Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1024 The Cold Mountain Python

Chapter 1024 Cold Mountain Python

Station 20!

Lin Keke poked her head out of the window, and she could see the snowy sky outside.

Lin Keke locked her head back, looked at the other two defenders and said, "I still can't get in touch with Qiao Ye."

In the corner, Qian Ruyi said indifferently, "If you can't get in touch, then you can't get in touch."

Lin Keke was obviously not very happy, looked at Qian Ruyi and said, "Old Qian, we both know that you don't like Qiao Ye, no, who doesn't know about the dispute between your Tianwu Academy and Xuehai Academy? It's fine on weekdays, we're all on your side, but now it's two different things!"

Qian Ruyi was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, my fault, I shouldn't have this attitude, but what can we do about this matter right now? The road is blocked by snow outside!"

Gao Mingyang sighed and said, "Don't worry, I have good news here."

Lin Keke said: "What good news."

Gao Mingyang said: "I sent a message back to the Ice Fortress, but there was no reply. You know that person Xuanfang, and it is impossible for him not to reply. Therefore, it should be that the news from our place cannot get out."

Qian Ruyi said, "Is this considered good news?"

Gao Mingyang said: "The inability to communicate may be related to the snowstorm. The good news is that Qiao Ye is stationed at No. 23. According to the direction of the wind, he should also be trapped by the snowstorm. Therefore, we cannot contact him, but it does not mean that Something happened to him."

Lin Keke said: "It can be regarded as good news amid misfortune."

Qian Ruyi said: "What are you talking about? The people in the two bases suddenly couldn't get in touch. They didn't see people when they were born, and they couldn't see their corpses when they died. They didn't understand at all."

Lin Keke said: "Fortunately, before the storm came, we had already communicated with Xuan Fang. Now that the road is blocked by the snow storm, we can't do anything. Let's talk about it when Xuan Fang sends someone."

Gao Mingyang and Qian Ruyi nodded. They were old defenders with rich experience, but they obviously couldn't make sense of the current situation.


Cold Mountain, Snowfield!

Ye Qingqing stepped on the snow, walking with one deep foot and one shallow foot, looking at the white expanse in front of her, she felt like tearing Qiao Ye apart.

What the hell is this guy doing?

What place is not good to go, if you have to come to such a hellish place, the environment is too bad.

Don't you just want to kill someone? Why is it so difficult?

This was the first time Ye Qingqing received a sect mission, and it was also the first time she went down the mountain. She really didn't want to return empty-handed.

While Ye Qingqing was thinking, she took out a strange compass and glanced at it.

"Oh my God……"

Ye Qingqing collapsed and knelt on the ground, Qiao Ye was five miles away from her position.

"This guy is crazy!" Ye Qingqing said sadly, "How can he run in this weather!"


Snowfields, glaciers!

Below the cliff is a meandering glacier.

There seems to be no habitat for evil beasts here, and it is very quiet, only the sound of howling wind and running water.


On the side of the glacier, there was a faint sound, and then...


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the ice wall on the side suddenly collapsed, and a large piece of ice fog rushed out along the glacier towards the front.

The next moment, Qiao Ye and Polaris jumped out of the icy mist, landed on the ground, supported themselves with one hand, and rolled forward!

The moment Qiao Ye and Polaris emerged from the icy fog, a huge monster slowly poked its head out of the icy fog.

It was an incomparably terrifying giant python, about fifteen or six meters in length. The snake's body looked like it could be hugged by seven or eight people. It swam quickly against the ice wall, came to Qiao Ye, and opened its blood basin. With a big mouth, he continuously spewed out snake letters.

Like the Void Assassin, this was another evil beast that Qiao Ye had never seen before. At the same time, this guy did not exist in the boundary guard's illustrated book.

Suddenly, the giant python jumped down from the ice wall and smashed its huge tail towards Qiao Ye.

Polaris immediately took a step forward, his body emitting brilliance, countless crystal shards surrounded Polaris' body, and a huge crystal shield was quickly condensed.


The huge snake tail hit the shield, and there was a loud noise instantly.

A huge force struck, and Polaris fell to one knee on the ground, but barely held on.

Just at this very moment...

Qiao Ye jumped up from behind and jumped directly onto the giant python's back. A black halberd was condensed in his hand, and he stabbed down forcefully.

With a puff, the black halberd pierced into the giant python's body, bringing out a splash of blood.

The next moment, Qiao Ye ran directly on the giant python's back, dragged the black halberd and cut a wound on the giant python's back, blood spattered continuously.

Perhaps it was because of the pain that the giant python exploded violently, its huge body lifted up, and the huge snake mouth opened again.


Polaris took the opportunity to jump up, and in one jump, he came to the big mouth of the giant python. While the giant python was twisting and twisting continuously, trying to throw Qiao Ye off, and had no time to think about other things, the knife in his hand The weapon turned into a crystal double crossbow again, aiming at Shekou.

Beast-monitoring skill, flurry!

Two aurora balls condensed in front of the crystallized hand crossbow. With Polaris pulling the trigger, the two aurora balls flew forward and directly entered the python's mouth.

In the next moment, the two aurora balls exploded in the giant python's body.

On the giant python's body, the sound of flesh and blood tearing kept ringing out, and then one after another aurora beams directly drilled out of the giant python's body, tearing the giant python's body apart continuously.


With a bang, those aurora beams exploded suddenly, and the giant python's body was instantly bloody, and the huge body finally fell heavily to the ground.

"You killed an evil beast (Cold Mountain Python), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 60,000 points."

Qiao Ye breathed a long sigh of relief, then came to the side of the glacier, wiped his face with some river water, and took a few sips to quench his thirst.

After a while, Qiao Ye got up and came to the side of the cold mountain python. It was a royal beast that he had never seen before. Logically speaking, it should be the same as the void assassin.

It is quite important to collect information about unknown evil beasts.

However, with such a huge body, Qiao Ye had no choice but to give up after taking a few glances. This whole piece was stuffed into the space of the jade token, and it might be possible to burst his own jade token.

So, after observing for a while, Qiao Ye decided to take off the fangs of the giant cold mountain python, and then peeled off a piece of python skin from the still intact part of the body, and finally cut off a small piece of the snake's tail, as a new species he had found. evidence of the beast.


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