Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1023 Can You Be Unlucky?

Chapter 1023 Can You Be Unlucky?


The twin ice stars hit the ground and wanted to float, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly raised her head and glanced at Gemini Bingxing.

It was still a competition of mental strength, but the famous mental attack beast in Hanlin Mountain was not enough for Qiao Ye at all.


The second muffled sound suddenly appeared, and under the oppression of Qiao Ye's mental power, the bodies of the twin ice stars exploded directly.

Gemini Bingxing's body exploded, turning into a pile of fragments and scattered in all directions.

"You killed an evil beast (Gemini Ice Star), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 58,000 points."

After killing Gemini Ice Star, Qiao Ye greeted Polaris, and the two continued to run forward.

While running, Qiao Ye glanced backward.

The icicle peaks trapped the evil beast for the time being. Although those evil beasts still did not give up chasing, they were constantly colliding with the surrounding icicles, trying to kill them. Cracks continued to appear on those icicles, but the ice The column obviously can hold up for a while.

Qiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief. With the time gained by the icicle peaks, Qiao Ye felt that it was enough to distance himself from the Evil Beasts.

But at this moment...

Boom, boom, boom!

Qiao Ye suddenly noticed that the ground under his feet was shaking violently. When he lowered his head and looked down, he could clearly see a huge crack appearing on the ground, chasing him.

There's something underground!


Qiao Ye cursed, the crack was getting bigger and bigger, and as it spread, it had become a gully, chasing Qiao Ye and Polaris closely.

Qiao Ye and Polaris could only continue to run forward quickly, not daring to slack off in the slightest.



Below the cracked gully, the violent sound reappeared.

The next moment, a giant dragon suddenly emerged from the cracked gully.

The giant dragon was unimaginably huge. It could even be said that it was the biggest dragon Qiao Ye had ever seen.

The dragon's body is crystal blue in color, and the dragon scales on its body are extremely clear one by one, as if they were carved out.

Of course, the most frightening thing is that the dragon's body length even exceeds thirty meters, and even, it can approach forty meters.

"General level, ice dragon beast?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback, and then quickly denied the idea.

That giant dragon is not an ice dragon, because it is an ice dragon, and although the ice dragon has the word "dragon", it actually just looks like a dragon, not a pure dragon. According to the drawing in the illustrated book, It is still different from the ice dragon in front of me.


Even so, this ice dragon that appeared suddenly was extremely difficult to deal with.

The huge dragon tail slashed forward, actually splitting the terrifying blizzard, as if hollowing out a piece of the blizzard.

The next moment, the huge dragon tail hit the ground, and the ground collapsed instantly. Large flakes of snow flew up from the ground, and cracks like spider webs spread continuously towards the surroundings, splitting the ground into several pieces.

The worst thing is that the evil beast that came out of the ground is not just this huge ice dragon.

Under the gully, there seemed to be all kinds of evil beasts lurking, and all of them came out of the cracked gully at this moment, running towards Qiao Ye's direction and chasing after them.

This situation is too bad.

Blizzard, a herd of evil beasts, and an ice dragon that is quite powerful just by looking at it!

Qiao Ye felt that there should be no worse things to come across. After all, the current situation is already bad enough, and can people still be unlucky all the time?


Qiao Ye encountered a worse situation!

In front of Qiao Ye, there was a cliff. The ground under his feet seemed to be cut in two. The cliff was in the middle, and there was a deep place below.

Qiao Ye couldn't help yelling, this is really an unlucky time, even drinking cold water can stuff your teeth!

"You have the guts to make me a little more unlucky!"

Qiao Ye roared, then glanced at the herd of evil beasts chasing after him, Qiao Ye pointed at the foot of Polaris, then kept backing away until about ten meters away, Qiao Ye suddenly started running .

Coming to the edge of the cliff, Qiao Ye reached out to stop Polaris by the waist, and then jumped towards the opposite side of the cliff in front of him.

The cold wind was howling all around, Qiao Ye tried to use the aura to float, but it turned out that it was useless without any accident, and he couldn't stabilize his body at all, and was directly blown away by the blizzard.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, and stretched her left hand forward. The claws of the Dragon Devil's Claw flew forward and nailed to the cliff on the opposite side of the cliff. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye's body swung towards the opposite side.

This made Qiao Ye slightly relieved. The appearance of a cliff may not be a bad thing at all. If there are no evil beasts that can fly in the group of evil beasts behind, then there is no way to chase them. I finally got rid of these guys up.

But at this moment...


On the ground where the dragon's claws were hanging, the ice wall suddenly made a loud noise, and immediately after that, countless cracks appeared and spread towards the surroundings.

"No way!" Qiao Ye said with an ugly face: "I'm just talking casually, don't make a worse situation happen."

With a crash, a piece of the ice wall suddenly shattered and collapsed downwards. Qiao Ye and Polaris naturally also continued to fall downwards.

Surrounded by wind currents, flying snow flakes.

Qiao Ye glanced down. The cliff was terribly deep, at least hundreds of meters high.

As soon as Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, she stretched out her hand to wipe it, and the Wanfa Lingtu behind her back burst into brilliance again.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

Tianwei is invincible, even if Fengyun Wanxiang can manipulate the sky, it is impossible to stop such a terrifying snowstorm.

However, it is still possible to temporarily stop the wind and snow in a certain area around Qiao Ye and Polaris by taking advantage of the situation, otherwise Qiao Ye would be unable to do anything under the gust of wind. Merry has already blown Qiao Ye and Polaris upside down.

And after using the situation to dissipate the surrounding wind and snow for a while, Qiao Ye was finally able to stabilize his body in the air, quickly grabbed the Polaris, and then retracted the claws of the Dragon Demon Claw. Flipped out sideways.

The claws of the Dragon Demon Claw flew out again and nailed into the ice wall on the side. This time, the claws were finally firmly nailed. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye took the Polaris and swung towards the side with the iron chain, with a bang , smashed hard on the ice wall.


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