Chapter 1033

"This is really a narrow road for enemies!"

Qiao Ye cursed in a low voice, and then took out the summons paper.

This matter must be told to Xuan Fang immediately, and then find a way to send someone over to smash this damn place, and the Ice Fortress must also make preparations early.

Of course, fortunately, there is still plenty of time this time.

Jiang Liuxue planned to set off an even more terrifying wave of evil beasts to attack the fortress seven days later, leaving the guards and the defenders with no time to take care of other things, which meant that the layout of the spell was not completed and it would take another seven days.

Then as long as Xuan Fang leads people to arrive within seven days and smash this ghost place, will Jiang Liuxue's plan come to nothing?

No matter what Jiang Liuxue planned to do in Hanlin Mountain, since he wanted to create a scene where the evil beasts attacked the city, it meant one thing.

What Jiang Liuxue wants to do, there is definitely no way to do it secretly, otherwise why do so many things?

Qiao Ye also did what he said, and immediately took out the subpoena paper and planned to subpoena, but the moment Qiao Ye was about to subpoena...

"Who's there!"

Jiang Liuxue suddenly raised her head and looked at the ice wall where Qiao Ye was!

"Someone is using the spirit paper of communication there." Jiang Liuxue said, "Go and see!"

"No way!" Qiao Ye said speechlessly, "You can even find out with a messenger spirit paper?"

However, since it has already been discovered, Qiao Ye doesn't care about so much. Whether you find out or not, you should first send the matter to Xuan Fang before you talk about it.

But also at this time...

A person beside Jiang Liuxue suddenly jumped out, and with a clang, he pulled out his sword from his waist, and then jumped up. When he jumped to the highest point, he slashed forward with his sword, and then used the force of the recoil, Keep going upwards, and soon you will jump onto the ice wall.

Qiao Ye took the spiritual paper and ran away, and said to Polaris, "Stop!"

Polaris immediately stretched out his hand forward, holding the crystal crossbow in his hand, standing on the edge of the ice wall, and pulled the trigger towards the bottom of the ice wall.

Boom, boom!

The sound of explosion suddenly sounded, and two polar beams appeared, blasting downwards.

The man with the sword let out a low cry, and slashed upward with a sword in mid-air, and then a beam of sword light roared towards the top of the ice wall.


The sword light collided with the aurora beam of the North Star, and there was a loud roar immediately. The sword light and the aurora beam exploded at the same time, and a large piece of light exploded. The ice wall was also shattered, and countless ice chips flew up, forming A fog of frost.

After a while, in the frost mist, the low-sounding voice came again, but it was the man who jumped onto the ice wall, jumped out of the frost mist, and swept his sword forward, and then the silver sword light appeared, flying over Yu Kong!

Polaris crossed his arms, and two crystalline double swords appeared in his hands!


There was a crisp chirping sound, and the sword light shattered. However, the huge force pushed Polaris backwards continuously, and his feet dragged two imprints in the snow.

After finally stabilizing his body, the weapon in Polaris' hands changed into a crystallized crossbow again, he raised it forward, and quickly pulled the trigger.

Boom, boom, boom!

One after another, the aurora beams flew forward continuously, bombarding the man continuously.

The man held the sword behind his back and ran along the direction of the ice wall with terrifying speed, avoiding the bombardment of the aurora beam continuously, and suddenly kicked his legs and jumped out towards the North Star again.


Polaris raised the crystal double crossbow to block a blow, and then leaped backward.

The man didn't chase, but that didn't mean he didn't pursue him. He directly condensed his sword finger and moved a little forward. After one finger, a sword energy suddenly appeared, flew forward, and went straight to Polaris' chest.

The sword energy swept forward, and kept moving forward, the entire void was trembling at this moment, shaking constantly.

Polaris quickly replaced his weapon with a shield and placed it in front of him.

With a bang, the sword energy hit the shield, making a crisp sound.

The man raised his eyebrows and shot again.

The man stretched his hands towards the sides, and silver-white sword lights appeared continuously, and the sword energy was as bright as stars.

Sword light strikes!

The sword light struck as if cutting through the air, and when it hit Polaris' shield, there was still a crisp sound of metal and iron clanging, but at this moment, the sword light suddenly burst, like an explosion .


There was a violent explosion, and countless sword lights frantically pushed towards the surroundings. In a large area around, the air waves were layered like ripples, like turbulent waves hitting the shore, and huge waves hitting the sky.

The sword light even shattered a piece of ground around it, the power was really terrifying.

The man with the sword also smiled coldly, obviously he didn't think Polaris could block the sword.

But at this moment...

The surrounding ice and dust dissipated, revealing a large area of ​​crystals, which criss-crossed and protected the Polaris in the center. Although there were obvious cracks on the crystals, it was obvious that the sword had been blocked.

The man holding the sword was suddenly furious, with awe-inspiring sword intent, pointed out, and then a sword aura pierced through the air.

But at this moment...

Suddenly, Qiao Ye's figure flashed and appeared in front of Polaris, with black smoke swirling in his hand, he quickly transformed into a black halberd, and slashed forward.

With a clang, Qiao Ye smashed the sword energy into pieces with a halberd.

"Sorry!" Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth and said, "It's time to change!"

After a halberd, Qiao Ye swept across with a halberd, bringing out a black light, and slashed towards the opponent. The man was also not to be outdone, and he slashed with the sword in his hand, and the extremely terrifying sword light reappeared.


The sword light and the halberd light collided together, making a loud noise, and layers of air waves continuously pushed away, forcing Qiao Ye and the opponent back at the same time.

"I know who you are!" Qiao Ye looked at the other party coldly and said, "Sword Qi Kyushu, the wind is not flat!"

The man with the sword narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm just the wind, how do you know me?"

Qiao Ye spread out her hands and said, "You kept the record of the cliff trial in Blood Sea Academy, the second level of Mountain Pass, right? By the way, speaking of it, I have to call you senior."

Feng Buping said: "It turns out that I am also a student of Blood Sea Academy. The records I left more than ten years ago are still there?"

"It was there." Qiao Ye grinned and said, "Unfortunately, I broke it!"

Feng Buping was stunned for a moment, and then sighed: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, everything has already changed."

"You're dead, so don't worry about such a useless reputation." Qiao Ye looked at Feng Buping and said, "It's safe to go to the ground, reincarnate early, why bother to come out again? Not to mention working for a tiger!"


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