Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1027 Winter of White Mist

Chapter 1027 Winter of White Mist

"You killed an evil beast (ice-rotted poisonous corpse), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 58,000 points."

"You killed an Evil Beast (Bone Ridge Beast), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and got the value of the Martial Soul: 61,000 points."


This time, the two evil beasts were unable to stand up, and their bodies were completely scorched black amidst the thunder and thunder, with their skin torn apart and bloody.

At the same time, when Qiao Ye saw the value of his martial soul, he knew that these two guys were hard stubbles, far stronger than ordinary evil beasts, and it seemed that there were only these two ends.

The number of powerful evil beasts will indeed be much smaller, and they will not be able to form a group.

However, Qiao Ye solved the ice rot poisonous corpse and the bone spine beast, but the crisis was still not resolved.

There was a violent noise from the ice wall, but it was the huge lizard that jumped down.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

Qiao Ye quickly turned around, and before the huge lizard rushed to him, he stretched out his hand to press the void.


An invisible force appeared, and the huge body of the lizard was directly thrown out, and then hit the wall.

The intangible power of aura is like a huge palm, firmly holding down the monitor lizard. Although the monitor lizard struggled constantly, it was still unable to break free.

Qiao Ye was also taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

Sometimes, many things can't be judged by performance, probably because after experiencing the ice dragon and the cold mountain python before, Qiao Ye felt that the monitor lizard was probably quite powerful, but in fact...

Some big guys are indeed powerful, but some big guys really only have long heads and are nothing!


Qiao Ye clenched the palms held in the air, and then there was a loud noise, and the body of the monitor lizard exploded, blood mixed with minced meat, scattered all around, all over the place!

"You killed an evil beast (Cold Mountain Monitor Lizard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 29,000 points."

Sure enough, the martial soul was worth less than 30,000 yuan, and that giant lizard was just a showman. Although it looked scary, it was quite a waste. Otherwise, how could such a huge body be crushed to death by Qiao Ye's random palm.

However, after killing the giant lizard, Qiao Ye looked around and suddenly found that there were a little more evil beasts around. Obviously, the evil beasts around were still gathering.

First, he was attracted by Qiao Ye's killing intent, and then he was attracted by the commotion of the battle.

This matter is like a snowball, it will get bigger and bigger, and it will get more and more. Once it is entangled, things may become very troublesome.

Qiao Ye thought for a moment, then decisively said to Polaris, "White Mist Winter!"

Winter of White Mist: The white mist is condensed with frosty air, which can cover a large area, trap the enemy in the formation, or hide in it.

Winter of White Mist, this is another ability of Beiming Xuanxin. Unlike the icicle peaks, this move is not used to attack, but to trap the enemy and escape.

Polaris got the order, so he naturally didn't talk nonsense, and put his hands together in front of his chest. Immediately afterwards, the Beimingxuan heart hanging on Polaris' chest began to shine.

As the light of Beiming Xuanxin became more and more intense, the surroundings gradually became hazy, and a large white mist appeared, covering the surroundings.

Those evil beasts that came to kill one after another suddenly became mindless at this moment, and began to circle in the white mist.

If there are too many evil beasts, the winter of the white mist will have no effect, because the number of evil beasts completely covers the area covered by the white mist, so no matter how the white mist covers it, it will be useless. It rushed out of the coverage of the white mist.

But with the current number of evil beasts, it can be said that the winter of white mist can exert an excellent effect.

Of course, Qiao Ye and Polaris would not be trapped. Under the cover of the white mist, they left quickly, and looked back at the whiteness behind them.


at the same time……

No. 23 resident ice wall!

Ye Qingqing almost burst into tears as she looked at the cliff ahead and the evil beast behind her.

That man is sick, why do he run wherever there are many beasts? The most embarrassing thing is that there is no way to run.

Ye Qingqing couldn't help but glanced at the compass in her hand. She manipulated Qiao Ye's body and was able to track Qiao Ye. However, she followed Qiao Ye's route completely and could not directly locate Qiao Ye's position. .


There is a cliff in front, and a beast behind!

If nothing else happened, Qiao Ye must have jumped off the cliff, so should he jump or not?

"Fall that bastard to death!"

Ye Qingqing couldn't help but cursed in her heart, and then jumped off the cliff.

I just want to complete the teacher's mission.

He just wanted to kill someone.

Why is it so difficult!

While Ye Qingqing was thinking, she fell sharply downwards, while a large group of evil beasts stopped on the edge of the cliff.


Ice Valley, Glacier!

Qiao Ye traveled all night, and finally left the range of the glacier at dawn and walked out.

This is a large snowfield, a vast expanse with no end in sight.

The good news is that there are finally no evil beasts around here, and Qiao Ye got a short chance to rest, but the bad news is...

Qiao Ye took out the map to have a look, then silently put the map back.

Being chased, jumping off a cliff, and running all night...

Qiao Ye is now completely unable to determine his position, and even the direction is unclear.

First of all, Qiao Ye can be sure that he is definitely in the unexplored area, but with Station No. 23 as a reference, Qiao Ye can probably infer his own direction, and then reverse the direction, and he can probably know where he came from. Which direction to go, you can go back to the explored area, and even know the direction of the ice fortress, but now, Qiao Ye doesn't know anything.

This is very troublesome. Qiao Ye doesn't know which direction to go. If he chooses a direction at random, will he go deeper into the unexplored area or return to the explored area?

This has completely become an unknown, it seems that it can only depend on luck, and Qiao Ye doesn't like to rely on luck, which is equivalent to handing over his fate to luck.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but looked up at the sky, the sky was still snowing, the surrounding wind was still strong, and the snowstorm hadn't stopped yet.

However, fortunately, the blizzard was significantly smaller than before.

In this way, maybe we can hope that the blizzard will pass?

Right now, the spiritual paper for communication has lost its effect. According to Qiao Ye's speculation, it should have something to do with the sudden snowstorm. After all, it was too coincidental that the spiritual paper could be sent normally, but when the blizzard suddenly came, the spiritual paper for communication became invalid. up.


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