Chapter 1029 Communication

There was also no treasure of space on the person in the spiritual realm, it must have been touched by someone, and there was also no token of the guardian of the realm to prove his identity.

Still, why wasn't the mask taken away?

Qiao Ye looked at the mask, well, he could almost guess why.

This thing is really bad. I'm afraid it's better to buy a mask on the street than this thing. It looks like I made it out of paper, it doesn't look like a treasure at all.

If it weren't for the reminder of absorbable items, Qiao Ye wouldn't have regarded this asshole as a treasure.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye inspected the body, and found that the spiritual monk's body had no external injuries. Then, when he touched the sternum, he could feel an obvious depression, but the sternum was completely shattered and died.


Qiao Ye murmured, the two corpses are quite interesting.

It can be inferred from the surface that the two have experienced fighting, but it should not be between each other. The reason is very simple. If they fought, how could they both die?

Well, it's not impossible, maybe both of them were injured in the fight, so both of them died, but the problem is that they lost everything on their bodies. If two people fought and both died, who took the things on their bodies? ?

Therefore, it is impossible for two people to fight each other and die, there is a third person 100%.

Secondly, the wounds of the two corpses are also very interesting.

Warriors in Wuyu were killed by piercing their bodies with sharp weapons such as swords. Spiritual cultivators in Lingyu were crushed by their sternum because of their sternum, because if it was done by a warrior, it would definitely not be just the sternum. Cracks, there must be marks on the surface of the body, but that body does not.

From this point of view, there may not only be a third person, but even a fourth person, or even a fifth person!

As for the identities of the two, although the token of the guardian was not found, the martial artist is likely to be the guardian of No. 23 or No. 20 station.

As for the spiritual monks, it is not ruled out that they may be the guardians of Hanlin Mountain.

Closer to the border area are No. 17 and No. 21 stations, both of which are under the jurisdiction of Lingyu. Are there any guardians of Lingyu missing there?

Qiao Ye didn't know. After all, although both sides were stationed in Hanlin Mountain, they were on their own and managed independently. They had nothing to do with each other. Inform Wu Yu to come.

The worst thing was the blizzard. There were traces of fighting, and some more useful news could be deduced, but the blizzard buried everything.

However, it was more or less a discovery. Qiao Ye put away the spiritual breath mask, then got up and saluted the two corpses, and continued to move towards the snow field.

On the way, Qiao Ye tried to send the message again, but unfortunately, the sound of the waves remained the same, and there was still no reply. It seemed that the spiritual paper would not be useful until the blizzard stopped.

Qiao Ye reluctantly put away the spirit paper of the summons, and walked forward.

Qiao Ye didn't know where he would go, whether he could return to the known area, or continue to go deeper into the unknown area.

However, Qiao Ye did not move forward aimlessly this time.

Because, that stone forest!

The broken gun fell in the snow field, which meant that the location where the broken gun was found was the place to fight.

After the battle, the two still walked two miles to the stone forest.

So, why?

Qiao Ye didn't know, but both of them were seriously injured. Even so, there was a reason why they still had to move forward. In that case, then, Qiao Ye followed the direction of the two of them to the stone forest and continued to move forward. Walk!

In the end, after walking for three days, Qiao Ye finally walked out of the snow field, and a glacier appeared again in front of him.

And, the damn blizzard finally stopped.

Qiao Ye tried to send a message again, and gave one to Lin Keke, and another to Xuan Fang.

Then, it turned out that Qiao Ye's previous guess was correct. The failure of the spiritual paper of communication was due to the celestial phenomena, the terrible blizzard, which made it impossible for the spiritual paper of communication to be contacted.

Now that the blizzard has passed, Qiao Ye was summoned immediately.

"Qiao Ye?" Xuan Fang replied very quickly: "What's the matter? Where are you?"

Qiao Ye said: "I don't know where I am, I arrived at Station No. 23, and then encountered a lot of evil beasts..."

Qiao Ye recounted her experience, and Xuan Fang quickly looked at a middle-aged man beside him. Xuan Fang had already mobilized manpower to search, and searching for such things required the help of the world's mysteries. The first person is the leader of the world's mystics——Yan Zhen.

"It should be south of Station No. 19." Yan Zhen said, "Going out in that direction is a large snowfield. Qiao Ye should have circled through the ice wall and entered the snowfield."

At this time, Xuan Fang looked down at the spiritual paper again, and words appeared on it: among us defenders, does anyone use a gun, black, with a black dragon wrapped around the end of the gun, and a twig in the dragon's mouth.

Xuan Fang asked, "What does the tip of the gun look like?"

"I don't know, it's broken." Qiao Ye said: "By the way, there should be a pendant at the end of the gun. I saw a ring, but the thing on it fell off."

Xuan Fang said: "It should be Huo Linjun's gun. He is the person in charge of Station No. 23. He brought two guards to supervise the construction of Station No. 23. How is he?"

Qiao Ye said: "Are you very muscular, with a big beard and a shallow scar on the right chin?"

Xuan Fang said: "Yes."

Qiao Ye said: "He's dead. I saw his body three days ago, but I don't know who killed it. There was a spirit realm man with him, who might also be a guardian, and died too. But the two It should not be a combat relationship, maybe they were chasing a certain target together, and then they were killed."

Xuan Fang said: "Man-made?"

Those killed by humans and those killed by evil beasts are definitely not the same concept. In the place of Hanlin Mountain, it is not surprising to die at the hands of evil beasts, but it is worth looking into the matter of dying at the hands of humans.

Because Hanlin Mountain belongs to a void fault that is not open, there are no outsiders except the guardians, the guardians of the world and the secrets of the world.

Qiao Ye said: "I'm 70% sure. One's breastbone was shattered, and the other's chest was pierced with a sharp knife. It doesn't seem like the method of the evil beast."

Xuan Fang pondered for a while, and then said: "I have sent two teams to Station No. 20 to meet up with Lin Keke and the other three. You stand by and wait for them to pass, and then take them to find the corpse. "

"Okay!" Qiao Ye replied, and then said, "I have received a reply from Lin Keke."


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