Chapter 1031

Qiao Ye couldn't help taking off the mask to have a look, is this thing working?

Qiao Ye patted the spiritual breath mask, but he didn't think it was fake. Information could appear on the light screen, and it didn't feel like wearing it.

However, this thing is to cover up one's aura so that others can't feel it. Although Qiao Ye can feel her own aura...

But if I can't feel it, doesn't that mean I'm dead!

After thinking for a while, Qiao Ye put on the spiritual breath mask and quietly followed.

When the time came, Qiao Ye said to Polaris, "There's only one mask, why don't you stay away?"

Polaris glanced at Qiao Ye, that look seemed to care for the mentally retarded, and then Polaris passed Qiao Ye and walked to the front.

Qiao Ye slapped his forehead, he was stupid, isn't the body of Polaris crystallized, where is the energy coming from, and he can't smell it, and he shouldn't be able to feel anything with his mental strength.

Qiao Ye hurriedly followed, not to mention, this spiritual breath mask seemed to be really interesting, and the herd of evil beasts in front no longer made any changes.

Qiao Ye deliberately moved closer, even closer than before, but the evil beasts didn't seem to notice her movements.

Follow the group of evil beasts all the way into the mountain.

The ice demon didn't seem to have the idea of ​​going up the mountain, but walked forward along the canyon between the glaciers. After walking for about five or six miles, Qiao Ye found that the canyon in front of him suddenly opened up.

At the end of the glacier canyon, a gap was formed between two glaciers. The gap was very strange, it turned out to be in the shape of a long strip, and it looked like a huge door.

When he got closer, Qiao Ye realized that this place was really unusual.

On both sides of the door-like gorge, in the ice wall, there are huge boulders inlaid. The boulders are strip-shaped, spreading from the bottom of the ice wall to the top of the ice wall, really like a huge door frame.

You know, this thing is not naturally formed, but artificially made, and embedded in the ice wall, and even carved on the stone strip like a door frame.

However, Qiao Ye didn't know whether the engraving was words or symbols. Anyway, Qiao Ye couldn't understand it.

at the same time……

The ice demon had already arrived at the mouth of the gorge, and all the evil beasts came to both sides of the gorge and knelt on the ground, while the ice demon came out of the thing like an ice sedan chair, and then walked into the mouth of the gorge alone among.

"what the hell?"

Qiao Ye saw everything, and couldn't help showing curiosity.

Qiao Ye looked forward, and the figure of the ice demon had disappeared behind the mouth of the gorge, but the other evil beasts didn't move, and they were so obedient, crawling on both sides of the mouth of the gorge.

From this we can see the commanding ability of the ice demon. These evil beasts are of different types, and they should not get along so harmoniously. Instead, he was ordered to do so!

However, those evil beasts are lying on the mouth of the gorge, so it is not easy for Qiao Ye to enter directly from the mouth of the gorge, unless it is to kill in, but now it seems that there is something strange behind the mouth of the gorge, Qiao Ye does not think it is wrong to go directly into the gorge For a good choice, it is best to think of a way to see what is going on behind the gorge.

Qiao Ye looked left and right, finally looked at the ice wall on the side, and winked at Polaris.

Arriving at the side of the ice wall, Qiao Ye raised his hand upwards, and the claws of the Dragon Devil's Claw shot out, hooking a raised rock.

Qiao Ye poked his head in the direction of the mouth of the gorge, and those evil beasts were still lying obediently on the ground. It seemed that they hadn't heard any movement, so Qiao Ye tightened the iron chain, and used the iron chain to slowly push himself down. Hang up.

After several times in a row, Qiao Ye finally climbed to the top of the ice wall.

Because he had already been tricked once last time, Qiao Ye was quite careful this time. Before climbing up the ice wall, he carefully poked his head, looked at the top of the ice wall, and made sure there were no evil beasts before turning over. ice wall.

Qiao Ye crossed the gorge through the upper layer of the ice wall, then quickly came to the edge of the ice wall, and looked down.

Behind the gorge was a huge mountain depression, which was intercepted by a glacier at the rear, forming a space.

And in that mountain depression, a large formation was actually arranged.

On the ice wall, on the ground, you can see the carved patterns everywhere.

"No, this doesn't seem to be a formation..." Qiao Ye frowned, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Is this a spell?"

Qiao Ye has been with Ding Xiang for a long time, and it's not for nothing. She knows a lot about things in the art field, and has gained a lot of knowledge.

For example, the difference between the pattern and the spell!

The technique can be said to be an extension of the pattern, or a more advanced pattern.

There are only array patterns, and various spiritual materials are used to make powder, or to draw with slurry, and it can also be formed by methods such as carving.

But the technique is powerful, it can be understood as a more advanced pattern, and people in the technique field call it layout.

Among them, the array pattern is the core of the layout, but in addition to the array pattern, it can be further arranged through the azimuth, celestial phenomena, and terrain.

The small is through the placement of some items, and the large is to use the topographical layout of mountains, rivers and rivers. There are many methods and layouts, which are difficult to describe in one word. It is impossible for a magician to be proficient in the world's magic formulas.

Not to mention Qiao Ye, of course, Qiao Ye is great just chatting with Ding Xiang, and she got a little hairy. Of course, sometimes, the skin is enough. At least Qiao Ye can tell right now that the people in the valley are not ordinary. Formation, but technique!

The formation pattern extended to the glacier cliff, taking advantage of the terrain of the surrounding ice wall.

In the four directions of the col, there are four statues of Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger. These four holy beasts symbolize the four directions and four spirits, representing the south, east, and northwest. According to different directions, Qiao Ye also saw golden tripods, bronze bells, and silver Mirror and iron drum.

However, Qiao Ye didn't know what these four things represented.


In the center of the mountain depression, there is a gathering of four spirits from all directions, gathering the aura of the four directions.

At the same time, surrounded by glaciers on all sides, it is difficult for the wind to enter. This is the art of hiding the wind. The glaciers are covered with ice and snow, and the ice is water. Therefore, this is also the art of holding water.

Hiding the wind and holding the water, gathering the spiritual energy from all directions...

This is an overall situation in the layout of the technique!

Therefore, the center is also the core of this technique.

At that position, Qiao Ye saw a stone platform.

However, this stone platform seems to have not been completed yet.

Qiao Ye only saw a square prototype, with stone steps in four directions, and a half-height stone platform in the middle. It seemed that it would continue to build up, but it was obviously not finished yet, and there were still a pile of huge stones around it. The stones and carving utensils should be used to build the stone platform.


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