Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1026 Encountered Encirclement Again

Chapter 1026 Encountered Encirclement Again

To put it simply, the Martial Emperor Realm is a process of creating a state of mind from scratch.

If the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm has no state of mind...

I'm sorry, if you can't comprehend the state of mind in this life, then your cultivation in this life can only stop at the Martial Emperor Realm.

In other words, the so-called insufficient talent, the upper limit is here.

Of course, Qiao Ye is a different kind, and he has a state of mind when he enters the Martial Emperor Realm. Therefore, since entering the Martial Emperor Realm, Qiao Ye has been stabilizing his state of mind, and it looks good so far.

When Qiao Ye does not need the Supreme Killing Realm, Qiao Ye will not lose his mind because of the killing intent of the Supreme Killing Realm, and when Qiao Ye needs it, he can quickly enter the Supreme Killing Realm state.

But it has always been stable, and there has been no breakthrough in the Supreme Killing Realm. I didn't expect to be waiting here. If you want to improve your state of mind, you must first let your cultivation base enter the Emperor Realm.

This is definitely a great piece of good news. Killing the realm has no real effect on improving one's own strength.

For example, every time Qiao Ye enters the Supreme Killing Realm, he will not improve his mental power, nor will he improve his physical body, and his martial arts will not become stronger.

However, Qiao Ye knew that he had become stronger!

To put it bluntly, things like mood are very mysterious. You don't know why you become stronger because of your mood, but you are strong.

And now, I can finally improve my mood.

However, at the next moment, Qiao Ye's heart skipped a beat.


A beast roar suddenly appeared, and judging from the sound, it should be very close to him.

"Damn it, have you been attracted by the killing intent?"

Stepping into the Emperor Realm, there was also a slight change in the Supreme Killing Realm. At this moment, Qiao Ye's killing intent appeared, and a trace of spillover appeared uncontrollably. It was precisely because of this trace of murderous spillover that Qiao Ye felt To be bad.

He quickly got up and left. He had just come out of the mountain crevice. Then, under the moonlight, Qiao Ye saw a huge ice lizard appearing on the ice wall, sticking out its tongue continuously.

And around the glacier, there are also many evil beasts with different appearances, and the number of evil beasts is constantly increasing.

There are actually not many evil beasts below the cliff, and it is obviously not the habitat of evil beasts. Along the way, except for the troublesome cold mountain python, I only encountered some scattered evil beasts, but obviously because The killing intent that he radiated at that moment attracted all the scattered evil beasts around.


Qiao Ye gave a low drink and rushed out immediately.

Those evil beasts were immovable, and when Qiao Ye moved, those evil beasts immediately moved, and flew towards Qiao Ye and Polaris.

Crystal shards swirled around Polaris' body, and soon, a crystal long knife and a crystal shield emerged.


Polaris protected Qiao Ye's back, raised his shield with a shield blow, knocked down an evil beast to the ground, then raised his long knife, and chopped it down forcefully, beheading the evil beast's head Falling.

After one blow, Polaris retreated quickly while raising his shield, constantly blocking the attacks.

I have to say that Polaris is really easy to use as a royal beast, and it is powerful enough.

When you need a meat shield, you can act as a meat shield, and when you need cover, you can cover. Qiao Ye rushed up, and can also perform long-range attacks.

And Polaris protected Qiao Ye's back, Qiao Ye was also able to fight with confidence, did not idle, rushed forward, stretched out his hand and held a black halberd in his hand, and slashed forward forcefully, an arc flashed Swept forward.

Puff puff……

After one blow, blood spattered!

As soon as Qiao Ye danced with his halberd, a pile of evil beasts fell in front of him.

"You killed an evil beast (ice salamander), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (snowfield ice leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an Evil Beast (Snowfield Assassin), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the Martial Soul value: 37,000 points."

Qiao Ye's eyes also brightened. If it was just her own feeling before, Qiao Ye felt that her strength had become stronger after entering the Martial Emperor Realm, but after all, it was just a feeling, and now it is real.

However, Qiao Ye cut off one piece of the evil beast, but two ends were not affected.

An evil beast exudes a metallic luster from its whole body. It is extremely hard and has a human-shaped outline. However, the facial features on the face melt away, like a faceless man, and its limbs are like blades, piercing the ground directly, like a wild beast, lying walk on the ground.

The other Evil Beast also had a human shape, but its body was festered, pitted, and covered with large areas of rot. The white bones in its body pierced out from its body, and dense bone spurs spread all over its body in an instant.

This was obviously another evil beast that was not recorded in the illustrated book. Seeing the other party rushing towards him, Qiao Ye threw the black halberd behind his back and kept moving backwards.

After avoiding the other party's pounce, Qiao Ye's spiritual charm bloomed behind him, and he quickly outlined the spiritual diagram of Wanfa.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

With a bang, Qiao Ye stomped his feet and rushed forward like a ghost. Spreading his palms, he gathered a thunderbolt and slashed forward.

The monster covered in bone spurs twisted its body, and as it turned, it struck Thunder hard.

When there was a clatter, sparks shot out, but the thunderbolt was unable to suppress the opponent, after a collision and blow, sparks flew all over the place.

After this blow, Qiao Ye knew that he was in trouble. You must know that although the spiritual power relied on spiritual power, Qiao Ye's spiritual power had improved somewhat when he entered the Martial Emperor Realm.

The improvement of mental power, of course, means that the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Diagram will also become stronger.

Seeing the two evil beasts rushing again, Qiao Ye let out a low cry, raised his foot abruptly, and the thunder surged under Qiao Ye's feet, making Qiao Ye look majestic, heroic, one with nature and man, breathing heavily, The surrounding thunder is full of light, and it is shrouded in all directions by infinite brilliance.

Qiao Ye showed a ferocious expression on his face and said, "Isn't it powerful enough? Then I'll give you two something more ruthless!"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, she raised her head and roared angrily!

In the next moment, a thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sky with darkness.

The thunder in the thunder cloud churned like a long snake.


The terrifying blood energy soared to the sky, making Qiao Ye feel as if his whole body was boiling, and then he punched the sky.

The thunder under Qiao Ye's feet rushed up into the sky and connected with the thunder clouds in the sky. A large pillar of thunder fell from the sky, covering the surrounding area, and directly enveloping the two evil beasts.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the fall of the thunder, there was a continuous roaring sound from the surroundings, and a large piece of ice rock on the ice arm collapsed, the ground was broken, and the ice debris rolled towards the sky.


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