Chapter 1075 Abnormality

So, Qiao Ye couldn't figure it out, Ding Xiang couldn't understand, Wei Weiru ran to Shuangyue Island, what's the difference between courting death?

Ding Xiang said: "Did you give up on yourself?"

This statement is a bit nonsense, but it is not impossible. With such a big commotion at the hunting conference, except for Du Kang, the flying thief, he is hard to find, and he has to be caught alive. It is very troublesome to hide somewhere, and everyone has no confidence...

Wei Weiru and Bai Qianjun, everyone treats these two people as dead people, the difference is only who can kill these two guys.

For the two of them, it was a close call, and now the close call has turned into ten dead lives...

Literally there is not much difference!

Qiao Ye spread her hands and said, "Anyway, if you think you are asking the right way, then let's go and have a look!"

Anyway, it’s not a good idea, so let’s go to Shuangyue Island to have a look, it’s not far away anyway.

Ding Xiang drove the boat towards Shuangyue Island, and arrived at Shuangyue Island in about half an hour.

And the moment he saw Shuangyue Island...

Qiao Ye and Ding Xiang exchanged glances, both of them had the same meaning in their eyes, there really was something tricky about this place.

Many boats were stranded on the beach of Shuangyue Island, ten, twenty?

Anyway, there were boats on the beach and among the reefs, and Qiao Ye and Ding Xiang lazy to count them, there must be dozens of them.

Ding Xiang said: "This is not right!"

Qiao Ye ignored Lilac, and the fool knew something was wrong. He landed normally and put the ship into the space treasure. It is impossible for so many ships to pile up there.

Those boats looked as if they had rushed ashore forcibly, so they crashed directly into the beach, or into the reefs along the coast.

Qiao Ye held his chin and thought for a while, either that guy Wei Weiru set up some kind of trap, or there is something wrong with this island.

"Receive the boat!" Qiao Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Don't let the boat approach Shuangyue Island directly."

Ding Xiang said: "Shall we swim there?"

Qiao Ye put his arms around Ding Xiang's waist and said, "Just take the boat away."

Ding Xiang nodded, and directly took the ship back to the Noble Phantasm of Space. The ship suddenly disappeared, and Qiao Ye and Ding Xiang immediately fell downwards.

Before falling into the sea, a large piece of spiritual charm appeared on Qiao Ye's back, and he drew a picture of ten thousand magic spirits every now and then. Then, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pressed down.

Almost instantly, a large swath of frost and mist appeared against the sea surface, and then there was a sound of "click, click", and the sea surface was immediately frozen.

Qiao Ye and Lilac landed steadily on the surface of the sea, and Polaris followed closely behind. When they stood on the surface of the sea, they condensed the crystallized crossbows immediately, alerting everyone around.

Qiao Ye let go of Lilac, walked forward, and directly took advantage of the frozen sea to walk up to Shuangyue Island.

Looking around, Qiao Ye said, "The boats are all there, but it seems that no one is there!"

Ding Xiang said: "Should they all go to the island?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Your Six Ding Liujia Strange Talisman can only be confirmed to be on Shuangyue Island, right?"

"I can only determine the approximate location. It's good to know that it's on Shuangyue Island. Besides, Wei Weiru can move around, so there's no way to determine the exact location." Ding Xiang thought for a while and said: "However, at least it can be concluded that he is still alive .”

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, this is nonsense, if Wei Weiru is dead, Ding Xiang's technique will not be able to ask the way.

Qiao Ye looked around for a while, and then found that there was nothing to look at, except for many ships that were stranded, and the coastal terrain was still very simple.

"Go!" Qiao Ye pointed to the forest by the beach and said, "Go and have a look!"

There are no footprints on the beach, because even if someone left behind, when a boat washes up on the beach behind, the sand will definitely be lifted up, and then the footprints will be covered up.

However, there are footprints near the woods, and there are many footprints, from many people.

Qiao Ye thought about it, so it seems that there are indeed many people who have landed on the island, and have already entered the island?

Is there any reason for people to sail directly towards the island?

Qiao Ye didn't think about it, so he didn't think about it at all. The target of hunting was on the island, and he had to enter the island no matter what.

After Qiao Ye signaled, Polaris changed his weapon into a crystal axe, went into the woods to explore the way, and used the axe to chop off some hanging vines.

Qiao Ye walked in the middle, and as for Ding Xiang, who was slightly stronger than the powerless chicken, she naturally fell behind.

The forest was very quiet, there was no sound at all, not to mention human voices, not even the sounds of wild animals and birds, the only thing that could be heard was the "rustling" sound of stepping on the grass blades, and the sky was also dark at the moment It got dark, and the light in the woods was extremely poor.

"Be careful with your step, don't get tripped." Qiao Ye said as he walked, "Follow a little tighter, if you can't keep up, tell me."

Ding Xiang nodded and said, "Okay... ah..."

Just as Ding Xiang agreed, she suddenly screamed.

Qiao Ye immediately turned her head, and then saw a black shadow grabbing Lilac and rushing out to the side, the speed was terrifying!

Qiao Ye's heart froze, and he immediately chased after the black shadow, feeling a little surprised at the same time.

Qiao Ye didn't take it lightly. After entering the woods, Qiao Ye radiated her mental power to the surroundings, always keeping an eye on her surroundings, not to mention people, as long as any living thing approached or touched the area that Qiao Ye radiated. After the mental strength, Qiao Ye would feel it.

However, Qiao Ye neither sensed the opponent's approach through his breath, nor did he feel the opponent's approach through his mental strength. The black shadow seemed to appear suddenly, grabbed Lilac and ran away.

Ding Xiang was directly grabbed by the opponent's arm, then fell to the ground and dragged. Moreover, the opponent's speed was faster than Qiao Ye's imagination. Qiao Ye tried to catch up, but he couldn't catch up for a while.

But at this moment...

A sudden silver light flashed in the woods, but Polaris was chasing after him from the other side, and at the same time raised his hand crossbow to shoot forward.

However, Polaris did not use the aurora beam this time, because it would hurt Lilac.

It was also the first time for Qiao Ye to know that in addition to emitting aurora beams, Polaris' hand crossbow could also condense crystallized arrows for shooting. Moreover, Polaris' aim was as good as ever.

The crystallized arrow struck from the side and rear, and hit the black shadow accurately. The huge force directly knocked the black shadow into the air, and hit a big tree on the side.

Qiao Ye stepped forward quickly, pulled Lilac up and said, "Is it important?"

Ding Xiang gritted her teeth and endured the pain, "It's okay, it's just a skin injury."

Qiao Ye nodded, quickly stood in front of Ding Xiang, and looked forward, the black figure slowly stood up from the ground.

After seeing the black shadow clearly, Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Ghost?"


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