Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1020 Unable to Subpoena

Chapter 1020 Unable to Subpoena

Qiao Ye suddenly thought of Xueyuan Assassin, because Qiao Ye suddenly discovered that the two were actually quite similar.

In terms of appearance, the difference is very huge, but...

They both had praying mantis-like heads, but the Void Assassin covered them up with a mask. After removing the mask, Qiao Ye found that they really looked like them.

Secondly, one is the Assassin of the Snowfield, and the other is the Assassin of the Void...

Qiao Ye lifted her chin. Could it be that the Void Assassin is the alienated form of the Snowfield Assassin? It may also be an evolutionary form!

The alienation form is quite special, such as Qiao Ye's ghost lamp, which belongs to the heterochromatic ghost lamp, which is unimaginably terrifying in spirit, but it is too weak. Without Qiao Ye as a medium, the spiritual power of the ghost lamp is useless.

And this kind of alienation is uncertain, unpredictable, and completely unknown. Simply put, out of ten thousand ghost lamps, there may be one head of a different color, or there may not be one of a hundred thousand ghost lamps. .

The evolutionary form may be larger. Evil beasts also have types and groups. Among groups of the same type, there are high and low points. Although the forms are different, the groups are the same.

Let’s take Hanlin Mountain as an example. There is a kind of evil beast called Little Ice Star, which looks like a star made of ice. It uses mental power to set off wind and snow to attack, and it can also use mental power to move stones and other things to attack. , and then the further evolutionary form is called the Big Ice Star, which will be much larger in appearance and stronger in mental power, and then the higher-level evolutionary form is called the Gemini Ice Star, and there will be obvious changes in appearance, becoming two ice stars and one big A small half overlaps, the mental power is stronger, and the ability is of course stronger.

The Snowfield Assassin has never heard of an evolutionary form, but it cannot be ruled out that the Void Assassin is the evolutionary form of the Snowfield Assassin.

Qiao Ye held her chin up, feeling that she seemed to have cleared up some of her thoughts.

"This guy ran out from a deeper area?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring.

Currently, with the ice fortress radiating toward the depths, the exploration range of the world mysteries is about a quarter of the area of ​​the cold mountain, and the area covered by the construction of the guardian station is one-fifth.

That is to say, the evil beasts recorded in the illustrated book are only this part of the evil beasts, and there are no records of the evil beasts in the deeper areas. No, it should not be said that there are no records, but that they are not known at all.

If the Void Assassin came from a deeper area, it would all make sense.

"However..." Qiao Ye looked around and said, "The defenders here were killed by void assassins?"

Qiao Ye was a little unbelievable. The Void Assassin is quite difficult to deal with, but it seems that it is not so strong. Station No. 23 is also guarded by three day-level boundary guards. Even if the Void Assassin is weird With the ability to kill the Void Assassin, it shouldn't be so easy to kill.

Moreover, if it is killed...

What about the corpse?

Qiao Ye thought for a while, but still couldn't get an accurate answer, so he simply wrapped the body of the Void Assassin in a cloth and threw it into the space of the jade token.

There is no Evil Beast that I have seen, so the body of the Void Assassin must be brought back. This is very valuable, because it is related to those unexplored areas.

After putting away the corpse, Qiao Ye sent a message to Lin Keke, told him about the Void Assassin, and then asked about the situation of the No. 20 station.

After inquiring, Qiao Ye searched the interior of the station again to see if there were any missing clues, but in the end he found nothing, then picked up the summoning paper, and...


Qiao Ye glanced at the spiritual paper in wonder, but there was no reply?

Qiao Ye once again wrote on the spirit note: "What's going on with you?"

Seeing the spirit paper burning, but still no new words emerged on it, Qiao Ye's heart skipped a beat. Could something have happened?

Qiao Ye quickly changed a summoning spiritual paper, and directly sent a message back to the fortress to Xuan Fang: "Day-level boundary guard Qiao Ye reported that the members of Station No. 22 were ordered to explore Station No. 23 and Station No. 20. The current location is Station No. 23, but the guards who went to Station 20 lost contact."

After finishing writing, Qiao Ye waited for a while, and then felt that something was wrong!

Xuan Fang is a bit rigid in his work, or he is dogmatic. There are even regulations on the method of summoning, identity, task, and result. The summoning must be done according to this format. Qiao Ye and Lin Jiexu have never used such a rigid summoning method. tone of voice.

But on the other hand, because Xuan Fang is rigid in his work, he is very serious in his work. Usually, Xuan Fang will definitely reply within ten breaths after a summons. If there are too many messages, you need to think, or you can’t reply in a short time. Xuan Fang will also reply: Received, temporarily on standby.

There is absolutely no such case of no reply.

Could it be that something happened to Xuan Fang?

As soon as such an idea came to Qiao Ye's mind, he vetoed it simply. Xuan Fang is the person in charge of the boundary guards in Hanlin Mountain. If something happens to him, it means something happened to the fortress, so it's okay? Something happened to the fortress, which meant that Hanlin Mountain was about to end.

"So..." Qiao Ye's expression was a little confused, and he murmured, "Is something wrong?"

Qiao Ye thought of a possibility, not that the other party did not receive the summons, but...

I can't get my message out!

"What the hell is going on?"

Qiao Ye felt that things seemed to be getting more troublesome, so he tapped his forehead with his knuckles. If he couldn't get in touch with the summons, he had to go back directly. The question was whether he should go back to Station No. 22, or to Station No. 20, or Go straight back to the fortress.

With Xuan Fang's rigidity, Qiao Ye felt that he might be scolded if he went directly back to the fortress, since there was no order after all.

"Then go to Station No. 20 to find Lin Keke and the others!"

Qiao Ye made up his mind, then came to the door, signaled Polaris to get ready for battle, then grabbed the winch, turned the winch vigorously, and then pulled the iron gate open.

Although those evil beasts seemed to hit the iron gate for a while and then stopped hitting it, it does not necessarily mean that they dispersed. Therefore, after Polaris has already opened the door, the possibility of those evil beasts rushing in can be determined in the first place. Time to fight.

However, the moment Qiao Ye opened the iron gate, the evil beast did not appear. What first appeared was the whistling wind, which was very loud and sharp, with a deafening feeling, and then a large amount of wind and snow suddenly poured in. Inside the door, white frost flowers floated all over the place in an instant, fascinated his eyes in the blink of an eye, the bone-chilling chill made Qiao Ye shiver involuntarily, and even had a mouthful of snow poured into his mouth.

Qiao Ye immediately cursed, and quickly closed the iron gate again.


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