Chapter 1022 Gemini Ice Star

"You killed an evil beast (Sharp-toothed Earth Dragon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (ice giant lion), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (little ice star), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 28,000 points."


The blood thorn continued to push in all directions, killing a large number of evil beasts, and forcibly opened up a path.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye and Polaris started running wildly towards the front.

Although there are many evil beasts on the ice wall, they are far from reaching the level of the tide.

The so-called swarm refers to the continuous stream of evil beasts, which cannot be killed cleanly, and there can only be a large group of evil beasts entrenched on the ice wall.

After continuous attacks, Qiao Ye and Polaris fought their way out. Like a sharp knife, they pierced through the herd of Evil beasts, made a hole, and then got out of the herd of Evil beasts.

However, even though they passed through the herd of beasts, things obviously did not end so easily.

Qiao Ye and Polaris kept running forward, and the Evil Beast behind him obviously didn't intend to let Qiao Ye and Polaris go, and was still chasing crazily, chasing Qiao Ye one after another.

Even slower Evil Beasts will be bumped and trampled mercilessly.


Qiao Ye felt a surge of spiritual power.

Little Ice Star?

Most of the evil beasts in the Hanlin Mountain lineage are water and ice attributes, and not many are good at mental combat, and Little Bingxing is one of them.

Qiao Ye had cut off quite a few little ice stars before, but this time, Qiao Ye could clearly feel that the mental power that appeared was stronger than before.

So, Big Ice Star?


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion in the snow in front, and a snow spring suddenly rose into the sky, even splitting the blizzard into pieces.

In the next moment, a Royal Beast rose from the snow, and it was astonishing that two five-star crystal blocks were stuck together.

Twin Ice Stars!

This is the final form of the little ice star lineage, at least in the area explored by the boundary guards, the Gemini ice star should be the final form of the little ice star.


This guy is currently known to be the most powerful evil beast with a spiritual attack besides the ice demon.

"However, luckily it's a mental attack!" Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Behind you, in front of me!"

Polaris immediately slid sideways, sliding his body against the ice, then twisted his body, raised the crystallized hand crossbow in his hand, and continuously pulled the trigger towards the rear.

Along with the continuous firing of the hand crossbow in Polaris' hands, beams of aurora blasted forward continuously, falling on the chasing herd of evil beasts.

Boom, boom, boom!

As the aurora beams continued to fall to the ground, the sound of explosions resounded again, and gorgeous auroras continuously bloomed among the herd of evil beasts, looking extremely beautiful.

However, the constant death of evil beasts, the smell of blood, and the fallen corpses seem to be unable to make those evil beasts feel afraid, and even seem to arouse the fierceness of the evil beasts, becoming more Ferocious, even crazier.

Polaris directly threw away the crystallized hand crossbow, and then pressed his hands on the ground.

On Polaris' body, a piece of silver-white light continuously bloomed.

At the same time, on Polaris' neck, a necklace swayed from side to side continuously, emitting layers of frost and spreading towards the surroundings.

The third-grade treasure, Beiming Xuanxin!

Beiming Xuanxin (third grade) (treasure): a treasure made from the extremely cold ice in the northern abyss of Beiming, which can be worn by frost-attributed beasts. After wearing it, the power of all ice-attributed abilities will increase by 30%. The release speed of ice attribute abilities and ice attribute beast-controlling skills has been increased by 30%, and the beast-controlling skills can be performed by borrowing Beiming Xuanxin: Icicle Peaks, Winter of White Mist.

Icicle Peaks: Freeze a certain area, and condense a large number of icicles to attack all targets within the range.

Winter of White Mist: The white mist is condensed with frosty air, which can cover a large area, trap the enemy in the formation, or hide in it.

This Beiming Xuanxin was a reward for beheading the Flying Tiger Yang Chen when he was in the Beast Realm.

Qiao Ye strung a chain around Beimingxuan's heart and made it into a necklace, which was originally worn by Sibuxiang.

However, after Polaris became Qiao Ye's imperial beast, Qiao Ye gave Beiming Xuanxin to Polaris.

It's not that Qiao Ye likes the new and dislikes the old, but that Si Buxiang wearing Beiming Xuanxin is purely for looking good, and the little ice scum that Si Buxiang spits out is too little to make a bowl of shaved ice.

Before passing through the growth period, even if Sibuxiang is a unparalleled beast master, its combat power is completely negligible. This is also a problem that must be faced when cultivating a beast master from a cub, and every beast master is no exception.

Therefore, a third-grade treasure was given to Sibuxiang, which was purely for decoration, so Qiao Ye took back Beiming Xuanxin and gave it to Polaris.

Polaris is not a purely ice-attributed monster, but Polaris has the attribute of ice, so Beiming Xuanxin can also be used in the hands of Polaris.

At this moment, Polaris pressed his palms on the ground, and Beiming Xuanxin suddenly activated.

Icicle peaks!

The ground trembled instantly, making loud noises continuously.


Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the loud noise, huge icicles continued to rise one by one, flying those evil beasts that rushed up directly, and at the same time blocked the way out, those evil beasts jumped up, but were caught directly In the crevices of the icicles.

With the mobilization of the icicle peaks, Polaris finally stopped the rampaging beasts.

On the other side, Qiao Ye met Gemini Bingxing.

The twin ice stars exude silver brilliance all over their bodies.

The next moment, the surrounding ice rocks suddenly floated up, and then fell towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye was indifferent, without any intention of dodging, but slowly raised her hand and pressed forward.

"Play mental power with me?"

A look of disdain appeared on Qiao Ye's face, and at the same time, a spirit of the gods bloomed from behind, spreading towards the surroundings, and quickly outlined the spiritual map of Wanfa!

Gemini Ice Star is a headache for anyone, because Gemini Ice Star is indeed very powerful and not easy to deal with.

However, for Qiao Ye...

The troublesome spiritual power of Gemini Bingxing is not worth mentioning at all.


Qiao Ye's mental power is even stronger!

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

With Qiao Ye's palm facing forward, the flying ice rock suddenly hovered in the air.

next moment...

Those ice rocks actually flew back towards the Gemini Ice Stars, hitting the Gemini Ice Stars continuously, and forcibly smashing the Gemini Ice Stars floating in the air from the air.


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