Chapter 1019 Void Assassin

After missing a single blow, Qiao Ye stood up and looked around.

There is no abnormality around, everything seems to be hallucinations, the person appeared and then disappeared, which seemed extraordinarily unreal.

However, Qiao Ye knew that the guy was nearby, but he didn't know where it was.

At the same time, Qiao Ye secretly pondered, what the hell kind of ability is this?


It doesn't look like much. Diving into the ground is the ability of many evil beasts, but it will destroy the ground. Simply put, it is like a pangolin that drills into the ground.

So, invisible?

There is a certain possibility that invisibility can indeed achieve this kind of instant disappearance, but it is not very reliable, because the moment the other party disappears, Qiao Ye has already reached out to touch the ground, and it should not be so easy to escape.

Moreover, at that moment, Qiao Ye's knife and the opponent's insect foot knife were connected together, and it was not so easy for the opponent to draw the knife away.

Or, stealth?

It doesn't seem quite right, the ability to hide is like a chameleon, assimilating with everything around it, creating the illusion of disappearing, but Qiao Ye touched the ground and stabbed it, so it doesn't look like hiding.

At the same time, Polaris kept looking around, as if on guard, as if looking for the figure of the other party.

But at this moment, Qiao Ye got up, reached out and pressed in the direction of Polaris, signaling Polaris to calm down.


The next moment, Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and then exhaled the foul air.

Suddenly, under Qiao Ye's feet, a large cloud of black smoke poured out towards the surroundings, even though it hit the surrounding walls, it did not stop, but continued to spread towards the surroundings, rising along the walls, and even spread quickly When it reaches the ceiling, it completely covers the entire space.

Qiao Ye closed her eyes and felt carefully.

Invisibility, stealth, this ability is actually useless to Qiao Ye at all, because Qiao Ye's martial soul can be broken.

Especially in such a closed and narrow space, as long as the black smoke from the Demon Dazzling covers the entire space, it will be fine.

Because, as long as any object touches the black smoke, Qiao Ye can clearly sense it. After all, this is Qiao Ye's martial soul.


When black smoke covered all corners of this space, Qiao Ye was still shocked.

I didn't even feel anything!

The other party seemed to have really disappeared, disappeared from this space, and did not exist at all. Otherwise, it would be impossible not to touch the black smoke. After all, Qiao Ye's black smoke had already filled the entire space.

But also at this time...

Qiao Ye suddenly opened his eyes.

Appeared, side rear!

One second, Qiao Ye hadn't felt the presence of the other party, but the next second, Qiao Ye suddenly felt the other party behind her.

This is very miraculous, as if that guy really disappeared out of thin air and reappeared out of thin air.

However, this time, the opponent's appearance did not cause any sneak attack effect, because Qiao Ye knew the opponent's location accurately through the black smoke the moment he appeared.

Even, the insect's foot knife moved forward and broke through the black smoke, allowing Qiao Ye to know exactly where the opponent was attacking him.

Above the waist and abdomen, half an inch below the ribs!

Qiao Ye's body twisted immediately, and then a worm's foot knife grazed Qiao Ye's waist and moved forward. Qiao Ye could even feel the edge of the worm's foot knife, and cut a small hole in her clothes.

But also at this moment...

The black knife in Qiao Ye's hand stabbed fiercely towards the rear.


The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded, and Qiao Ye pierced through the opponent's chest with a blow.

The next moment, Qiao Ye turned around slowly, and said ferociously, "I finally caught you!"

But at this moment, Qiao Ye's expression suddenly changed.

The black knife in Qiao Ye's hand pierced the opponent's chest, and at the location of the wound, blood was naturally dripping down the blade.

However, the blood was not bright red, but ice blue, and at the same time, the blood had a foul smell.

This is not human blood!

Qiao Ye couldn't help but look at the other party and said, "Not a human?"

At this moment, the man raised the insect foot knife and was about to chop it off Qiao Ye's head.

Qiao Ye almost instinctively turned to one side of his body, and with a slash of the knife in his hand, he directly cut open the opponent's body. With a large amount of blood splashing out, the man fell backwards and hit the ground hard .

"You killed an Evil Beast (Void Assassin), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and got the value of the Martial Soul: 61,000 points."

Qiao Ye was shocked, this guy turned out to be a beast?

Qiao Ye looked at the corpse on the ground, and then reached out to take off the mask on the other person's face. It turned out to be a bug face, resembling a praying mantis, with a round hole in the mouth, with three layers of fangs inside and outside, which looked extremely nausea.

Qiao Ye raised the knife, cut off the palm of his hand, and then looked at the wound. It was undoubtedly an evil beast. The armor was not an armor at all, but this guy's carapace, but it looked like an armor from the outside.

This is indeed an evil beast. At the same time, Qiao Ye frowned involuntarily.

There are two reasons why Qiao Ye recognized this guy as a human being.

The first is that judging from the form of the opponent, as well as the posture during action, including the posture during attack and defense, this guy is definitely a human being, or in other words, his posture is exactly the same as that of a human being.

Of course, Evil beasts that resembled humans were relatively rare, but it was not impossible, and it was not that Qiao Ye had never seen them.

Therefore, the second reason why Qiao Ye mistook the other party for a human was that there was no such guy in the cold mountain's monster guide.

The illustrated book was given by Xuan Fang Qiao Ye when he left the fortress. These comments indicate that the area where these evil beasts are active is near the No. 1 station, and they also have the characteristics of the evil beasts, as well as some combat capabilities.

Although Qiao Ye has no photographic memory, and there are many types of evil beasts in Hanlin Mountain, there are only about twenty of them. After reading it a few times, he basically memorized all of them. Be sure, the Void Assassin in front of you is definitely not on the illustration book.

"Wait a minute..." Qiao Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and murmured, "Snow Field Assassin?"

The Snowfield Assassin is a kind of evil beast recorded in the illustrated book. It looks a bit like half man, half mantis, with legs similar to humans, but its upper body is like a mantis, and its arms are weapons, which are exactly the same as the sickle blade of a mantis.

At the same time, the body of the Snowfield Assassin is the color of ice crystals, in a translucent state, as if he had rolled his body into a ball and lay down on the snowfield, exactly like an ordinary ice rock, and when someone approaches, The Snowfield Assassin will show his true form and chop off the person's head with a single blow.

This is the origin of the name Snowfield Assassin.


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