Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1032 Why is this guy again

Chapter 1032 Why Is This Guy Again

Qiao Ye is now both puzzled and a little confused.

How could a technique that hides the wind and embraces the water and gathers spiritual energy from all directions appear in this place?

It's a bit unbelievable that a group of evil beasts can still arrange spells.

But even if Qiao Ye didn't believe it, there were some things in front of him, but he still had to believe it, because Qiao Ye saw the ice demon in the mountain depression.

After the ice demon entered the gorge, it came directly to the unfinished stone platform in the center, and then stood there without moving.

This means that the ice monster must have something to do with this place. As for whether this is the ice monster's lair, it's hard to say, but it doesn't rule out the possibility.


Qiao Ye scratched her head, her expression was even a little crazy, but she still felt something was wrong.

Ice demons can play tricks, this is a bit too unreal, how is it possible?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible!

But at this moment...

"Why bother? Even if those monsters are allowed to attack the fortress, it is impossible to take it down. The Ice Fortress has been built for decades and has not been breached. After all, it still has a foundation. Moreover, the current guard Nie Feibai , is also a difficult master to deal with."

"Who said that the fortress is going to be taken down? It's just a disturbance, so that the guards and defenders have no time to care about other things. Otherwise, there will be too much noise, and it may not be possible to alarm them."

"Could it be that you still want to make a big deal?"

"Correct solution, after seven days, my layout can be completed. At that time, a more terrifying siege can be launched. Even if the fortress cannot be broken through, the siege can last at least three days and three nights. At that time, we can start, the fortress The defenders and defenders inside are busy dealing with the siege, so how can there be time to focus on other things? Even if the World Mystery finds something abnormal, it won't be able to tell the difference."

"I see!"

There was a voice coming from the mountain depression, because there were echoes from the surrounding mountains, Qiao Ye had outstanding mental strength and his five senses were extremely sensitive, so although the other party's voice was not loud, Qiao Ye still listened to the other party's conversation verbatim into the ear.

Looking for the sound, Qiao Ye discovered that there was actually a cave under the ice wall on the east side. At this moment, some people came out of the cave.

Those who spoke were the two leaders, and...

When he saw the other party's appearance clearly, Qiao Ye's pupils shrank sharply!

"Why is it this guy again!"

Of the two leaders, one is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a goatee beard, wearing a white fox fur, a gold crown, and a silver sword stuck in the crown.

As for the other...

Qiao Ye is already familiar, even, it can be said that she is old.

The guy's name...

Jiang Liuxue!

Qiao Ye glanced around again, and then looked at the people behind Jiang Liuxue. After counting the number of people on the other side, Qiao Ye suddenly understood something, with an angry look on his face, and he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Qiao Ye has almost guessed the context of the matter!

There were three boundary guards in Station No. 23, and five in Station No. 20. A total of eight boundary guards were missing. Excluding Yan Zhen who Qiao Ye had seen in the snow field, there were seven people!

There are exactly seven people following Jiang Liuxue right now...

Corpse puppetry to revive the dead!

Jiang Liuxue was probably doing seven chases and three fights in this place, and ended up meeting the boundary guards, or it was purely for performing the corpse puppet technique, because Jiang Liuxue's trick of resurrecting the dead requires the body of a living person.

As a result, the defenders of the two stations were murdered. At the same time, because Jiang Liuxue used the corpse puppet technique to resurrect those people, the bodies were what Jiang Liuxue wanted, so there would be no corpses. If so, this move will indeed not leave traces of fighting.

As for the two corpses that Qiao Ye saw in the snow field, Yan Zhen should not be in the station, so he escaped unharmed. The corpse of the spiritual cultivator should also be a guardian, and he was walking with Yan Zhen. Maybe the two were My friend, maybe I left the station because I wanted to meet the guardian of the spiritual realm...

"By the way, they may be here to inspect the progress!"

Qiao Ye murmured in a low voice.

Although the No. 23 garrison was built by Wuyu, but because it is not an even number, it will be handed over to Lingyu for management after completion. Therefore, the guardian of Lingyu probably came to check the construction progress of the resident.

After the two found out what had happened, they began to pursue. At that time, there was no blizzard, and there should be traces of footprints and the like when they left. Unfortunately, the two chased to the snowy field, but lost to Jiang Liuxue and his group. In the end, he was seriously injured.

Xu Shi relied on his obsession, not wanting to let Jiang Liuxue go, instinctively chased forward, and finally died in the stone forest.

Among them, there may be some deviations in the details, but Qiao Ye thinks that's probably the case.

Because, this can explain why the people in the station suddenly lost contact, and at the same time, there were no traces of corpses or battles.

However, this was not the most surprising thing. What made Qiao Ye's heart fluctuate the most was that Jiang Liuxue's words just now showed that Jiang Liuxue was manipulating the Evil Beast's attack on the city!

First of all, there have always been evil beast sieges. It must not be manipulated by Jiang Liuxue every time, but this time it must be. Even after seven days, this guy plans to plan a larger-scale evil beast siege. Do something while the evil beast is attacking the city.

This is really an extremely shocking thing. Can the siege of the evil beast really pass through human manipulation?

Shocked, Qiao Ye kept thinking back to what Jiang Liuxue had said before, and finally set her sights on the spell formation.

Jiang Liuxue seemed to use spells to control the ice demon, and then used the ice demon to command the evil beasts to attack the city.

Well, it's not impossible.

After all, spells are indeed rather miraculous. Different spells have different effects, some of which can even be said to be unimaginable.

Is there any spell that can control the evil beast?

There is no such possibility!

Secondly, according to Jiang Liuxue's ability to resurrect the dead and possess the ability to manipulate corpse puppetry, this guy cultivated the ability of puppet manipulation in the art field, and the core of this lineage's ability is to manipulate puppets.

If you think about it this way, since Jiang Liuxue can resurrect the dead and treat the corpse as a puppet, then it is not impossible to use the ice demon as a puppet to manipulate and then use the ice demon to command more evil beasts .

"Wait a minute..."

Qiao Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration, if this guy cultivated the ability of the art field, and if he is proficient in the art of puppet manipulation, does that mean...

This time Jiang Liuxue is not new, is it the Jiang Liuxue I met last time?


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