Chapter 1028 Two corpses

Of course, there are many possibilities for affecting the arraignment, and it is not impossible that there may be other reasons.

For example, some evil beasts have such abilities.

Secondly, most of the void faults are places left over from the ancient times, and there may be hidden ancient formation patterns in them, and these formation patterns may also have an impact on communication.

However, as Qiao Ye ran all the way, the evil beasts killed several times, and the evil beasts chasing Qiao Ye also changed several times. Moreover, if it was the pattern, Qiao Ye ran so far, could it be that he still hadn't escaped from the pattern? area?

Therefore, nine times out of ten, the matter that the spirit paper of the summons cannot be used should be related to the blizzard.

As long as the blizzard stops and the communication can be carried out, then the communication spiritual paper can be used again, and then seek the support of other boundary defenders. At worst, as long as someone can give him some guidance, he should be able to walk back.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye sat down to rest for a while, casually grabbed the snow and stuffed it into his mouth to quench his thirst. He was about to get some dried meat from the jade card space to fill his stomach, but at this moment, Polaris suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed On Qiao Ye's shoulder.

Qiao Ye wondered, "What's wrong?"

Polaris is particularly easy to feed, unlike Sibuxiang's gluttonous dog, Polaris doesn't need to eat, or even drink water. Although Polaris looks like a human, its body is crystallized in essence, so it doesn't need to eat or drink.

Therefore, Polaris is definitely not calling himself to beg for food.

Of course, if it's the kind of food that is specially given to beasts, which can boost cultivation and strength, Polaris still eats it.


Polaris spat out harsh human words, then pointed forward.

Qiao Ye understood the meaning of Polaris, which was to let herself look ahead, but what's so beautiful about the white snowfield in front of her? There is nothing at all, and you can see it all at a glance...


Qiao Ye suddenly discovered that there was a black line in the snow field, as if something had been stuck in the snow.

Qiao Ye suddenly turned over and got up from the ground and said, "Go, go and have a look."

Qiao Ye walked forward quickly, stepped on the snow and came to the place quickly, then raised her eyebrows.

What stuck in the snow turned out to be a black gun.

Qiao Ye stepped forward and drew the gun out.

The whole body of the spear is black, only half of it, and the tip of the spear is gone. Judging from the texture, it should be a very good weapon treasure.

Qiao Ye threw away the broken gun, then stretched out his hand and dug in the snow. After digging about half a meter, he found that there was nothing underneath.

"Is there no body?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring.

Weapons are very important to warriors. Usually a discounted weapon means death, but here there are only broken guns and no corpses, which means there are no dead people.

So where did people go?

Qiao Ye looked up quickly, and then showed a look of embarrassment. If there was a battle, even if he didn't die, he should be injured. Then, there should be blood, but...

"This damn blizzard!"

In such a big snowstorm, no matter what was there, it must have been buried, whether it was the traces of the battle or the blood dripping from the injury.

"Then..." Qiao Ye held his chin and wondered, "Is there any hiding place around here?"

Judging from the depth of the severing gun inserted into the snow, it shouldn't be too long ago, at most a day or two.

At the same time, considering that the opponent is injured, and that the snowstorm will cause the snow to rise very fast, it means that the opponent should not leave too far.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye quickly unfolded the magic map, and then used the aura to float into the air.

After reaching the air, Qiao Ye looked down from above and quickly looked around.

Behind are two towering ice walls, forming an ice valley with a wide glacier. This seems to be the only place suitable for hiding, but Qiao Ye came from this place, so it should be in front.

But there is a vast snowfield ahead, where is there any place to hide?

Qiao Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, yes!

Qiao Ye fell from the sky, greeted Polaris, and then quickly ran forward.

It was a stone forest, located about two miles in front, the scale was not very large, but it seemed to be the only place around that could shelter from the wind and rain and take a rest.

Qiao Ye quickly came to the stone forest with Polaris, and raised his eyebrows after entering it.


In the stone forest, there are two corpses, almost completely buried by the wind and snow, only one outline can be seen.

Qiao Ye wiped off the snow from one of the corpses. A man in his thirties and forties had a big beard and was wearing a fur coat. His skin had already turned purple from freezing, and there was a wound on his chest. , although it is not where the heart is, but a blow that penetrates the body is equally fatal.

Qiao Ye opened the opponent's palm. There was a gun callus on the palm, so thick that it was hard to make a fist. It was obvious that he was a master of guns. The broken gun should belong to this man.

So, is this person the boundary guard of Station No. 23?

It could also be from Station No. 20. After all, the people from Station No. 20 have also disappeared.

Qiao Ye untied the opponent's clothes, but found nothing. The man's space treasure had already been taken away, and Qiao Ye did not find the boundary guard's token either.

Qiao Ye came to another corpse, wiped off the snow on the corpse, and...

"Discover Absorbable Items: Respite Mask (Fourth Product)"

"Is it absorbed?"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then quickly pushed the snow away. There was a mask on the corpse's face. The mask was weird, boxy, and it was actually made of paper, with hollow holes at the eyes and mouth. With a small hole, it looks quite rough, and it feels worthless for a penny on the street.

This turned out to be a fourth-rank treasure?

Spiritual breath mask (fourth grade): Made of thousand-year-old bamboo pulp, it can cover up one's own breath and form a quiet area to hide, making it difficult for people to find.

The information displayed on the light curtain is really a treasure.

Qiao Ye took off the mask, put it aside first, and then inspected the corpse.

"People from the spiritual realm?"

Qiao Ye quickly felt something. Although this person had been dead for a while, Qiao Ye could still feel faint spiritual power on the corpse.

This is the characteristic of spiritual monks.

After Wu Yu's death, as long as he is strong enough, his energy will remain for a certain period of time after death. The opposite is true for spiritual monks, because spiritual monks mainly cultivate spiritual power. If they are strong enough, their spiritual power will remain for a period of time after death. Time, from this point of view, this corpse should be from the Lingyu people.


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