked in Qiao Ye's direction, then raised his hand abruptly, and Polaris threw out two ice picks.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback, and then the two ice picks brushed Qiao Ye's cheeks and flew back.

Dang clang, clang clang!

The two ice picks seemed to have hit something, and after making a crisp sound, they fell directly to the ground.

Qiao Ye immediately understood what happened, turned around and kicked backwards.


Qiao Ye felt that he had kicked something, and then a figure slid out towards the back against the ground.

Qiao Ye looked at the other party and asked doubtfully, "Human?"

The danger of the Void Fault mainly came from the Evil Beast, so Qiao Ye didn't think about "people" at all.

However, the person standing in front of Qiao Ye is obviously a person, but to be precise, it should be a rather strange person.

This person is wearing a black armor, but it is different from ordinary armor. It seems to be made of some kind of giant bug's carapace. It is very close-fitting, and it can even be said to fit completely on the body. The shell of the bug carapace looks like a shield made of bug carapace.

At the same time, he couldn't see his appearance clearly, and the other party's head was also covered in a carapace-like helmet, with a black carapace mask on his face, with the eyes and mouth hollowed out, which looked a bit weird.

As for the opponent's weapon, it was a pair of insect legs that looked like double knives, or, to be precise, a pair of double knives made of two giant insect legs.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand silently, and the black halberd was condensed and fell into Qiao Ye's hands.

Qiao Ye held the halberd across, looked at the other party and said, "I just ask once, who are you? Does the disappearance of the boundary guard here have anything to do with you?"

The other party obviously ignored Qiao Ye's intentions. A worm's foot knife fell behind his back, and a worm's foot knife lay in front of him. The whole person moved slowly towards the side.

"It seems that you don't want to talk about it anymore." Qiao Ye snorted coldly and said, "Then I'll call you to talk about it!"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, Polaris rushed forward, jumped up, and imprinted a flying kick on the opponent's face. At the same time, during the kick, Polaris' ankles still Two ice skates grew out, which were extremely sharp.

However, the man was more flexible than Qiao Ye imagined. The moment Polaris kicked, he suddenly lowered his body, and Polaris flew directly over the man's head.

The next moment, the other party's body twisted, and the body spun forward. The two insect-legged knives drew circles, outlining a circle-shaped knife arc, and slashed towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye immediately slashed his halberd, and collided with the opponent's insect foot knife, making a clear and crisp sound.

After one blow, black smoke rose from Qiao Ye's black halberd, and then the black halberd shrank rapidly, turning into a pair of black double knives.

The space in this garrison is really not big, and it is really difficult to use a weapon like a halberd in a place with severe space restrictions.

After changing the weapon to a pair of knives, Qiao Ye immediately swept forward, forcing the opponent to the back, the moment the opponent retreated.

Qiao Ye suddenly threw the black knife in his hand!


The other party reached out to fight with the insect foot knife and knocked Qiao Ye's black knife away, but at this moment...


Polaris came from the side, got up and swept across with one kick, kicked the opponent's chest fiercely, and swept him away.


The man was kicked by Polaris and flew upside down, hit the wall hard, like hanging a painting, and then slid down the wall.

Qiao Ye pointed at Polaris and said, "Shut this guy up, I want to live!"

Polaris nodded, and rushed out towards the opponent again. Before the opponent got up, he directly raised his foot and stepped on the opponent's face.


The man quickly turned his body away, and Polaris stepped on the wall.

But at this moment, Qiao Ye also followed closely, and slashed at the opponent's shoulder with a knife.

Although he wanted to keep alive, but cutting off an arm obviously wouldn't kill him!



In the next moment, Qiao Ye's black knife slashed on the wall, splitting a piece of the wall and breaking apart countless stone chips.

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, the man had disappeared!

Either dodging, or disappearing from under Qiao Ye's nose out of thin air. Obviously when Qiao Ye raised the knife, the guy was still in front of Qiao Ye, but the moment the knife was dropped, he disappeared inexplicably.

After a brief moment of daze, Qiao Ye's heart skipped a beat, feeling something was wrong, and she also sensed a hint of danger. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye's body exuded a golden radiance.

Nine-turn golden body!

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye entered the state of Nine Turns Golden Body.



The black insect foot knife suddenly appeared in front of Qiao Ye, and stabbed at Qiao Ye's chest, but was intercepted by the radiance of the nine-turn golden body, making a crisp metal clanging sound.

Looking at the insect foot knife stabbed in his chest, Qiao Ye couldn't help being stunned again.

The insect's foot knife actually came out of the wall, and it didn't come out after destroying the wall, but seemed to grow on the wall.

What the hell kind of situation is this?

Qiao Ye was confused, but Qiao Ye's reaction was quick, and he slashed towards the wall with a single knife.


The wall shattered in an instant, countless rubble scattered towards the surroundings, and amidst the rubble, the man suddenly jumped out and landed behind Qiao Ye, and the horizontal knife was about to slash towards Qiao Ye.

However, Polaris was obviously faster. The moment the opponent raised the knife, he kicked him directly from the side, kicked the opponent's head, and sent him flying again.

The moment the opponent landed, Qiao Ye followed closely, and the black knife slashed down.


The crisp sound of sympathy sounded again, and the opponent crossed the insect foot knife in front of him, blocked Qiao Ye's knife again, and then...

Disappeared again!

The moment he blocked Qiao Ye's attack, the man's figure disappeared without a trace again.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pressed down. It was a solid ground without any damage, but thinking of the previous wall, Qiao Ye showed a ferocious face, raised his knife and stabbed hard towards the ground.

Qiao Ye's black knife was extremely sharp, piercing half of the ground directly, but there was no blood, no screams, obviously, Qiao Ye's knife stabbed nothing.


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